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Bad Trader Reports

Username: vince35

Status: active
Created: April 11, 2000 at 4:56pm (EDT)
Edited: December 29, 2006 at 7:36am (EDT)
Mr. Miles and I agreed to a trade of his Mr. Domino (MrD...PSX) for my Secret of Mana (SoM...SNES). We agreed to ship simultaneously via USPO Priority Mail. I sent SoM on February 8 or 9. On February 12, I emailed Mr. Miles to make sure he had received SoM and inquire if he had, in fact, been able to ship at the agreed time. He replied on February 13 that he hadn't shipped yet because of lack of computer access but would ship MrD right away with $5 to make up for things. I hadn't received MrD on February 22 so I emailed Mr. Miles again, and asked what the hold up was. He replied on February 23 that there had been a problem with the post office but would send MrD to me very soon. On March 6 I emailed Mr. Miles again, as I still had not received MrD. I asked he either return SoM to me, or send me MrD as we had agreed to. He replied on March 10 that there had been another postal problem but would, once again, be sending MrD right away. On March 25 I sent another email to Mr. Miles, this time to his main email account (prior to that, all our communication had been on his hotmail account) asking, once again, that he return SoM to me or send MrD. I received no reply. I phoned Mr. Miles on April 1, and talked to him. He said he had been on vacation for a week or so and would ship MrD to me on Monday, April 3. As of today, Tuesday, April 11...I not heard from Mr. Miles, nor received anything but excuses from him.
Reported By: Radiotalent

vince35 BTRs

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    offensive (This account is not active)



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