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Bad Trader Reports

Username: nukeuler69

Status: active
Created: May 17, 2000 at 2:25am (EDT)
Well, it's been a month. I've sent my side of the deal (a PC game) and gotten nothing in return. I was supposed to get a VMU per our pending trade, but I have yet to see a thing. He has not replied to my AIM sends, and has only replied to sparing e-mails, one recently to ask for my address. I wish he would use it to send me my VMU.

As it is, don't trust this guy. I have yet to see my side of the trade, and it's been a long time now. I'd be willing to reason out a compromise of some sort, I'm all about being fair (and I try to be when I get a little sluggish on deals), but this is unacceptable and ridiculous.
Reported By: sav2880

Username: nukeuler69

Status: active
Created: April 17, 2000 at 2:48pm (EDT)
We made a deal to trade a game gear to me for a Nes & some hook ups.
It's been over 3 weeks since we made the deal & I have'nt got the game gear yet, but he picked up The nes on 03/30/2000. Then when I e-mailed him he clamed we never made a deal. & when I sent him what he had e-mailed me before he said that I never gave him my address so he could'nt send it. So I sent it to him & It's been 12 days since I sent him my address & I still have'nt got it. When I get either the game gear or the nes & the hook ups I will take this down. Got me dan.
Reported By: GAMER14

nukeuler69 BTRs

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    bad email (This account is not active)



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