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Bad Trader Reports

Username: Clutch6

Status: active
Created: October 26, 2002 at 2:53pm (EDT)
Agreed to trade my Grand Theft Auto 3 for his Neverwinter Nights.Just before mailing Greg e-mailed me with a proposal to include two versus guides(walkthrough and world builder) in addition to the Neverwinter Nights game if I were to send Gothic (cds in jewel case only) with GTA3.We agreed to the new deal.Greg e-mailed me saying that he had sent my game and guides on 8/22/02.Two weeks passed and I e-mailed Greg to see if he got my games and he did.I told him that I had not received mine so he asked for my address again to verify where he had sent them.This was on 9/10/02.I e-mailed Greg again because I had not heard from him.On 9/18/02 he e-mailed me saying "what do I do I sent your games to the wrong address to another trader that I had a trade going with".I responded by asking Greg to send my games back with $5 to cover my shipping expenses and told him to get his games back from the other trader. On 9/18/02 he responded by saying "I'll ship them back to you but not the $5 for shipping.Tough be happy you're getting your games back.How do I know you could have changed the address on me,anyway they will be in the mail in the next few days or so." This is the last correspondence we had with one another.I have e-mailed Greg several times and he has not responded.I told him that I would pursue furthur action(fraud,legal,etc.)if I did not hear from him and I still have not.This bad trader report starts that process.I noticed that Greg's account has now been inactivated. ifill4u
Reported By: BigBopper

Clutch6 Happy Birthday to Me BTRs

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    bad email (This account is not active)



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