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Do You Tip Against Company Policy?
30-Jun-23 10:00am
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

So, I’m feeling guilty. My coworkers tip and I feel as though I see other people tip the employees of the big blue box retailer (Walmart) that place your pickup items in your trunk.

But it’s against company policy, so I don’t do it. I also do not assist them in their job of loading the vehicle in lieu of a tip, also company policy.

Another caveat is: who’s getting tips to the employees picking the orders in the actual store. Seems like more work than moving a cart from point A to B, then unloading.

Am I an butt-hole?
30-Jun-23 10:06am
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews

I tip at restaurants and my hair stylist, that's it. I've always hated tipping in general and wish it would be done away with in restaurants. But lately, it's gotten way worse. EVERYONE is asking for a tip these days, it's ridiculous.
30-Jun-23 10:06am
600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

Wait is tip an option when picking up? I always tip when I get stuff delivered from Instacart or Doordash but never at the store. I'm sort of against all the tipping madness and think people should be getting paid a fair wage. Though a lot of these tips are weird, if I'm gonna tip I ask if I use my CC if they're gonna get it or split it. If they're splitting it, I tip that person cash. It just depends on if it's just their normal job and not a big deal to provide a service, or if it's the extra mile sort of thing. I don't tip Starbucks, but I will tip at a sit down restauraunt.

I've told my staff if people offer tips to take them, sometimes they do. If I get tipped as an owner I will buy the staff drinks/snacks or something.

30-Jun-23 10:15am
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews

When I worked warehouse at Circuit City, part of my job was taking heavier items out to the customer's car and loading it for them. People would tip me occasionally and I always appreciated it, but I never expected it. I was loading heavy TVs and stuff too, not a few bags of groceries lol.
30-Jun-23 10:48am
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

I mean the only way for the employee to get Into trouble by accepting a tip is to rat themselves out, have a co worker rat them out or a micromanaging Manager watching cameras/following the employee around to make sure they don't get tips.

30-Jun-23 4:44pm
Triple Gold Good Trader

@ the Home depot by me, they don't accept tips.. I had some guy help me put a very large and heavy box in my van and I was gonna throw him a $5 and he said they aren't allowed..
30-Jun-23 5:16pm
Double Gold Good Trader

We had part of a tree fall in the yard a couple years ago. Huge amount of branches everywhere. Didn't know how to dispose of it.

There was a garbage truck parked down the block. Looked like the two guys were taking a break. They said that whatever we can carry over within 10 minutes they'll take. Was a huge help.

Tried to tip them, but they wouldn't outright accept it. But after being insistent that we have to give them something, they agreed for us to leave a 10 in the back of the truck. Tried giving more, but they wouldn't hear of it, said that 10 was plenty. Maybe there's a company policy for sanitation not to accept tips? I don't know.
30-Jun-23 5:28pm
Triple Gold Good Trader

Few years ago, we were in the midst of a huge summer heat wave.. The garbage guys came by and took a huge amount of crap from my house.. I was actually on my way out to get some food and I asked them if they were hungry. Long story short, I found them down the street and got them each a meal from BK. Trust me, a little goes a LONG way. I always try to give my garbage/recycling guys/mailman cold drinks on hot days. Just shows that you care and appreciate what they do..
1-Jul-23 8:39am
Triple Gold Good Trader

If you feel like offering a tip, simply ask. If they refuse, accept their response. If company policy is to refuse tips, a guy could get fired for accepting one. Surveillance cameras everywhere. Let their manager know you appreciated their help. If you fill out a survey, mention them by name.

At Christmas, the trash collectors put a card on the empty trash cans and hope everyone leaves them a tip the next week. I walk my dog in the morning and sometimes through the year people will leave drinks and other snacks out for them.
1-Jul-23 8:46am
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

Good advice. I’ll continue leaving them positive feedback online but avoid the tipping, especially since I’d only be tipping 25% of the staff responsible for my order completion.
1-Jul-23 1:23pm
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 1 Review

The only way I'd tip on a pick up order is if there were a lot of groceries or heavy items ordered. I used to slip my UPS guy $50 at Xmas. He deserved more, but I didn't have it. It was common for me to order 70lbs in an order at least once a month. Several times a year he'd haul 400 lbs to my door. He definitely earned it. Akways had hot/cold beverages and snacks ready for him to choose from. My Instacart shoppers have been getting great tips from me the last couple of months because there's no water in the house. I've been ordering 35 - 45 gallon jugs of water with my grocery order while my disastrous plumbing situation is resolved. Normally, I tip 15 to 20%. They've been getting a lot more. They deserve it. I can't haul all that onto my porch. I tip well at sit down restaurants. I know what it's like to work in the service industry. I try to be fair and I try to tip well. CS work sucks. This business of tipping people because I go to a counter and order a soda? That's bull. That's called your job. You are hired to get people a beverage. That's not a tipping situation. Everybody's asking for tips now. Businesses are now asking for tips when you pay even though the transaction didn't include another human being at all. At no point did a human being assist you in your shopping experience and these businesses are asking if you want to tip. Tip what? The cash register? Ridiculous.
4-Jul-23 3:40pm
450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

Tip waiter/waitress/bar tender, cab/Uber/DoorDash driver, movers, and valet. Kind of a dick move not tipping those folks, but fudge tipping any others.
7-Jul-23 4:34am
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

I tip for service. I don't appreciate mandating A TIP. If you offer bad service you shouldn't be rewarded for it. Have an issue with your hourly wage there's plenty of jobs available that will compensate you otherwise.

I just saw the guys from SouthPark mandate a no tip policy at the infamous "Casa Bonita," from the show. All Waiters/Waitress' make $30 an hour on a no tip rate. Same goes for bartenders.

I've worked for company's that tip share and companies that tip outright. Don't really believe in that concept. Maybe if these employers rewarded those with tenure on their gratuity it would be different.

One thing i do out of practice since i travel uber/lyft everywhere is if i take A 2nd ride in the day i automatically tip the driver $5 no ifs ands or buts. If i know the driver had good service with them prior i tip them the same. if they thank me for it and i get them again i continue the trend if not it is what it is.

One thing ive noticed is a lot of drivers get brag about what else they do or how they generate income. Which is cool for conversation, but telling me you have a food truck business you survive financially on working 25 hrs a week or you're service dog makes you damn near a grand on a call. Yea Please stop doing that drivers. I get the hustle, but nobody feels sorry for somebody with money in their pocket.

Do You Tip Against Company Policy?