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Username: method_man71

Status: active
Created: March 23, 2004 at 2:57pm (EDT)
Method Man (Barrett Theroux) stole my Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes, I demand that you send it back to me in the condition that it was sent to you (unopened) I also want my shipping costs refunded.

For everyone else that was scammed by method man, call Edmonton Police Detective Ron Scolds and leave a message on his machine explaining the situation. His phone number is: 1-(780) 421-3584.

Also you can report him for mail fraud at the FBI's Internet Fraud Complaint Center at:

This will come down and I will drop the charges against you when I get my unopened Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes back.

UPDATE: I have recieved word from another GTZ user that his phone number is: 1-780-457-3984 You might want to try calling his parents/him

UPDATE 2: I have reported him to both the police and USPS for fraud. I highly encourage anyone who has not yet called the Edmonton detective and or filed mail fraud to do it. The more complaints they recieve the faster we get our stuff back. You won't win method man, you are going down.

UPDATE 3: ??? All these months have passed and today I receieved Ominusha 2 in the mail, it must belong to someone else, because I never sent this to him. If you have decided to start sending the stuff back then send me the correct game I sent you. If this game belongs to someone else let me know and I can get it back to you.
Reported By: TVC15