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Bad Trader Reports

Username: Red03Red

Status: active
Created: March 12, 2002 at 12:06am (EDT)
We had a deal that I'd trade him NBA Street for Spy Hunter & a Ja Rule CD. I received Spy Hunter, but there was no CD. He agreed to send me $5 in place of it. I'd probably of let it slide except that he gave ME bad ratings and tried to make it seem like my fault. AVOID THIS PUNK AT ALL COSTS!
Reported By: BoneThug

Username: Red03Red

Status: active
Created: December 2, 2001 at 9:03pm (EDT)
Way back when, we agreed for me to buy his DC package which was supposed to include a DC, controller, Memory Card, Rumble Pack, Jedi Power Battles, DOA 2, NFL2k and NBA 2k for $50. All of the games were supposed to be complete, mint, and of course, originals. When I received the package, Jedi was disc only, DOA 2 was a burned copied, NBA2k was incredibly scratched up (had to be resurfaced), and there was no NFL2k. Originally through email, I agreed that if he just got me NFL2k, i would fuss about it, but he has not emailed me back since early October, so I will now keep this up until I get a MINT COMPLETE ORIGINAL DOA 2 and NFL2k.
Reported By: Chad

Red03Red BTRs

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