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24-Mar-23 1:28pm
450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

Anyone messing with these new AI programs? This will change the world.
24-Mar-23 4:35pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review

Seeing some of the stuff on the inside at Microsoft ... it's pretty amazing. Lots more coming.
24-Mar-23 4:45pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

The whole Copilot stuff is going to be incredibly useful for businesses. So many people won't need to memorize all the features of the Office 365 suite.

Open AI/Chat GPT has already been super helpful for so many people to write code, summarize information, create first drafts. It's going to save so much time.

If MS brings back Cortana powered by Chat GPT, Windows could be incredible, especially if it clearly understands voice commands. Just imagine, talking things into existence. "Hey Cortana, prepare my taxes"

24-Mar-23 7:24pm
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 1 Review

I've been using it to help me write script to automate some google forms were are using to intake issues from our production environment. Basically went in asking it if I could set it up to automatically set up emails and we are so far down the hole now we are having it send issues to specific people based off use case. I have no experience writing scripts but not only does the AI tell me what I should write, but it explains what each section is so that I can replicate on my own. Really awesome stuff.

On the flipside I asked it to write me a death metal song about dying in a fire and you can tell that this thing won't be a major influence on entertainment production just yet haha. While the lyrics were competent enough, they were def not death metal lyrics and they were very boring. Southpark recently did this with the ending of their episodes and you can def tell it was written by an AI.
24-Mar-23 7:58pm
600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

There once was a guy named Bill,
Whose passion for gaming gave him a thrill.
He loved to trade and collect video games,
And dreamed of creating a site with global aims.

He started small with just a few,
But his love for gaming soon grew and grew.
He traded with friends from far and wide,
And realized he could build a worldwide ride.

So he built a website with great care,
A place for gamers everywhere,
To trade, buy, and sell their games,
Movies, books, and all other claims.

Users from around the world were now allowed,
To trade, sell, and buy without any shroud.
A marketplace for all things gaming and more,
A community where gamers could truly explore.

Bill's website became the talk of the town,
Gamers from everywhere came to be found.
Trading games, movies, books, and more,
Their love for all things entertainment did soar.

Bill's dream had become a reality,
A place for gamers to find solidarity.
His passion for gaming had led the way,
And his website still thrives to this day.

24-Mar-23 10:06pm

From a company perspective all of this is great.
Companies can go from staffs of 100 to 1.
But... it will kill millions of jobs.
If a company can produce something for less and quicker they will.
The only problem right now is copyrights. Nothing created in these programs can be owned by one entity.
It's all public domain.
Sadly it's also going to water down all of arts value.
If I can create literally anything I want via a prompt it ceases to hold value.
Especially if anyone can do that.
It's like what the MP3 did to music. People stopped buying CD's.
Or streaming did to video stores.
Or photography. How the digital camera killed the value of photographs.
Once this really takes off will schools even teach arts? Will there be a point?
If you no longer need these skills will they need to be taught?
Will there be "how to prompt" classes?
And if these things aren't taught how do you teach creativity?
Think about social media. People are communicating more than they ever had, but it's rare to find someone who can really hold a conversation in person.
These big players like Microsoft/Google have "rules" to what can be created, but copy cats likely won't.
Can you imagine someone taking your pictures and videos on social media and making porn from them?
Or pictures of you killing people or people horrifically killing you or your children?
It's going to happen. And it's going to be so realistic nobody will be able to differentiate reality from fiction.
Meaning anything and everything will eventually be able to be doctored and exploited.
Think of all of the scams that could be run.
Right now you're just seeing cool AI pictures, but full video is coming next. Same with voice stuff.
Replicating a persons voice with vocal samples.
Creating full beats/songs by humming a tempo or pattern,
Think about all of the data Tiktok, Instagram, and Facebook have collected over the years.
Nobody is safe.
No job sector is safe once this really takes off.
Coding, law, medical, art, communications, music, etc...
And places like Walmart and Target are like 90% self checkout now....
Where will people work in 10 years?

25-Mar-23 5:55am
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews

@sinnie *blush*
25-Mar-23 12:05pm
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review

This will be absolutely horrible even with all the things it COULD be used for.
4-Apr-23 12:21am
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review

Found my first legit use case!

So, I've been building resumes for others, for... I dunno, 20 years? I've had a knack (I think) for building/rebuilding both in look/feel, and wording. I purposely will take days to let the words settle in, and continue to iterate.

Well, my buddy needed a big spring cleaning on his with less than a day to submit. Took the old resume (which I built back in 2013) and asked ChatGPT to rewrite the narratives and bullets.

Holy crap was I impressed! Incredibly better worded, much better than I would have done with additional time. I typically word play with, find examples online, and iterate over multiple cycles. What this did in mere seconds, was truly fantastic and I'm basically worthless now!
4-Apr-23 2:14pm
Silver Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review

It's been good for boiler plate contract creation. Still modify them a great deal as, I don't want to feed personal data, financial data or identities into a giant unregulated information synthesis vacuum.
4-Apr-23 3:19pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

Qpalzm wrote:
It's been good for boiler plate contract creation. Still modify them a great deal as, I don't want to feed personal data, financial data or identities into a giant unregulated information synthesis vacuum.
You could probably simplify some of your modifications by supplying it an anonymized persona (ie: John or Jane Doe) and dummy numbers then just perform a few search and replaces.

4-Apr-23 3:55pm
Silver Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review

Good idea.