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Bad games that you're still nostalgic for...
30-Mar-23 1:06pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

Was just reminiscing about about the old SNES/Genesis days and was thinking back on some of the games that were either bad or I was just really bad AT that I still can't help but feel a huge amount of nostalgia for whenever I think about or see them. There are also a bunch of games that just aren't remembered fondly that weren't necessarily BAD but not all that great either.

First one that comes to mind is Wayne's World on Sega Genesis. It's just so retro-looking... with the warehouse music store setting and all the audio equipment used as platforms, with the blinking lights and whatnot. Immediately transports me back to the 90s and seeing that sort of thing in any audio section of a store.


I know there are so many more I could think of but figured I'd see what ones pop to mind for you folks.

30-Mar-23 1:21pm
Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews

Fester's Quest
Jim Power the Lost Dimension in 3D
Final Fantasy Legend
FInal Fantasy Legend II
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
30-Mar-23 1:35pm
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

That Bill & Ted NES game. I might download it on Switch at some point.
30-Mar-23 2:20pm
Double Gold Good Trader

There was this PC DOS game that I was pretty bad at. But once in a blue moon I go back to it because it's installed on my laptop. I think it's called Gateworld. Couldn't get very far.

Oh, and The Lost Vikings. The game had a kind of creepy vibe. I wouldn't say the game was bad, but when I played it it wasn't exactly a game that made you feel all happy. Something about it seemed darkish.

I also have nostalgia for Oregon Trail. I think I failed every time I played it 😅
30-Mar-23 5:06pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

Yo! Noid for the NES. I'm not sure if my love of pizza is what fueled my enjoyment of this game or if it was the game that made me love pizza that much more.

30-Mar-23 8:24pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews

Greendog. I will never not love that game

31-Mar-23 6:57am
Silver Good Trader

The Misadventures of Spike McFang. I always had a serious case 9f rose colored glasses for that game. I replayed it for the first time in decades a few years back and learned the game sucks more and more the further you get in the game. Still want a pristine copy for my collection.
31-Mar-23 11:59am
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

Another one that could take a spot on this list is Porky's Haunted Holiday. I don't know what the consensus of the game is, or if anyone considers it actually bad... I don't necessarily feel that way, but it's one of those dime-a-dozen platformers where the physics are a bit floaty. One of those games where it feels totally random as to whether or not you'll actually land on a platform.

Still, I love the game. Fond memories of playing it first on the SNES, but then via emulator on my PSP during shop week in high school haha


31-Mar-23 12:11pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review

Scott wrote:
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
LOVED as a kid. Refuse to go back and play, or watch anything, because I enjoy my rose colored glasses blocking my view of how awful the game probably was/is.
31-Mar-23 12:12pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review

nonamesleft wrote:
Oh, and The Lost Vikings. The game had a kind of creepy vibe. I wouldn't say the game was bad, but when I played it it wasn't exactly a game that made you feel all happy. Something about it seemed darkish.
Fantastic game!
31-Mar-23 1:06pm
Double Gold Good Trader

MrBean wrote:
nonamesleft wrote:> Oh, and The Lost Vikings. The game had a kind of creepy vibe. I wouldn't say the> game was bad, but when I played it it wasn't exactly a game that made you feel all> happy. Something about it seemed darkish. Fantastic game!It had a unique feature where you could continuously switch between characters (in order to solve puzzles).
31-Mar-23 1:28pm
Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews

MrBean wrote:
Scott wrote:> Castlevania II: Simon's Quest LOVED as a kid. Refuse to go back and play, or watch anything, because I enjoy my rose colored glasses blocking my view of how awful the game probably was/is.
I loved it as a kid too. I went back and re-played it in 2009 and it's not THAT bad if you can get past some of its worst flaws (and if you use a guide). I still wish they would make a new Castlevania game in the same style, but better.
2-Apr-23 1:42am
Silver Good Trader

Does Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg count? I think the game's decent, but it certainly has its faults, especially in the controls.

2-Apr-23 9:52pm
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

Clash at Demonhead- it actually was an nes game.
2-Apr-23 9:53pm
Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

Illbleed. Idk why I wanna play it again, but I do. Def don't wanna shell out 300 to do so though. Lol
3-Apr-23 12:03am
Double Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)

Bart Simpsons worst Nightmare snes,

Bad games that you're still nostalgic for...