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The Last of Us show
4-Jul-21 12:29pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review

I am so hopeful this is awesome!
22-Feb-23 2:02pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

I’m struggling with knowing how this ends (understanding it may be changed up) and feeling absolutely no emotion towards that thought. If they pull this off with these actors / scripts and pull me back in then magic. I just don’t think it’ll happen, at least with me- recognizing it could just be a “me” problem.
22-Feb-23 6:01pm
GameTZ Subscriber Silver Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 5 Reviews

MrBean wrote:
You're right, didn't really consider that. Playing the game in parallel right now, I love the game characters much better ... but how they're portrayed/played in the show is more realistic. Regardless, the game Ellie is so much more sassy and entertaining. Game Joel definitely feels a bit more dark than TV counterpart, which is probably for the better of the show to round him out a bit more.
I've been reading a lot of comments on Kotaku (first mistake) about how Joel is just a mass murderer, which is very true if you think about the number of raiders (humans) he kills in the game, which wouldn't translate realistically to the show. He's very nonchalant about it if you think about it and that is what makes him truly dark. Obviously it's a video game and yes, they're trying to kill you, but it completely changes your perspective. Joel and Ellie shouldn't be likable, but obviously since you play as them, they needed to be.

I know there was huge outrage when it was revealed that Joel dies at the beginning of Part II, but objectively he deserved it. He killed Marlene (after she put the gun down, shot her, and then shot her in the head after that) at the end of Part I only because he believed the Fireflies wouldn't stop coming for Ellie. Just thinking about how they'll have to show that in the last episode of this first season blows my mind.

26-Feb-23 12:04am
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review

Just finished Remastered, absolutely loved it, best play through thus far. Have a better appreciation of the game this time, not only because of the remastered version, but the show, and how well the game has aged (even though it's not that old). Played at release and once again a couple years later showing my wife the game.

Played on hard, surprised at how much ammo and supplies I always had. I also don't remember being Sam Fisher last time. I think I legit choked out 90% of the enemies.

Things I want to see in the show before s1 ends:
- Ellie taking a machete to a certain dudes face
- Ellie hunting with a bow
- Joel swimming Ellie around on a pallette
- More exploration with discovery of random stories
- Giraffes (I'd be amazed if they omit this)
- Nail bombs

It's weird after paying. Some of the changes in the show make more sense but also a bit let down even more. Joel's injury scene in the game is so much better than what we just saw in last week's episode. Playing through that again, I'm a bit salty on how quick they did that on the show.

I forgot how brutal both Joel and Ellie were in the game, gdamn!

They absolutely should have had a few more episodes in this season. I really wonder if they'll truly finish the first game in s1. With the DLC going next, that means we have to wrap up everything from Joel's injury on, in only two episodes? Seems insane if cram all that in!

Looking forward to the DLC as I've never played it.
26-Feb-23 11:08am
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

TLoU on harder difficulties is a masterpiece. Improvisation and anxiety. Never been more happy to find a brick or bottle laying around. Default difficulty the gameplay is just average imo.
28-Feb-23 9:39am
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

This last episode is my least favorite so far. I never played the DLC so I cant compare, but I know the game's Riley story was well received.

Did you guys like the show's version of the DLC?
2-Mar-23 7:12am
Triple Gold Good Trader

kevolones wrote:
This last episode is my least favorite so far. I never played the DLC so I cant compare, but I know the game's Riley story was well received. Did you guys like the show's version of the DLC?
I liked it. It was very similar to the DLC content, even used some of the same lines. I did miss a few scenes not in the show like the water gun segment and throwing rocks at car windows segment, but those are minor quibbles. The biggest difference for me was the way they were attacked. I liked the game version better, it was more thrilling than what occurred in the show.

I would give this latest episode a very good rating overall.
2-Mar-23 8:36am
Double Gold Good Trader Has Written 9 Reviews

The DLC was a walking simulator. Not a fan.

The relative episode was pretty well done in a vacuum, but pacing could have been better. I really hate having a character have something bad happen as a cliffhanger, then the next episode is a filler flashback for almost an hour before we get a relatively unearned resolution.
2-Mar-23 10:36am
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review

I really dislike people. Why is everyone so butt hurt that modern media is finally trying to be a bit more diverse and inclusive? 'MURICA, F YEAH! Sad.
2-Mar-23 10:58am
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

Usually the loudest dissent is from closeted hateful folks.
2-Mar-23 12:21pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

I read some of the reviews on IMDb (not all) but apparently the closeted hateful folks thought it was pointless, boring, predictable and filler and didn’t do anything to progress the story; didn’t need to be 45 min. I didn’t see any hate. Maybe I didn’t look at the right reviews.

2-Mar-23 2:37pm
GameTZ Subscriber Silver Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 5 Reviews

Episode 8 is gonna be wild.
2-Mar-23 3:00pm
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

Finally got to episode 4. Seems like they're combining the Sam/Henry story with what happened in the game at Pittsburgh (Kansas City in the show).
2-Mar-23 8:04pm
GameTZ Subscriber 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

We are very behind... I'm still only just past episode 2. If the baby isn't keeping us up, the other one is. Now everyone has strep. poker face

The DLC was kind of crap but good story telling. I'm glad they included it, I guess. The comparison between the games and scenes look great. I love that Mortal Kombat 2 made an appearance.

12-Mar-23 10:03pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

It’s wrap. 7/10 for me. Liked they used TLoU end credits song in end credits.
13-Mar-23 12:27am
Bronze Good Trader Has Written 2 Reviews

I'm replaying the game now for the second time, first was when it was released on ps3, and we just watched the last episode. Some of the story beats feel adapted well (even better with one death imo), but overall feels kind of rushed, esp the bond between Joel and Ellie. Liked it a good bit overall though.
13-Mar-23 7:12am
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

theyrhere wrote:
I'm replaying the game now for the second time, first was when it was released on ps3, and we just watched the last episode. Some of the story beats feel adapted well (even better with one death imo), but overall feels kind of rushed, esp the bond between Joel and Ellie. Liked it a good bit overall though.
It definitely felt rushed in the show for me too. Also, felt there were not enough clickers or action scenes. All the drama was very well adapted though.
13-Mar-23 8:20am
Triple Gold Good Trader

Season finale: 4/10. Not enough giraffe
13-Mar-23 9:15am
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

I’ll die on this hill - Ellie is miscast. She never feels like a fit for me. In fact it gets worse as the season goes on. Joel is fine- just feels like almost no development. It feels strange having such a small emotional connection to these characters after all these episodes.
13-Mar-23 11:35am
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review

@Feeb - she grew on me, but still think she could/should have been better cast, for sure. She's a good enough actress and all, but just ... the face/emotion, doesn't match that of the game version of Ellie sadly.

Kinda bummed that they legit skipped over so much action in Ep8 and 9. I get that they've done that basically the whole season, skipping over most of the game fight scenes ... but there were some good opps here to dive in a bit more - more so with Ellie and the town of Ep8. Oh well.

Still think it overall felt rushed, they needed 2+ more episodes. Overall though, really enjoyed it.

Love the little nods we got in Ep8 and Ep9 with the voice actors.

13-Mar-23 11:59am
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

When I think of end game TLoU I think of going under the overpass / the tunnel with tons of infected. That needed a shout out. It was the litmus test for grounded.
13-Mar-23 12:22pm
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

It's an apaptaion of the game.

Play the game if you want the game.

The Last of Us show