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Anyone have a job they really like?
28-Jul-23 12:17pm
550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review

Man, I’ve been in education a while- this is my 20th year. I pretend to like it and put on a good smile, but it’s close to miserable for me.

Anyone love or even like your job? What is it?
28-Jul-23 12:27pm
Double Gold Good Trader

Where in education are you? Teaching? Principal? Sports?

What don't you like about it?

I wonder what the percentages are of people who love their jobs. I know two people who told me they love their job. One of them said something like he couldn't imagine doing anything else, and would want to do what he does for super long.
28-Jul-23 1:49pm
600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

I own a UPS Store and it makes me almost nothing (I pay employees fairly, reinvest into the business) but I genuinely love it, even when it's stressful as fudge.

I am considering going back to school at some point when the kids are older and dabbling in the medical field. Maybe scrub nurse or radiology. At that point I'll have sold my store so probably 5-10yrs out.

Education/teaching is rough because they are paid so little. Our school distrct lost a bunch of quality teachers over pay. What is stupid is we have a surplus of money that they don't want to touch for some reason, so instead they just let people resign and stuff fall apart. I guess they're planning to build another school maybe.

28-Jul-23 1:49pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

I’ve worked in the payment space since 1998. I don’t hate it; it’s rewarding enough. About 1.5 years ago I took a new opportunity with a processor (kinda a bucket list thing) and it’s been a good ride so far. I feel like I’m making an impact to the business overall, due to my experience. If I didn’t feel my efforts were appreciated or made an impact I’d likely move on. I’ll probably roll with this company for another 3.5 years and then move on.

28-Jul-23 2:28pm
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

I work in mortgages, really like it. Basically it is completing lists. I get to work from home, and it is a small company so everyone knows everyone. I don't really like dealing with customers, but that is sales I suppose.
28-Jul-23 2:32pm
Double Gold Good Trader

Porksta wrote:
I work in mortgages, really like it. Basically it is completing lists. I get to work from home, and it is a small company so everyone knows everyone. I don't really like dealing with customers, but that is sales I suppose.Completing lists?
28-Jul-23 2:45pm
950 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

I love what I do. Started off in web dev, moved into program management, and am now a bit of a "fixer" at a tech company. I herd cats and makes sure crap gets done. I thrive on the chaos and how random each day can be. It's challenging but rewarding, and I like helping people so it's been fun.

At previous gigs when I was just doing the same thing over and over each day I wasn't nearly as happy or satisfied. But it took me branching out in a new direction to figure that out.
28-Jul-23 2:47pm
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

nonamesleft wrote:
Porksta wrote:> I work in mortgages, really like it. Basically it is completing lists. I get to> work from home, and it is a small company so everyone knows everyone. I don't really> like dealing with customers, but that is sales I suppose. Completing lists?

You send the borrower a list of everything they need, then the underwriter sends a list of things still needed. Once the item comes in you get to check the box. It is fun submitting items to UW and seeing them come back with a shortened list.
28-Jul-23 2:57pm
GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader

I do QA for a vending technology company. I wouldn't say that I LOVE it, but I definitely like it. Compared to my last company, which wrote legal software, vending is much more interesting and I feel less scummy doing the work.

I like working with hardware. My previous QA jobs have been 100% software, which can be really mind numbing. Throwing hardware into the mix makes it a bit more fun, and it's nice to use my hands and actually build things.

Really though, the thing I like is that the company is ran by good people and the culture is positive, so you feel valued when you come to work and can see how the work you do directly helps the company succeed.

28-Jul-23 3:25pm
GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader

I just started this job, so may be premature, but really liking it so far.
I get to be outside for about an hour each day. One day a week I'm outside all day.
I have 2 direct reports, who each have 3 direct reports. So kind of 8 in my chain but I only need to worry about their guys if it is something big.
The office work is a lot of specification reading and trying to interpret it to real life results.

My boss seems like a good guy, but he's an engineer first, manager second. My peers all seem competent. A few might have over inflated egos, but overall good guys.

So far I have a pretty good work life balance. It could be a seasonally stressful job as I fully take over the work myself.
28-Jul-23 3:59pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

bumsplikity wrote:
I do QA for a vending technology company. I wouldn't say that I LOVE it, but I definitely like it. Compared to my last company, which wrote legal software, vending is much more interesting and I feel less scummy doing the work. I like working with hardware. My previous QA jobs have been 100% software, which can be really mind numbing. Throwing hardware into the mix makes it a bit more fun, and it's nice to use my hands and actually build things. Really though, the thing I like is that the company is ran by good people and the culture is positive, so you feel valued when you come to work and can see how the work you do directly helps the company succeed.
Who provides your payment hardware? Just curious.

28-Jul-23 4:07pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

I've been there @bignasty. I worked in litigation support for 17 years. I enjoyed what I did so long as I was progressing because there were new challenges and more money. The last position I held I was in for 4 years and the pressure to control internal costs while trying to provide the customer with great service meant I ended up doing quite a bit of work outside of my office hours. It really started to wear on me, especially since it impacted time with my family and friends.

I ended up taking a job with a startup and have had several position changes over the nearly 6 years I've been there. I like what I'm doing now, but I know I don't want to do it forever. Hopefully I'll continue to have opportunities to make moves within the company that will give me new challenges and increasing my pay.

All that being said, I'm looking into ways into generating passive income with the hopes of eventually replacing the majority of my salary so that I have the space to safely make a career change if I want to and not have to worry about taking a pay cut.

28-Jul-23 4:15pm
GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader

@loztdogs Haha when I saw you were in the payment industry, that caught my attention as well.

Some of our stuff uses Ingenico, some of our stuff uses devices by Castles Technology. Then we work with a number of payment processing folks to handle our backend processing.
28-Jul-23 4:20pm
GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader

@SwiftJAB yeah my last company was an eDiscovery company. Litigation support is an industry that never sleeps, so the hours could be brutal. Plus lawyers can be some of the absolute worst people to deal with.
28-Jul-23 4:22pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

bumsplikity wrote:
@loztdogs Haha when I saw you were in the payment industry, that caught my attention as well. Some of our stuff uses Ingenico, some of our stuff uses devices by Castles Technology. Then we work with a number of payment processing folks to handle our backend processing.
Funny you should mention… I worked at ingenico for 8 years before taking this new gig. Although it was on the banking and acquiring side rather than retail. I have some really close friends at castles. Good team, over there lot of smart folk’s recently moving over to castles. Trying to take market share from ingenico and pax.

28-Jul-23 8:30pm
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

I run an ebay shop, but it's gone from bad to worse and while I love doing what I do it's not sustainable anymore and I'll see if I can get a better job whenever I move to Tennessee.
28-Jul-23 10:26pm
Silver Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

I own, operate and take care of other's oil and gas production. It is what I have always wanted to do. I actually have drawings from kindergarten I did of pumping units. https://www.instagra...
28-Jul-23 11:30pm
300 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7)

I've been a project manager for ~8 years, previously in insurance and now in a very specialized benefits and Investments company. I've carved out a niche to specifically focus on new technology so I've been leading innovation efforts at my new company for a short period of time. Deploying laptops (from a heavy VM environment), deeper M365 integration, conference room modernization, etc. We're starting to implement SAFe as well which I'm super excited about.

It may sound silly, but I also have an excellent leadership team which is key to my happiness. People who know the right questions to ask, care about my career development, and truly want to make the company better - for customer and employee.
29-Jul-23 9:05am
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews

I work in IT and I love it. I'm a System Administrator right now, but I'm probably going to move into a Security Analyst position soon.
29-Jul-23 10:02am
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 700 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (8)

I like what I do. I work in Marketing. Can't really see myself doing anything else at this point.
29-Jul-23 10:14am
Triple Gold Good Trader

I was a chemist for a small chemical manufacturing plant that made one inorganic chemical in several variations. There were some aspects of the job that weren't my favorites, but overall I liked it. I started in Quality Control and with only a BA and some grad level education I worked my way up to Manager of Research and Development for the other plants and products of the privately held corporation. The job was mostly analytical chemistry - what is there and how much? I got to work with gas chromatographs, liquid chromatographs, atomic absorption spectrophotometers, and other relatively high tech. I was constantly learning new information and new skills. A few times a year I got to travel (a few times internationally) to customers, seminars, professional society events, and trade shows. I gave presentations to rooms full of PhDs, had several papers published in a peer-reviewed journal, and wrote a chapter for a technical book. If you can find a copy of the 8th Edition of the Food Chemicals Codex, you will see my name as a contributor. The best aspect of being the manager was that I had significant input on most of the projects and setting the priorities. The difficult aspects of the job were being directed by upper management to work on projects that I knew were worthless and dealing with subordinates. Preparing Performance Reviews was the worst. Everything was pretty good until after 30 years I ended up on the wrong side of company politics (see Job Tales thread).

Anyone have a job they really like?