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Fedex help
18-Dec-22 5:10pm
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

A friend of mine ordered an item from Japan. Fedex usually delivers all our packages to our USPS PO Box addresses without problems. But for some reason, they want me to pick THIS ONE up at their warehouse.

Which is in another city. Two hours away.

We tried getting Fedex support via Twitter to help and they just kept saying that we have to go pick it up, which is impossible. I am not spending four hours on a fudging bus because those butt-holes won't deliver it. So what else can we do? Anyone have a contact on Fedex who can help out? :(
18-Dec-22 7:35pm
Double Gold Good Trader

Is it an unusually large box or something ultra fragile? Sounds strange to me that FedEx would ask you to pick it up. Isn't delivery what they do?

Imagine calling up a food place and asking for fries, and the person says "you'll need to come by and fry them yourself."
18-Dec-22 8:10pm
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

nonamesleft wrote:
Is it an unusually large box or something ultra fragile? Sounds strange to me that FedEx would ask you to pick it up. Isn't delivery what they do?
It's a friggin Pokemon plushie! The package weighs less than half a pound!

Imagine calling up a food place and asking for fries, and the person says "you'll need to come by and fry them yourself."
Fedex usually sits on any packages we order, or keeps moving them from California to Arizona, for two to four weeks before actually sending them to our mailing address. So we were expecting a delay, but not "we're just going to send it back if you don't come pick it up okay"

There's a good reason why I don't order anything with Fedex shipping anymore.
18-Dec-22 11:35pm
Double Gold Good Trader

Are you having something illegal sent to you, @Foxhack? I've heard of delivery companies setting up sting operations like this where a customer is asked to pick up their package from the shipping warehouse and, when he or she arrives, law enforcement is waiting. The only other thing I can think of is maybe you said or did something to piss off either the delivery driver or someone else in that company's hierarchy. If that were the case, you might be blacklisted and have to pick up your packages from the closest shipping warehouse. These're the only two things that come to mind in a scenario like this. I suppose it's also possible that the company's understaffed with delivery drivers at this time of the year and there's literally nobody who can make it out to you right now. Unfortunately, it's legitimately bananas for delivery companies during the holiday season.
19-Dec-22 12:57am
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

Or they could just be incompetent fudgecraps.

It's a gosh darn half pound Riolu plushie that was sent from Japan. Jeez.
19-Dec-22 3:19am
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

I might be banned from a particular Autozone location, if that gives you any solace.
19-Dec-22 7:00am
GameTZ Subscriber 250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

Yeah fedex sucks. The last time I had something come from Japan via fedex it ended up with a neighbor. Seller was dead set on fedex, this was when covid was ramping up and japan post was not shipping internationally. Thankfully the sites I've been ordering from lately give a choice of shipping method. It's even worth paying more to avoid fedex imo.

In my experience their CS is fuggin useless but I've only used it a few times since I don't get many packages from them.
19-Dec-22 8:55am
300 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) 25 year anniversary at Game Trading Zone today!

If I had to guess, customs was probably filled out incorrectly or there's a discrepancy in the package. It could be tied to a million different things, and FedEx gives their employees little to no responsibility to handle things. I can't speak to their customer service and why the experience is so abysmil aside from the fact that again - 'not my problem' from the CS perspective. I'd try to reach out a few more times in the hope you can get a good contact. Far from ideal. but you might be SOL.
19-Dec-22 10:16am
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader

That sucks. I once was supposed to receive a phone that required a signature. The first delivery attempt I wasn't home. I took off the next day so I could sign for it. The driver literally walked up to the door, put the sticker on that said I missed the delivery and took off. No knock, no doorbell. The dog, who goes ballistic when anyone comes to the door, didn't even notice. I had to go pick it up, but thankfully my sort center was only 15 minutes away.
19-Dec-22 3:02pm
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

Well. I called. All I got was a machine that wouldn't let me talk to a real person no matter how much I tried. It literally said "lol you're fudgeed."

So now I have to spend half the day tomorrow going to this place and I am likely to scream at them for an hour. Bunch of incompetent fudges always delay our packages or bounce them from CA to AZ for weeks before attempting delivery. I'm so fudging sick and tired of them, and the only reason I have to deal with them is the fact Pokemon Center uses them for shipping, with no other option available.
22-Dec-22 10:20am
600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

I know you're mad and Fedex sucks, but don't scream at the people there. It isn't their fault.

22-Dec-22 10:20am
600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

Actually a better thing would be to refuse it and not use the company again if they don't offer an alternative. They should use DHL as it's cheaper and better IMO. I know UPS is too expensive but is more reliable for that reason.

22-Dec-22 10:36am
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

sinnie wrote:
I know you're mad and Fedex sucks, but don't scream at the people there. It isn't their fault.
Actually it is their fault.

I went there. The clerk told me there was no reason this should have been held at their facility. He verified what I said, it was marked "out for delivery" and immediately put on hold instead of actually going out. The address was correct, there were no other things that needed to be filled out. This was entirely the driver's fault for being a lazy fudgeer.

That driver should probably be penalized or fired, but I know they won't do anything to him. I mean come on they bounce my packages for up to a month without actually delivering them, what's one little parcel being held back that forced me to waste the entire day going to do? Now I wonder who else had their crap held back because of this guy.

And I didn't scream at him, but I did use my most annoyed voice and the most evil glare I could muster.

And we don't choose Fedex on purpose. My buddy's Pokemon Center stuff gets delivered that way so we have no other choice. And I don't buy anything that uses them to ship things (USPS and UPS never give me trouble. Even fudging ONTRAC is better than local FedEx.)
22-Dec-22 10:59am
600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

What I mean was it isn't the clerks fault specifically. Driver/package handler/loader sure. So I meant not to yell at him. I've been on the receiving end of that many times and I am not even a UPS employee, just a shipping store owner and people don't fudging understand that.

Fedex has these issues everywhere. I honestly don't know why they are so widely used still other than they are starting to be cheaper due to everyone being a contract worker and there's no labor union. Lots of companies dropped them this year though.

23-Dec-22 12:11pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews Secret Santa

It was a back and forth game going between UPS and FedEx where I worked. There was basically a delivery agreement that kept getting messed up on the delivery side of things, but eventually they went back and stuck with UPS because they were more reliable and took responsibility for the deliveries and any actual unavoidable issues.

Good thing you got it figured out. I've been researching City Carrier Assistant for the USPS lately as I had applied and just got my fingerprinting done. Looks to me there are a lot of factors involved and not just an issue with one individual when it comes to the training and doing things of the job.
27-Dec-22 8:35am
GameTZ Subscriber 250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

sinnie wrote:
Lots of companies dropped them this year though.
I was wanting to place an order for mustard but kinda dreading it as this place has shipped fedex for years. Went ahead and did the order and it was sent USPS. Seen some others switch as well.
20-Jan-23 8:07pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader

Have a package out for delivery since 6am via FedEx. I'm guessing it's not getting delivered. Saw UPS out delivering, and got my USPS mail... Got another package from FE to be delivered tomorrow... I'm not hopeful I'll get either.
21-Jan-23 5:42am
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

FedEx is having an internal issue right now getting labels to scan, it’s hit or miss right now if the package will be accepted by the computer or error out

Fedex help