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7-Jun-21 4:10pm
600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews

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27-May-22 1:02pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)

After typing that ^ I actually thought that maybe they will do Bullseye but just not really reference the events of Season 3 a lot. That way, new fans can look at it as a reboot while the Netflix fans can still keep that show in their head canon. Bullseye from Season 3 was more proto-Bullseye, before he fully became what he was in the comics. Being one of Daredevil's biggest villains in the comics, they could easily make him more comic-accurate and go that route while still making it work with what came before, just presented as something different.
14-Jun-22 11:13am
600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews

When does Kamala Khan Ms. Marvel release new episodes?
14-Jun-22 11:18am
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews

bonham2 wrote:
When does Kamala Khan release new episodes?
Wednesdays. Ep 2 drops tomorrow. I think we'll watch Ep 1 tonight. I'm only somewhat interested in it based on the trailer, but I think my kids will like/relate to a child superhero.
14-Jun-22 11:21am
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)

I was very pleasantly surprised by Ms Marvel. Obviously had very little interest beforehand but I dig the world & atmosphere they’re building and the girl who plays Kamala is great.
14-Jun-22 11:21am
600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews

It was ok. I mean, it's a fun watch, but it's definitely silly. I liked it better than Moon Knight.
14-Jun-22 11:22am
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews

Did y'all see they're bring No Way Home back to theaters with extra content? It's called "The More Fun Stuff Edition". I want to see it, but the breakdown I saw of the extra scenes didn't look that great. Basically, a 5 minute scene of all 3 Spider-Men hanging out is the only thing worthwhile. There seems to be some extra Matt Murdock stuff too, but I still haven't seen Daredevil so that doesn't interest me.
14-Jun-22 11:23am
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews

I enjoyed Moon Knight quite a bit. It was so different from anything else in the MCU, barely even feeling like a superhero story a lot of the times, but I didn't mind that. It's nice to get some variety.
14-Jun-22 11:24am
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)

Daredevil remains the best MCU TV show to date by a mille, but I’ll probably just wait for the extended No Way Home to release digitally.
14-Jun-22 11:25am
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)

Scott wrote:
I enjoyed Moon Knight quite a bit. It was so different from anything else in the MCU, barely even feeling like a superhero story a lot of the times, but I didn't mind that. It's nice to get some variety.
I wasn’t blown away by Moon Knight the way I was hoping, and that feeling only grows the more I think about it. Oscar Isaac was great as usual and the penultimate episode was awesome, but otherwise it really didn’t do much for me at all.
14-Jun-22 11:26am
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews

theJaw wrote:
Scott wrote:> I enjoyed Moon Knight quite a bit. It was so different from anything else in the> MCU, barely even feeling like a superhero story a lot of the times, but I didn't> mind that. It's nice to get some variety. I wasn’t blown away by Moon Knight the way I was hoping, and that feeling only grows the more I think about it. Oscar Isaac was great as usual and the penultimate episode was awesome, but otherwise it really didn’t do much for me at all.
I liked how each episode had a very different feel to it, and Oscar Issac was just incredible.
14-Jun-22 11:31am
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 1 Review

theJaw wrote:
Daredevil remains the best MCU TV show to date by a mille, but I’ll probably just wait for the extended No Way Home to release digitally.
Gotta disagree on that one. Wandavisiona and Loki were both incredible and were top tier tv shows in general, not just Marvel.

I liked Ms Marvel, I think we need more fun shows like this and the Spider-Man movies every once in awhile. Moon Knight was enjoyable as a fleshed out back story, but I really want to see more of Moon Knight doing stuff.
14-Jun-22 11:35am
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)

WandaVision is a close second for me for sure. Loki was 50/50 for me.
14-Jun-22 11:36am
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews

For me:

Moon Knight
Falcon and the Winter Soldier
What if?
14-Jun-22 11:41am
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

#1 MODOK, RIP was canceled

#2 Moon Knight
14-Jun-22 11:45am
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)

I dunno if this matches what I have on the MCU ranking thread (it always changes), but if we're just going by MCU-produced shows (not the Netflix shows) & off the top of my head:

(Preemptively slotting Ms. Marvel right here based solely off the first episode being a breath of fresh air)
Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Moon Knight
(Still haven't finished What If?)

To be honest, I do feel sort of bad placing Moon Knight at the bottom. I mean, it was still a fine show... still better than a lot of TV nowadays, but it just didn't hit home for me other than the performances. Also having Hawkeye above ANY show seems weird to me considering how little I enjoyed aspects of that one, but I had no expectations at all so it at least lived up to those haha. And gotta love a full-on Christmas MCU entry at least a little bit.
14-Jun-22 12:33pm
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews

So how are y'all feeling about Thor? The trailers have been great so far. I'm really glad Valkyrie is back, and Korg, of course. I'm skeptical about Jane as Mighty Thor. I like Natalie Portman, and didn't dislike her character in the first two Thor movies like many others did, but I also don't see THAT character being a good fit for the role. The trailers haven't really given us much though, just shown her a couple times, but very little dialogue. We'll just have to wait and see, I guess.

I'm loving all of the color in the trailer. The overall look and feel, plus the music and humor, definitely have strong Ragnarok vibes, which is a great sign. I'm trying not to go into this one EXPECTING it to be better than Ragnarok. That's too high of expectations, and very likely to not meet them simply because Ragnarok is currently my favorite MCU project.

I read a thing online last night about how test audiences for the movie said that Christian Bale's Gorr is the best MCU villain so far. That would be great if it turns out to be true!

I'd love to see Thor reach an even higher level of power in this movie, and achieve the Odinforce (or Thorforce?)!
14-Jun-22 1:14pm
600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews

If we're ranking MCU shows, I have to play along. I'm just going to do MCU and Netflix shows since I never watched network shows like Agency's of Shield.

Wandavision - This was awesome. I especially loved all the theorizing as each episode was released.

Daredevil - Seasons 1 & 3 were great. I wasn't a huge fan of season 2 . I really hated Karen Page and the whole Frank Castle storyline.

Jessica Jones - Season 1 is the single best season of any MCU show. If they stopped there, this would be my #1. Season 2 sucked, and I honestly can't remember season 3. I want a big fan of the Patsy storyline.

Hawkeye - I really enjoyed it, despite the issues.

Loki - Alligator Loki is awesome.

Ms. Marvel - So far...we'll see how it goes

Falcon and the Winter Soldier - Enjoyable show, but I was hoping for more.

Luke Cage - Again, season 1 was good. The rest sucked.

The Punisher

The Defenders - Felt like Iron Fist Season 2. Not good, but it had a lot of redeeming qualities.

Iron Fist - So many problems, but it was at least entertaining enough to watch

What If - I stopped watching halfway through

Mom Knight - I watched 3-4 interest in finishing it.
15-Jun-22 5:38pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)

Scott wrote:
So how are y'all feeling about Thor?
I'll be honest. I love Thor, and I love Waititi, and I'm excited for a Bale villain, so I KNOW I'm gonna love this movie. But for some reason, my hype levels aren't super high. Could not tell you why if I tried, but I'm sure the movie is gonna be a fun time.

(EDIT: I just saw you mentioned this bit already haha) Apparently, Gorr received the best scores for any Marvel villain during test screenings, so that's something that's got me pumped. I know the MCU has been dogged for forgettable villains (justifiably so), but there are also some top notch villains in there too, so it'll be interesting to see what the deal with Gorr is.

15-Jun-22 5:39pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)

Anyhow, Ms. Marvel episode 2 scared me into thinking they were going to step a bit deeper into the elements of the show that I can't relate to being a 32-year-old dude, but thankfully that didn't happen too hard and what DID happen played into the plot nicely. Really enjoying this show so far.
16-Jun-22 8:51am
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews

Ms. Marvel has just been ok for me so far. The first episode was better than the second. I like the overall style of it, like all the animations they put on the screen while real-world stuff is going on, that's fun. My kids seem to be enjoying it more than me, as I expected. It just feels like an average teen show with a tiny bit of superhero stuff sprinkled in so far. I'm assuming that's about to change with how Ep2 ended, but there are only 6 episodes, so there's not a ton of time left. Her powers are unique, but not very interesting overall. Hopefully they'll increase/expand a lot. I'm not liking Kamala as much as I thought I would. Going into the show, I really liked the actress based on interviews and various things I had seen. She seemed like a really sweet/funny kid who loved the source material and was actually getting to be a part of it, awesome. But idk, I'm just not loving her in the show. I don't think it's the actress's fault, I just think the writers haven't made her likeable enough.

Some of this could be on me though. I've been pretty tired the last two nights when we've watched these episodes, so maybe I was just too tired to really get into it.

MCU Discussion - Ant Man Up Next