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Last Game You Beat?
15-Sep-05 1:55pm
GameTZ Subscriber 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (11) Has Written 56 Reviews

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21-Feb-23 2:18pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews

Pinkman+ on Nintendo Switch
Since I stopped playing Animal Crossing a couple months ago I feel like I've been ignoring my Switch in favor of PS5, so I browsed my game library and there are so many games in there that I don't remember buying, and this was one of them.

What I thought I was getting out of this: one of those types of ridiculously hard 2D platformers like VVVVV with graphics that look like it belongs on Atari. The game's eShop description says "A minimalist platformer with maximum challenge."
What I got out of it: A 2D platformer with graphics that look like it belongs on Atari, with barely any of the challenge I was expecting and hoping for. Within the first 15 minutes I had played through the first 30 levels. I thought to myself "Alright, maybe these are the warmup levels", but the remaining 70 levels weren't too much harder.

I don't think I spent more than two or three minutes on any one level (and a lot were under one minute). This reminded me of when an average-skilled player tries making a level in Super Mario Maker and names it "99% impossible" just because it pushed their abilities to the limit when they had to beat it in order to upload it, when a more skilled player can beat it without breaking a sweat.

Fun fact: One thing that made the game a little too easy is how many checkpoints there are, and apparently they were added just for the console versions. I guess if you want the big boy challenge you have to buy it on Steam. That's ridiculous, just give the option to toggle them off in the console version. Also added for the console version is your character's jetpack that allows him to hover for a short distance, while in the PC version your character would fart to hover.
21-Feb-23 2:22pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews

So what we learned from this is console gamers don't fart. Just those pc loving slobs.

21-Feb-23 3:04pm
GameTZ Subscriber 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (11) Has Written 56 Reviews

Fire Emblem Engage Nintendo Switch

I've only dabbled in turn-based strategy RPGs. I played a lot of 'Zone of the Enders: Fist of Mars' on GBA when I was young, got about half-way through 'Front Mission' on SwanCrystal before getting stuck, and messed around in 'Faselei!' on the NGPC a bit. I have 'FE: Echoes' and 'Awakening' on the 3DS, and 'FE Three Houses' on Switch, but have never played them. They always intimidated me. Considering so many were proclaiming 'Engage' to be a good place for beginners to start (and the Devine Edition is really nice!), I thought I'd dip my toes in here.

On the one hand, yes, it's a good place. The different systems get introduced at a good clip, but they only give an explanation for each in 1 to 5 short text boxes. Honestly, I forgot about most of the systems. The Class system was an afterthought to me until about 2/3rds the way through the game. I didn't even look at inherited abilities and much else with the rings until before the final battle. I feel like the "beginner" tag is more from other people than the devs. I think the devs still assume people are familiar with the series at least a little bit. So I spent most of the game working things out myself, lots of trial and error, and it's rough at the beginning. Once I settled on my group, had/matched the Emblems with their best characters, and started to tweak each character, the game became, all the pun intended, more engaging. Battles were more fun, mixing weapons and classes became more fun, and I found myself Once I got around the menus system. The menus, are not great. Bonds, etc. are behind the "reference" tab, and doing anything with a character (rings, weapons, items, classes, abilities) is behind the "inventory" tab. For all the systems in place, there isn't one to compare weapons. You can see the stats for each weapon on their own, but knowing which one is better than another isn't very clear. So many games have done this for so long, so it's frustrating.

But the most frustrating thing? The story.

I've complained about Japanese developed narratives before, but holy hell is it bad here. The story is nothing but sub-standard anime tropes and mundane, cliché stories. The writing is even worse. Just some of the worse writing I've seen. The voice actors try so hard, but they have nothing good to work with. Honestly, I almost put the game down because of it. Instead, I started skipping cutscenes. Even as I type this the ending cutscenes are playing, and I know they're inconsequential. I also skipped the conversations between characters outside of battle. They really don't say or add anything and became a waste of time. In fact, I'd forget about most characters until I was running around the post-battle areas (which are also not very useful outside of some resources).

FE veterans have complained about the step-back in 'Engage' both with the story and characters, and even having not played an FE game before, I totally get it. There's not much of real substance with the characters. On their own, they're simple anime stereotypes, and together they have nothing interesting to say to each other. There's talk of bonds all over the game, but those amount to nothing more than stats to increase. And I think the game knows it, because the screen constantly dims during longer cutscenes, docked and undocked. The presentation as a whole isn't anything special either. The playfields have simple geometry and texturing. It looks like a Wii game in a bad way. The rest of the art design is anime standard again. Fine, I suppose, but nothing is really sticking to me. The fully animated cutscenes, though, are really nice, and there's some good music in here. Even if the main theme is too close to the main 'Westworld' theme.

'Engage' can be a good game for beginners both of the 'Fire Emblem' series and turn-based strategy RPGs in general, I can see that. But in my opinion, skip the story, mess with combat related systems early on your own, and enjoy the otherwise deep strategy gameplay. I'll check out the other games at some point, but not any time soon.

21-Feb-23 10:58pm
Triple Gold Good Trader

Beat CHOO CHOO CHARLES. It is a horror game where you are chased by a spider that uses a train as body armor. I think the game took me two or three hours. It has an interesting narrative but wasn't worth the price. I tried Wild Hearts but found Monster Hunter to be a way better experience. I just dislike open world games to much. Atomic Heart got better but wasn't for me plus Russian elements didn't help. Hopefully the upcoming Kirby and Scar's Above prove to be more enjoyable to me. Bayonetta and Resident Evil 4 is coming out in March hopefully they prove to be superior.
22-Feb-23 12:22am
GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review

8 Doors Arum’s Afterlife Adventure PC / Windows 6/10

This one's heavily influenced by Hollow Knight, though not nearly as long nor rich with lore and atmosphere. It was rather challenging at times and required some very strong precision and quick timing with some of the platforming. Lots of bosses/mini-bosses to fight but a limited color pallet of white, grey, black and red only. Not the worst Metroidvania I've ever played but not one I'd strongly recommend either. If you like the genre and are good at platforming and dodge-rolling to avoid boss fight damage, it was a 12+ hour run for me. The controls could've been better and the key-binding was a mess with the UI seemingly mislabeling the buttons in the assignment page to the X1 controller in my hands. Got this for free on Amazon (Twitch) Games when it was available a few months back.

23-Feb-23 4:42pm
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

Dead Space Remake - 9/10 still great.
25-Feb-23 1:49pm
Triple Gold Good Trader

Beat Kirby Return To Dreamland Deluxe, It is a short but enjoyable game. There are 120 challenges in Magoland the 20 hidden ones are really difficult and I am not doing them all. Ex Mode, True Arena and Mago Mode are increasingly more difficult. If you played it on the Wii it can be worth renting for Mago Mode. The mini games from Magoland not so much. Pretty much played Kirby and took days off work thinking it would last a while. I was wrong.

Waiting for Scars Above and then the long wait for Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon on the 17th. Might try that Poppy Playtime game in the meantime.
27-Feb-23 11:02am
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews

My friend and I beat KeyWe last night. It's a really fun co-op game, but occasional glitches made some levels more frustrating than they needed to be. We got gold rank on all but a handful of levels.

27-Feb-23 8:20pm
Triple Gold Good Trader

100% Kirby Deluxe. You don't need to do the extra 20 challenges thank god. The challenges room need to played to 100% story mode though which is easy. Onto Scars Above shipped today so I will get it Wednesday-Friday hopefully. After that March 17th for Bayonetta. Hopefully System Shock releases early March and isn't delayed again. Kickstarter really did a number on me.
28-Feb-23 1:49am
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 5 Reviews

After 30+ hours, finally finished Cathedral on Nintendo Switch. Hard game. Died 217 times. Finished with 96% item completion. I missed 13 out of 100 books which unlocks the last bottle.

Game scales terribly in terms of enemy damage you take. Bosses are also sponges.
1-Mar-23 12:54am
Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

Beat Circle of the Moon in 12h 40min on the DS lite given as a freebie from @bill

It’s a great game but was really a dog towards the end and I just wanted it to be over. I wanted to beat the battle arena but could only make it to room 15/17. I don’t have the rare drop armor items ideally needed to put me over the top and not willing to grind for them.

I did get all of the DSS cards except the ones that are rare drops in the battle arena.

Great game, but glad it’s over. Maybe I’ll give it a whirl again in a few years lol.

Anyone else beat it?

Next Up: Rebelstar: Tactical Command Game Boy Advance from the maker of X-com
1-Mar-23 6:31am
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews

I'm glad you're enjoying the DS. That thing had been sitting in my closet for a very long time.
1-Mar-23 9:49am
Triple Gold Good Trader

Snappy wrote:
Beat Circle of the Moon in 12h 40min on the DS lite given as a freebie from @bill It’s a great game but was really a dog towards the end and I just wanted it to be over. I wanted to beat the battle arena but could only make it to room 15/17. I don’t have the rare drop armor items ideally needed to put me over the top and not willing to grind for them. I did get all of the DSS cards except the ones that are rare drops in the battle arena. Great game, but glad it’s over. Maybe I’ll give it a whirl again in a few years lol. Anyone else beat it? Next Up: Rebelstar: Tactical Command Game Boy Advance from the maker of X-com
I beat the entire series Circle to Order on the DS. I don't mind the grind as I like feeling more powerful in those types of games. I even 100% the glossary for items and drops. Just equip the high luck items to boost drop rates.

Scars Above isn't to bad so far.
1-Mar-23 10:03am
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

I recently got the platinum for the Castlevania advanced collection. I enjoyed most of them- I think CoM was my fave because of the old school feel.
1-Mar-23 6:54pm
Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

Feeb wrote:
I recently got the platinum for the Castlevania advanced collection. I enjoyed most of them- I think CoM was my fave because of the old school feel.
Nice! I think if I had played on a TV and with a controller it would have been an even better experience -- pulling off tight maneuvers/attacks in the more challenging areas can get pretty darn taxing on the hands and eyes on a handheld. (stating the obvious)
1-Mar-23 7:06pm
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

I played it on ps5. Definitely more enjoyable that way imo.
2-Mar-23 12:13am
GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Microsoft Xbox Series X|S
I really enjoyed this title once I learned the combat better and settled in. It looked and ran great on my system and actually in performance mode its locked 60 helped me with the combat and I only noticed a few graphical things here and there. After Titanfall 1, 2 and this, Respawn has some top notch games under them, looking forward to Jedi: Survivor.
Only real cons for me were:
- The sliding sections got annoying and were a touch over used
- Why aren't there fast travel points? 2 planets in particular were pretty big and FT would've been great, they did shortcuts but there was still a lot of ground to cover and at times backtrack over
- Cal ran like a donkey - his animation when running just looked goofy, also Cere's model was a little odd looking

2-Mar-23 8:51am
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

Fallen order map, level design and backtracking made me dock it to around a 7.5 or so. It’s great when it’s lightsaber battles and discovery but becomes very tedious with retreads and some pretty bad level design at points. That 3D map was usually a nightmare to use for navigation. I may have burned myself out on it though having platinum on ps4 and 5 mostly full / no auto pops.
2-Mar-23 9:17am
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

I've never seen a good 3D map.
2-Mar-23 9:23am
Triple Gold Good Trader 7 year anniversary at Game Trading Zone today!

Worst map ever. I beat the game but still haven’t gotten the platinum, because I got lost finding a collectible and eventually just gave up.

Feeb wrote:
Fallen order map, level design and backtracking made me dock it to around a 7.5 or so. It’s great when it’s lightsaber battles and discovery but becomes very tedious with retreads and some pretty bad level design at points. That 3D map was usually a nightmare to use for navigation. I may have burned myself out on it though having platinum on ps4 and 5 mostly full / no auto pops.
2-Mar-23 9:26am
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

Bleed_DukeBlue wrote:
Worst map ever. I beat the game but still haven’t gotten the platinum, because I got lost finding a collectible and eventually just gave up. Feeb wrote:> Fallen order map, level design and backtracking made me dock it to around a 7.5 or> so. It’s great when it’s lightsaber battles and discovery but becomes very tedious> with retreads and some pretty bad level design at points. That 3D map was usually> a nightmare to use for navigation. I may have burned myself out on it though having> platinum on ps4 and 5 mostly full / no auto pops.
There are a few in the bottom of dathomir that are ridiculous to get to and then to find.

Last Game You Beat?