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Can You Read a Book for Every System You Own in 2024???? MEMBERSHIP FULL
21-Feb-22 4:27pm
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews


This topic had many older posts which were moved here:

I can keep a tally of users and total books they've read, just drop in here and say what you read and what you thought about it, should be a fun discussion I think. Oh, and I guess let me know how many systems you own or something. Maybe you'll win a prize! Probably not. Read books because it's the Chad thing to do on a website about trading videogames.

Readers for 2024!

Hobbes21 - 9/4 Gold Star
bill - 15/4 Moderator
sinnie - 4/?
kommie - 20/?
picklenickel - 32/20 Gold Star
bogo - 13/?
scottt - 1/?
Back4more - 1/2
DarkFact - 2/2 Gold Star
razeak - 1/?
Shane12m - 13/6 Gold Star
Lunar - ?/?
HybridCRoW - 7/6 Gold Star
chyans6 - 3/?

Readers for 2023 Final Tallies

Sinnie - 13/7
Bogo - 50/7
DarkFact - 6/2
hobbes21 - 19/4
nonamesleft - 13/?
EB - 4/7
Scott - 2/6
Kommie - 20/5
back4more - 2/2
Alaisiagae - 1/?
bill - 8/?

Readers for 2022 Final Tallies

DarkFact - 3/5
Cevil - 19/10
Kommie - 29ish/1
Miranda - 12/7
Benstylus - 0/?
Alaisiagae - 0/?
Razeak - 4/32
Sinnie - 4/8
bill - 4/7
bogo - 54/7
Hobbes - 14/5
Heavyd814life - 9/5
Roko - 4/9
Scott - 5/5
bumsplikity - 11/25
nonamesleft - 7/?
The_prophecy - 2/2
back4more - 8/2
EB - 14/10

14-Apr-24 7:43pm
Triple Gold Good Trader

Just finished book 8 of Cradle. The longest book of the series (500 something pages compared to 300)
With book 7 not ending how I wanted initially, it really payed off
15-Apr-24 9:33am
GameTZ Gold Subscriber Gold Good Trader

bill wrote:
I'm somewhere in that middle gray too. I've bounced off of Joyce's Dubliner's twice and this was my second stab at reading through To the Lighthouse. I think maybe it's all about timing for me. The first time I tried, we had just had our first kiddo, bought our first house, and were in general trying to adjust to a new life. I wasn't in the appropriate headspace to stumble through heady writing.

Woolf must have just been a wildly empathetic person to write from so many unique perspectives simultaneously. To the Lighthouse ends with almost a fizzle. When I initially finished it, it felt like "huh. not bad. interesting." but the more I think on it, the more I enjoy it.
16-Apr-24 8:57am
Gold Good Trader

This is a cool thread. I have had class so much less time to read anything on the side. That said, this is what I have read in 2024 so far and actually finished:

1. Rise of Endymion - sci-fi novel - fourth and final installment of the Hyperion Cantos. I thought it was the weakest of the four novels, but it tied up loose ends and was still overall a good read (too many potential spoilers to dive into any plot)
2. Goosebumps: The Haunted Mask - I wanted to return to my childhood. It was a fun popcorn read, but the plot about a girl plotting revenge and getting stuck in a living mask was surprisingly well written for a kid's horror book.
3. Judgement at Tokyo - non-fiction account of Tokyo Trials after WWII - This an absolutely fantastic read that not only covers the trials but also goes into the American occupation, the American perception of Japan at the time, and the lasting impacts/ethical conundrums of the trials.

Started and dropped a few others, but will catch up on reading more after May :)

16-Apr-24 9:03am
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

I always see Hyperion Cantos being recommended, is it good?
16-Apr-24 9:05am
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews

Hyperion yes Well, I loved the first 2 books (~25 years ago?), not even sure if I read the last 2.

I still think about one of the locations in the books that hard farcaster portals on each wall, looking out on different alien landscapes.

I have a book ("Worlds Enough & Time") of novellas by Dan Simmons on my shelf that I plan to read eventually (found it at a used book store).
16-Apr-24 2:20pm
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews

Holy crap, I beat the challenge without resorting to reading 2K manga pages

Mr. Mercedes (Stephen King) - Very good book. Weird perspective, I don't read much Third Person Present Tense (Black House shifted to that after The Talisman, and I fudging hated it). Also didn't know they made this into a miniseries, might have to check it out, but that'll wait until after I decide if I'm going to get into Holly, in case it skips around or spoils it. Speaking of spoiling, towards the start of the book (this isn't a spoiler so much as it turns out) there was a discussion going on that made me for some reason think the full name they were referencing was a pop culture person I wasn't aware of (didn't click that it was the full name of one of the current subjects), so I highlighted it to Google it and before I could, the Kindle app helpfully informed me that this was in fact the antagonist of the book, so I made sure to give some feedback on how helpful that was. On the next page they spelled it out and obviously in context I was already getting an inkling that the perspective shift was now dealing with the titular character, but I was still pretty pissed in the moment.

Stephen King's a sick fudge. I've got about a 50/50 love hate relationship with his work, but this one had a good hook and about as solid of an ending as you could get, and I'm interested to see where it goes from here.

Edit: Oh wait. looks like Holly may be skipping ahead a bit, may have to release that hold. Why the fudge did they put a sneak peek for a spinoff at the end of the first one, butt-holes
16-Apr-24 2:33pm
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews

Finders Keepers was on hold status, but the audiobook was open so I'm borrowing that. Read by Will Patton! That's pretty neat
17-Apr-24 8:09am
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

The Gate of the Feral God's - Dungeon Crawler Carl #4 by Matt Dinniman - Audiobook. These are the best audiobooks I've listened to. It's one guy who does all the voices. Even the female voices are great, most audiobooks I listen to, men suck at female voices and vice versa.
17-Apr-24 8:19am
600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

Taking a break from Sarah Maas and got the new graphic novel version of 1984. It's just a 3.5hr listen and I'm enjoying it. So far great performances! Should have it finished by next week or less (only listen to it during commute.)

17-Apr-24 8:43am
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews

You're listening to a graphic novel?
17-Apr-24 8:47am
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

There's audiobooks based on the Sandman graphic novel, so yes it's a thing.
17-Apr-24 8:53am
600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

bill wrote:
You're listening to a graphic novel?
Yes, I didn't know graphic audio books were a thing until recently. Basically full on cast, sound effects, etc. It shortens the book because instead of reading how things sound, you hear them while the characters are talking. So it's a nice change of pace.

Here's the direct link to the one I am listening to:

Tom Hardy and Andrew Garfield sound great in it!

18-Apr-24 3:09pm
600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

finished 1984. Great performance. Felt pretty stressful at parts. I have read this book many times but this was the first audio book of it.

18-Apr-24 7:35pm
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews

I believe they used to call these "audio dramas" but I can see how kids would relate to "audio graphic novel" a bit better :p

Listening to Finders Keepers now, took like four hours until they reintroduced the main protagonist of the series, that was interesting. The pregame was actually very good storytelling of course
19-Apr-24 2:03pm
Triple Gold Good Trader

Just finished book 9
Cradle: Bloodline

3 more books left in the series. I don’t want it to end :(
21-Apr-24 10:47pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber Gold Good Trader

28. Witch Hat Atelier (vol. 1-5) - Read the first five volumes of Witch Hat Atelier this week, which is a moderate change of pace. I've not read much manga, but I have read loads of Western comics over the years. Got a Kodansha collection in a humblebundle a while back. (Vol 1-11 of Witch Hat, plus several more series.) Went into this totally blind and then immediately ran into a tale revolving a magic system that was particularly exciting to me. Lovable characters, a bit Ghibli-esque, and the art is so. stinkin. good. I'm really enjoying these.
21-Apr-24 11:37pm
Double Gold Good Trader

So far this year, I've really not been making much progress with reading. Not always easy to get into a book.
22-Apr-24 11:48pm
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews

Finished listening to Finders Keepers, a book that barely features the protagonist of the trilogy and instead mostly shifts between the perspectives of a young kid who gets in trouble supporting his family, a life-served convicted man out of prison and their shared experience with the works of a deceased literary powerhouse that draws them violently together. I’m not smart enough to pick up everything that was being laid down, but there was a clear duality being played out between them; the old man who drew parallels to one of the author’s best known work’s protagonist with himself, angry that the author turned the hero into a normie, who puts the work on a pedestal above and beyond the flesh and blood in his life, and the kid equally enamored with the work but short of treating fiction more friendly than reality. The old man who blames all his problems on external elements and the young kid who understands the trouble he’s brought upon himself, both of them angry and trying to save what they find important.

There’s a loose tie in to the first book but only as a framing for the kid’s upbringing; honestly it’s so barely related to the first that I wouldn’t be shocked if this was reworked to be Book 2 from something else, but even with that possibility I’d say it’s still better than the first book. I liked it a lot, crap don’t mean crap. Will Patton did a fudging excellent job reading it. No failure to communicate here.

That said, I spent 13 hours listening to it, not reading it. So it doesn’t count. Boo hoo. Buuuuut, look what popped up as a Lucky Read, no wait required soon as I turned in Finders Keepers?

23-Apr-24 7:37am
600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

DarkFact wrote:
I believe they used to call these "audio dramas" but I can see how kids would relate to "audio graphic novel" a bit better :p

YES! For some reason my brain cannot retain the words "audio drama" lmao

23-Apr-24 9:46am
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews

My dad grew up listening to such things on the radio.
25-Apr-24 4:15pm
Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

i don't remember who else read it, but I just finished Zeus is Dead by Michael Munz. I think it was pretty entertaining and definitely in the comedy style of Douglas Adams. I can see how it would be a bit of a weird read, but listening to the audiobook helped with the pacing a lot

Can You Read a Book for Every System You Own in 2024???? MEMBERSHIP FULL