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GTZ Ranks Current topic: Rank Your Favorite Movies of 2023
26-May-17 7:30pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

This topic had many older posts which were moved here:

Hello, I like to rank things. @bonham2 can attest.

I update this thread with new topics so the GTZers can share their definitive rankings of said topic. It's a great time.

Current Topic: Top 10 Most Anticipated Games of 2023

Past Topics:
1. Rank the Batman films
2. Rank the X-Men films
3. Top 10 TV Shows
4. Top 10 Favorite Albums
5. Top Favorite Fictional Characters
6. Rank Your Favorite Nicktoons
7. Top 10 90s Nick Shows
8. Top 10 SNES Games
9. Top 5 Favorite Video Game Locations
10. Top 5 Video Game Frustrations
11. Top 5 Horror Movies
12. Top 5 Thanksgiving Foods
13. The Christmas Edition
14. Top 10 Superhero Movies
15. Top 10 (or 5) Movies of 2017
16. Top 10 (or 5) Comedy Movies
17. Top 10 Animated Films
19. Rank Your Favorite Action Movies
20. Top 10 PS4 Games
21. Top 10 Movies of the Past 5 Years
22. Top 5 Video Game Disappointments
23. Top 10 Favorite MCU Characters
24. Rank the Traditionally Animated Disney Movies
25. Favorite Nostalgic Children's Movies
26. Rank Tarantino's Filmography
27. Top 10 Bands/Musicians
28. Rank the Nintendo Home Consoles
29. The Halloween Edition
30. Top 5 Thanksgiving Foods Pt. II
31. The Christmas Edition Pt II
32. Top 10 Movies of 2019
33. Top 10 Movies of the 2010s
34. Rank the Harry Potter Movies
35. Rank the Disney/Pixar Movies
36. Rank the Spider-man film franchise
37. Top 10 Episodes of TV
38. Top 10 Tearjerker Movies
39. Top 5 SNL Skits
40. Rank the 3D Mario Games
41. Top 10 Film Quotes/Lines of Dialogue
42. Top 5 (or 10) Thanksgiving Specials
43. Top 10 Live Action Movies of the 1990s
44. Top 10 Music Videos
45. Rank the DCEU Movies
46. Top 10 (or 5) Movies of 2020
47. Top 10 Disney Songs
48. Top 5 Celebrity Crushes
49. Favorite & Least Favorite Movies of 2021
50. Rank the Batman films (again!)
51. Top 10 Classic Rock Songs
52. Top 10 Summer Movies
53. Top 10 Autumn Movies
54. Top 10 Movies of 2022
55. Top 10 Most Anticipated Games of 2023

OG Batman movie post:

So, for other folks who watch stupid superhero stuff, Rank! Those! Stupid! Batman movies!!! I don't expect everyone to have seen all the ones on my list but if you've seen any, share your lists in the thread. Or don't, jerk.


GTZ's favorite is Batman Begins. This is indisputable.

1. The Dark Knight
Classic. Iconic Joker, great adaptation of Two-Face. Batman's mythos in the Nolan trilogy took its most interesting turn with the ending with Batman's metaphorical sacrifice. It was the ultimate grounded approach at a Batman movie, finding perfect ways to integrate those comic book moments.

2. Batman: Mask of the Phantasm
The only animated Batman movie to get a theatrical release is still one of the best. I'm huge into Batman: The Animated Series, and this movie is one of the best "entires" in that series and just one of the best takes on Batman in general.

3. Batman Returns
Completely off nostalgia alone. This was among my favorite movies as a kid and remains a favorite Christmas movie. Michael Keaton had great nuance, especially as Bruce Wayne. Danny DeVito's Penguin was as memorable as it was gross. It wasn't a particularly great movie and it hasn't aged well, but I'll always love it.

4. Batman Begins
Really dug the subtle, grounded approach of this movie - it was easily the most grounded of the Nolan movies. I'm a big fan of Ra's Al Ghul and, while I would have liked a legitimately immortal take on the character, Liam Neeson's man-in-the-shadows-creating-a-myth version was great for this universe.

5. Batman (1989)
Another classic, the logo to this movie is etched into my nostalgia goggles for all-time. Nicholson's Joker is a legend at this point, and again, Keaton was fun as a straight-faced Batman.

6. The LEGO Batman Movie
Will Arnett as the voice of Batman rules. All the cameos, both voice-wise and character-wise, were great. It was a fun spoof on Batman movies in general, with things kids and adults could both like.

7. The Dark Knight Rises
Great way to top off the Nolan trilogy, but a little lesser than the other movies. I love Tom Hardy's Bane - even the voice. He came off sinister and brutal, and it was great to see Nolan so closely adapt the Knightfall stuff from the comics. That gets points alone. It did go a little long, and the third act was a little bit of a let down, but still a fun time.

8. Batman: The Movie
Like the LEGO Batman movie, this one is great for a few laughs. Adam West's dumbed-down "comic story" Batman was so much fun, and the colors of this movie were great. And then there's the bomb scene, which may be my single favorite Batman scene ever just for the sheer absurdity.

9. Man of Tomorrow (BvS fan edit)
You'll see where BvS actually ends up, but I dug this fan edit as it seamlessly meshed both Man of Steel and Batman v Superman. While a lot of the problems were still there (especially in the majority BvS section), I was in awe at how well the edits to make one epic Batman/Superman movie worked out - as well as the edits that did fix plot points.

10. Batman Forever
Underrated in my opinion, because a lot of people would rank this as far down as Batman & Robin which is an insult. This wasn't a great movie by any means, and Tommy Lee Jones' awful take on Two-Face was just a poor-man's Batman 89' Joker, but Jim Carrey as Riddler was cool and the Robin origin scene was fun. The ending was awful, Robin being a grown ass man was awful, and Kilmer's Batman was forgettable. But I still thought the movie was okay.

11. 1940's Batman serials
I'll just count both of the serialized theater series in one spot since they're decently obscure nowadays. These episodes were on TV on Christmas day when I was a kid, and I remember watching it from my Batman: The Animated Series tent that I got that morning. Fun to re-watch every now and then for that alone, but it's real awkward seeing some of the subject matter.

14. Batman & Robin
If this list were ranked for comedy, this may beat out both Batman '66 AND the LEGO Batman movie. But alas. Clooney was phoning it in completely, Robin was still an adult, Batgirl was cringey, Mr. Freeze was gosh darn perfect and the Poison Ivy/Bane duo were the worst.

13. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Tomorrow
This movie was awful. Affleck's Batman was just about the only thing I dug about it. But just the performance and look itself. The writing for Batman, besides Bruce Wayne's initial hesitance toward Superman, was pretty awful. Having him climb on a ceiling the first time we see him, his whole Martha schtick, his willingness to main (even if it was fun to watch).

14. Suicide Squad
Does this movie count? Mostly Batman villains, the Joker/Harley Quinn combo and a short Batman cameo. I'll count it, but the movie sucks so this entry pretty much just exists to reiterate that.

25-Nov-20 5:57pm
Double Gold Good Trader

theJaw wrote:
You guys are dampening my holiday cheer. {imgt}https://media0.giphy... 480 360{imgt}
Awwwww. That's pretty sad. I actually frowned just now.

But yes for actually finding that gif.
25-Nov-20 6:09pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader

Honestly the only Thanksgiving ones I remember despite seeing nearly all of them is the Simpsons... and they are largely forgettable. They might be the worst set of holiday specials.
25-Nov-20 8:23pm
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews

theJaw wrote:
You guys are dampening my holiday cheer. {imgt}https://media0.giphy... 480 360{imgt}
bruh, did you not see my perfect list of Friends Thanksgiving episodes??
4-Feb-21 1:22am
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

Alriighty yall, new topic:

Top 10 Live Action Movies of the 1990s

I'll do other decades eventually... already did 2010s (though that was a list that included both Live Action and Animated). There will come a time for 80s and 2000s, and probably 50s-70s as one single Top 10. But for now, let's go back to a simpler time and list our 10 favorite live action movies of the 90s, 1990-1999.

Try to make this a definitive list. We've already had a "guilty pleasures" list, and the 90s put out a lot of mine, but let's try to keep this to movies that we actually, unashamedly love and/or feel deserve the recognition. AND GO!

No real order, just my Top 10:

1. Goodfellas
2. Shawshank Redemption
3. Good Will Hunting
4. Jurassic Park
5. Dogma
6. Rushmore
7. Titanic
8. Terminator 2: Judgment Day
9. October Sky
10. Clerks

Top 10 Honorable Mentions:
- The Silence of the Lambs
- Clueless
- The Truman Show
- The Sixth Sense
- Batman Returns
- The Blair Witch Project
- Wayne's World
- The Fifth Element
- Robin Hood: Men in Tights
- The Crucible

Welp that was hard. Really my Top 20 because I could watch literally any of those at any time and be content, but whatev.
4-Feb-21 3:32am
450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

1) Fight Club
2) The Matrix
3) Fifth Element
4) Dazed and Confused
5) Pulp Fiction
6) The Mummy
7) Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
8) Happy Gilmore
9) Twister
10) The Sandlot

Honorable Mentions:
11) The Frightners
12) Billy Maddison
13) Jurassic Park
14) From Dusk til Dawn
15) Scream
16) Empire Records
17) Jumanji
18) Batman & Robin
19) American Pie
20) Home Alone
4-Feb-21 3:51am
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

@Dusk Batman... & ROBIN as an unironic favorite?

gosh darn, can’t help but respect it.
4-Feb-21 8:44am
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader

The Shawshank Redemption
Falling Down
American History X
Leon The Professional
The Big Lebowski
Jurassic Park
Office Space
Army of Darkness

Honorable Mentions:
The Usual Suspects
The Matrix
The Sandlot
Austin Powers
The Crow
Good Will Hunting
Pulp Fiction
4-Feb-21 9:24am
GameTZ Subscriber 250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

I saw ACTION movies without the live part at first. I had quite the list going before I realized lmao.
4-Feb-21 9:29am
Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

Me too i was like why the fudge no last action hero
4-Feb-21 1:12pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader

Same, when I saw Shawshank I had to reread the title. lol
5-Feb-21 11:37pm
300 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

My top 10:

A River Runs Through It
Office Space
Saving Private Ryan
Primal Fear
Sixth Sense
Home Alone
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves

Honorable mentions:

The Shawshank Redemption
Good Will Hunting
The Matrix
Happy Gilmore
Billy Madison
Tin Cup
The Rock
Bad Boys
Independence Day
6-Feb-21 10:06pm
Gold Good Trader Has Written 6 Reviews

I just rewatched Seven (Se7en for all the Enix fans out there) tonight and I need to sit down with my movie collection tomorrow and list out my favorites from the 90's.

6-Feb-21 10:18pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

I dunno if it’s because I waited too long to watch it, but I really didn’t love Seven the way everyone else does. I forgot who but someone here on the TZ sent me $3 to rent the movie a while back, so I did and felt bad not enjoying it as much as they were letting on haha

Oh well, world keeps turnin’.
6-Feb-21 10:49pm
Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

This is off the top of my head.

1. Schindler's List
2. Jurassic Park
3. The Matrix
4. Unforgiven
5. The Ninth Gate
6. Rounders
7. Good Will Hunting
8. Philadelphia
9. Goodfellas
10. Donnie Brasco

7-Feb-21 1:45am
Gold Good Trader

Boogie Nights
Scent of a Woman
American History X
Cable Guy
Dazed and Confused

7-Feb-21 11:12am
Gold Good Trader

I had to go though a few other lists and pick out my personal favorites. There are likely several I just can't think of off hand. I also haven't watched a number of the "gangster" movies, but I've heard they are good. Anyway, without further ado, here's my list:

Top 10
The Shawshank Redemption
Jurassic Park
The Big Lebowski
The Matrix
Fight Club
The Silence of the Lambs
Office Space
Dumb & Dumber
Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels

Honorable Mentions
Forest Gump
Independence Day
Home Alone
Tommy Boy
The Sandlot
7-Feb-21 3:51pm
Gold Good Trader Has Written 6 Reviews

This was really really hard.

I think right now this would be my top ten:

Before Sunrise
Children of Men
City Lost Children
Dark City
L.A. Confidential
Leon (the Professional)
Run Lola Run
Shallow Grave

and then

American Beauty
Fight Club
Fisher King
The Game
Good Will Hunting
Truman Show

and then a whole bunch of others like:

Air Force One
American Movie
As Good As It Gets
A Simple Plan
Black Hawk Down
Boogie Nights
Chasing Amy
Dazed and Confused
Enemy of the State
Fifth Element
Forest Gump
Galaxy Quest
Ghost Dog
Grosse Point Blank
Jackie Brown
the Limey
Man without a Face
Mr. Hollands Opus
Next Stop Wonderland
Notting Hill
Pump Up the Volume
Pulp Fiction
Regarding Henry
Res Dogs
Saving Private Ryan
Schindler’s List
Searching for Bobby Fisher
Shipping News
Sliding Doors
The Straight Story
Talented Mr. Ripley
Thomas Crown Affair
3 Colors
12 Monkeys
Usual Suspects
Very Bad Things
Waking Life

But that wouldn't be all of them. I just got crosseyed at that point.

7-Feb-21 4:12pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

@Sid_Ceaser is there a different Children of Men besides the 2006 movie or was that a flub?
7-Feb-21 6:23pm
Gold Good Trader Has Written 6 Reviews

Oh crap. I thought it was from the 90's. Whoopsie.

7-Feb-21 8:50pm

#1: Last Action Hero
#2: The Terminator 2
#3: The Guyver 2 Dark Hero
#4: Rush Hour
#5: The Matrix
#6: Jurassic Park
#7: The Fifth Element
#8: Demolition Man
#9: Blade
#10: Men In Black
7-Feb-21 11:21pm

TMNT 1990? I don't think it got much better than that as a kid. Real life turtles.

GTZ Ranks Current topic: Rank Your Favorite Movies of 2023