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ELDEN RING/Souls-Like topic!
10-Jun-21 3:47pm
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

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February 25, 2022


Oooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh the ELDEN RING -------------- GAMEPLAY TRAILER

Winners who've beat it:

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13-Oct-23 9:08pm
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

MrBean wrote:
Kommie wrote:> I had to change the pickup location for my Ps5 copy but overall I'm reading PS5 is> far better than Xbox. Best Buy where I pre ordered it didn't even get a copy. I also> set the steel book to ship. Did BB get an exclusive steelbook??
There's a steelbook, yeah. No idea if it's exclusive.
13-Oct-23 9:08pm
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (9 minutes ago)

Matchmaking is not working it seems. A few bosses in and it’s just not right. One shot literally. Lots of weapons drop but they need stats and leveling is a real grind. A buff to exp gains is needed pretty badly here.
13-Oct-23 9:41pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review

Gdamnit. Yeah. BB has an exclusive steelbook. I got the CE from GS which has a different steelbook.

@Kommie or anyone else wanna sell theirs?
13-Oct-23 9:44pm
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (9 minutes ago)

Stumbled upon the joy of dual wielding flaming axes and things are looking up. Smash.
13-Oct-23 9:44pm
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review

Sounds like PS5 has a save corruption issue. Lots of people reporting corrupted/delete saves. And losing entire days worth of play time because they have to download from the PS+ server from before they started playing today. This launch is a hot mess. I guess no one should be buying games on day one anymore. No game launches smoothly it seems anymore.
13-Oct-23 9:47pm
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review

Feeb wrote:
Stumbled upon the joy of dual wielding flaming axes and things are looking up. Smash.
Yeah, I was dual wielding maces. I got two of them to drop before the first boss. Dual wielding is fantastic.
14-Oct-23 5:04pm
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (9 minutes ago)

Ugh. This game is a messy slog. The targeting is off and causes flailing deaths frequently- there are entirely too many spongy enemies placed in sequence. This world is nice but the idea to make it pretty much a linear run with obscene numbers of cheesey mobs with range etc is an awful design choice. Not enjoying it much. Going to stick with it but about 10 hours and it is getting worse and worse more of the same.
14-Oct-23 5:12pm
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review

@feeb Yeah I didn't get far before shelving it to wait for patches. But the more I read of people playing on PC and PS5 that have gotten far, most have nothing but bad things to say. Super dense enemy placement. Ranged wizard enemies that can snipe you with locked on projectiles from farther away than you can render/see. The auto lock on swapping to super far away enemies. Seems the game has a bad amount of artificial difficulty stuff, along with horrid balancing.
14-Oct-23 5:16pm
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review

Oh I also read today they remove the bonfires (forget what they are called) in NG+. From what I played, there is already so little of them. You go for such a long time between if you don't have one of those seeds to grow a temporary one. And you can only have one of those at a time. And then in NG+ they thought it would be a good idea to just remove them entirely.
14-Oct-23 5:20pm
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (9 minutes ago)

Yeah it’s looking like the reviews at 5-6 are correct so far. The targeting has to be one of my biggest gripes. A huge mechanic is enemies spawning into the realm - you cannot target them for a good second after they appear. This is causing me to flail at nothing, lose the camera and fall repeatedly etc. that single issue has caused me a ton of time.
14-Oct-23 10:03pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews

Sounds like the new LOTF is just as messy as the original one. Think it’ll be a hard pass and/game pass title for me.
14-Oct-23 10:22pm
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (9 minutes ago)

TalonJedi87 wrote:
Sounds like the new LOTF is just as messy as the original one. Think it’ll be a hard pass and/game pass title for me.
It’s not nearly as bad as OG. The further I get the more it feels like they made a huge mistake in the sequence of the game. It feels like blightown and the crapty swamp areas of DS very early and very often. They went for frustratingly cheap inflated difficulty - but if you’re into that it’s fine and I can see why some masochistic souls fans would love it.
14-Oct-23 10:59pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review

I honestly never found blightown to be that bad and your comments make me even more excited to play. Optimistic to possibly start tomorrow.
14-Oct-23 11:46pm
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (9 minutes ago)

If you love the souls grind this one is for you. It’s got that “must get more souls” thing going on. Addictive as hell.
15-Oct-23 12:01am
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review

I played a couple hours just now. As there was a new patch today. Still not great, but a bit better. Anyway, fudge the swamp and these drops to 2fps. Holy fudge. Blight town aint got nothing on this crap. I've never experienced anything like that in a console game before. Not even the fabled Lichdom Battlemage was that bad. And that game is famous for its horrific frame rate on PS4/Xb1.
15-Oct-23 12:45am
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review

It's just so sad that this is (and has been) the new norm. Rush to meet a date with issues and patch later.

Yet in the modern world of agile development and MVP delivery, ti's part for the course for today's SDLC.
15-Oct-23 2:08am
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review

So uh, yeah. I refunded this on xbox and bought it on PS5 after watching some game play videos of that. And holy crap. This is a different game. It looks fantastic compared to the xbox version. Like I can't fathom how its such a pile of crap on xbox compared to this version. This is not the first game this year with this issue either. It also does not have the performance issues. No hitching, no stuttering. No crazy frame drops (I'm not at the swamp yet but the xbox version had them everywhere). This is like night and day. It actually looks really good. And plays so much smoother. Its like I was playing the PS3 version on my xbox. I'm glad I went and finally bought a new PS5 controller. Its been too long since I've used this system. Pretty much been using the SX all year.
15-Oct-23 2:15am
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (9 minutes ago)

Aside from the messy targeting it plays rather well on ps5.
15-Oct-23 9:50am
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review

Just opened the LotF CE. Sadly, doesn't feel worth the money. It's a decent enough statue and all (pretty cheap materials unfortunately), but should have been $150-$200. They could/should have included something else - light a stand-alone lantern display piece (like the black marker Dead Space LRG CE).

It's really odd/dumb that they want you to use the box for display purposes. As they built a light inside the box, that can be turned on with a remote. I dunno, maybe If I had proper shelves and room, I'd use the box ...

Also, someone sell me their Best Buy steelbook!
15-Oct-23 2:53pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review

Couple hours in, digging it! Changing from quality to performance cleaned up most of the stuttering.
15-Oct-23 6:02pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review

Second boss (scourge lady something or another)... Was she supposed to do basically nothing? That may be one of the worst/easiest bosses in a soulslike.

ELDEN RING/Souls-Like topic!