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Last Game You Didn't Beat?
5-Jun-23 9:38am
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews

Tried out the Piko Collection 3 on Evercade. It has some gems on it (was surprised how much I like Radical Bikers).

It also has Sword of Sodan (Genesis version). It has got to be amongst the all time worst games released on the system.

It has big sprites and that's the only positive. China Warrior on the TG16 compares favorably to this game.

I put it on easy mode and gave myself the max number of lives (7). Lost 5 of them due to overwhelming enemies, low damage and poor hit detection.

The final two were from falling into invisible pits that you just have to memorize the exact location of where to jump and hope the enemies (who can walk across them just fine) don't push you in!

Never has the Sega Rally "GAME OVER, YEAH!" felt more appropriate.

16-Oct-23 6:14pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews

I just wasted 17 minutes of my life playing what might rank pretty up there on the list of the worst games I've ever played, and that's saying something coming from someone who has bought plenty of eShop trash on purpose (I've tried to cut down on that these days, but I've owned this game for a few years now). I will never finish it, in fact I've already uninstalled it just before I started typing this post.
It was Ultra Off-Road Simulator 2019: Alaska on Nintendo Switch
The physics are awkward (my jeep would get stuck in a ditch and there's nothing I could do to get out), the frame-rate drops pretty hard at times and overall it is pretty easy to see why this game sits at a 25 on the critics of Meta. I might have even more complaints had I actually put more time into it. Also I didn't realize it at the time, but in the eShop it appears they are using screenshots of the PC version because in the Switch version the top left of the screen tells you to press the left analog stick for more vehicle options, but in the eShop screenshots it looks like it's telling you to push the T key.
17-Oct-23 3:45am
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 5 Reviews

Gave Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon a shot. I’ve never played an Armored Core game. Not my cup of tea. I did enjoy both Zone of the Enders games though.
17-Oct-23 9:47am
Double Gold Good Trader

SupremeSarna wrote:
I haven't come back to Yumi's Odd Oddyssey. One stage was super difficult, others are unlocked by finding secret exits that are barely documented online. Though I did get the credits a few times by clearing certain routes, so you could argue that I did beat it...?Hmmm, maybe you did beat it. You might have to post this in the last game you beat thread.

But if you post it there, just change the third to last word from did to didn't :)
18-Oct-23 12:32pm
Triple Gold Good Trader

Hi-Fi Rush may end up being on this list for me. The premise and story are cool, and the art direction is interesting, but I just don't have fun when I play it. There are so many tedious moments with the controls (particularly in timed instant death sequences where you have to remember the specific inputs to call in someone else to do something for you before you die).
2-Nov-23 1:01pm
Triple Gold Good Trader

Giving up on Robocop Rogue City. The shooting while fun made me feel way to overpowered which made sense considering the source material. The dialogue was great though some voice acting wasn't the best. Finding side objectives and needing to collect evidence and find secrets for bonus xp was annoying. I just didn't really mesh with the game. I feel if this was a choose your own adventure and combat sections were lessened it might be better. I gave up after finding out leg shots were really the only way to deal with most armored enemies. In the first level for example, enemies with head armor should be dealt with by a shot to the groin which is fairly unique but later enemies like in the prison pretty much required leg shots. I have a feeling it was only going to get worse from there. If you want a game true to the source material and some interesting dialogue options give it a try. Just be warned the combat gets stale quick. Your starting firearm can be upgraded, some items can be picked up and thrown along with enemies, repair kits or OCP energy is frequent, first boss is a damage sponge.
3-Nov-23 3:33am
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

Legend of Nayuta. I just have so many games on my play list I wasn't feeling it immediately.

3-Nov-23 12:45pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews

Body Of Evidence on Switch.
I got this last week in one of those giveaways No Gravity Games does in the eShop as an excuse to give away their bad games leading up to Halloween. I knew to keep my expectations low going into it, so I can't say was too disappointed in it, but I know I won't finish it. The whole game is that you are sent in to crime scene-like scenarios and have to hide the dead body (or bodies) and clean up the mess (blood, broken glass, bullets, etc.) before the cops arrive. This is far from one of No Gravity Games' worst games, but I still wouldn't call it "good", in fact I don't think I've played a single game by them that I would call "good", but I just don't want to play this anymore.

The eShop description says it has lots of "black humor", but I didn't really see much humor at all. They attempted a lame joke with some dude named Tyler that was a nod to Fight Club (never seen the movie but I got the reference). Other than that the controls are kinda crap, it has a very small circle in the center that you have to aim precisely over the object you're trying to interact with, which can be frustrating when they are tiny bullets you're trying to pick up off the floor. Plus the weird physics make disposing of bodies too difficult sometimes, especially since you have a time limit to deal with. I tried to stick with the game but it isn't worth it, I'm 10 levels into it and there are 20 more, I don't want to spend more time on it.
5-Nov-23 9:58pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews

Pandemic Shooter on Switch.
Another "winner" by No Gravity Games. It's a first-person shooter where it's you against a buttload of zombies. The story starts out kinda funny, it's a group of lizard aliens that have landed on Earth and released a virus that turns people into mind-controlled zombies. Why they chose humans is because humans are dumb and will believe anything they read on the internet, like the Earth being flat, which is the premise of the first level. What the other levels are about, I couldn't tell ya because after two 20 minute sessions with the game where I failed to beat the boss at the end of the first level, I've decided I don't want to play anymore. But they take jabs at anti-maskers, and people who believe the moon landing was faked, things like that.
The controls need some touching up, I've tried adjusting the sensitivity but I couldn't get it to feel "right", and there's no gyro aiming which at this point should be a requirement for any shooter on Switch. The graphics are cel-shaded, which I usually like, but the environments and enemies look less detailed than how I remember even the PS3 version of Borderlands looking, so it's kind of a waste here.

6-Nov-23 6:06pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews

Inner Voices on Nintendo Switch.
Okay, one last game brought from those fudgetards wonderful people at No Gravity Games. I saved this for last because as a first-person horror/puzzle game, I thought this game had the highest chance of me actually enjoying it. But it's just so janky. I knew within 30 seconds of booting it up and seeing that it runs on Unreal Engine 4 that I should expect some jank, because that engine doesn't play well with Switch unless you do some heavy optimizing, and indie devs working with low budgets are not going to bother doing that as you can see from the many, many of the trash games in the eShop running on UE4.

But in a way this dev did their own way of optimizing, by scaling it back so far from the PC version that it's almost a different game now. I got stumped on a puzzle early on and turned to ol' YouTube for help and could only find playthroughs of the PC version, and it looks nothing like what I'm seeing on my TV when I'm playing on the Switch. The PC version doesn't look to be any GotY contender or anything, but it looks far superior to what the Switch version turned out to be.
12-Dec-23 4:15pm
Triple Gold Good Trader

Put 4 hours into Avatar Frontiers of Pandora. Just isn't my type of game the collecting of items to build arrows at the start was probably a bad sign on my enjoyment level of the game. I also didn't like the navigation system. It seemed like abilities would make it better but you shouldn't have to unlock such important features in my opinion as navigating the world in a open world game is important. The combat wasn't that satisfying either. Human enemies die in one punch except for mechs and other pilotable vehicles and shooting wasn't the greatest to me which is understandable. Giving up on Undertale Yellow genocide run couldn't really enjoy doing it and found the pacifist run to be more enjoyable minus a few combat events. It is a fan made game though.
13-Dec-23 5:27am
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews

ued222 wrote:
Put 4 hours into Avatar Frontiers of Pandora. Just isn't my type of game the collecting of items to build arrows at the start was probably a bad sign on my enjoyment level of the game.
Crafting is fast becoming one of my least favorite things in gaming. It's down there with farming (which is basically a variation of crafting) and nearly everything "roguelike"/"roguelite".
It used to be cool to be able to make your own stuff instead of buying it, but then it morphed into being forced to make stuff because it wasn't available to buy and further evolved to you can't even buy materials so you gotta scrounge for them. It's turned into a cheap way to artificially pad a game's length.

The last game I enjoyed crafting in was Fantasy Life, and that was probably because (1) most of the materials can be purchased somewhere and (2) I was also playing it with sailorneorune and the streetpass feature allows you to gift rare materials to other people without losing them yourself. So we would go back and forth giving stuff for crafting and never running out.

13-Dec-23 3:47pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews

I won't argue that. All that crafting bullcrap is what ruined Animal Crossing: New Horizons for me. I mean they made a lot of other mistakes with that game too, but crafting is near the top.

19-Dec-23 1:50pm
450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

This year at least, mine is Fire Emblem Engage. I started it soon after launch in January and have put around 5 hours on it over a week's time every few months this year. I just can't get into it after the last few have felt mediocre (Three Houses, Fates, Valentia) and this feels no different. I find myself asking, "why bother with each new iteration of a series, when you can go back and play the ones that made the series amazing to begin with?"

20-Dec-23 11:33pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews

Eastward on Nintendo Switch I still want to return to it one day but it was just too slow paced for me to stick with it long term consistently.
21-Dec-23 4:52am
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

I beat Eastward but thought it was pretty average overall. I actually thought the Game Boy style RPG in game was better.
21-Dec-23 7:10am
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews

Yeah I expected a lot more from the developers. especially since I really enjoyed their previous game Timespinner.
16-Jan-24 3:30pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews

Onimusha: Warlords on Nintendo Switch

In 2024 I really wanted to drop less games than last year once I've started them, so it sucks this early into the year I'm dropping this one already. I've read it's a 5 or 6 hour game, so I tried to stick with it, but I'm done with it.

I think I missed the boat on this and Devil May Cry, because instead of playing them when they each first released a little over 20 years ago (even though I owned one I missed out on a lot of PS2 exclusives because GameCube and Xbox were more of a priority), my first time is playing them when Capcom put out these low effort ports in the eShop instead of giving them a proper remaster treatment and fixing things that really needed to be fixed. Well, from what I've read they did make minor adjustments to the controls, so good on them for that. But other parts that needed fixing, like the ability to skip cutscenes (there's this one annoying part within the first hour of the game with two back-to-back puzzles and if you fail either one you're booted back to the title screen and have to reload your save) went ignored. I don't care one bit about the game's story, so without that it's just a generic hack-n-slash.

Since they released it at only $20 it's entirely possible they were just releasing it for people who were already fans of it but no longer had a PS2 to play it on. But if they were trying to win over new fans, I think some more work needed to be done.
16-Jan-24 3:58pm
GameTZ Subscriber 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (11) Has Written 56 Reviews

PizzaTheHutt wrote:
Onimusha: Warlords on Nintendo Switch In 2024 I really wanted to drop less games than last year once I've started them, so it sucks this early into the year I'm dropping this one already. I've read it's a 5 or 6 hour game, so I tried to stick with it, but I'm done with it. I think I missed the boat on this and Devil May Cry, because instead of playing them when they each first released a little over 20 years ago (even though I owned one I missed out on a lot of PS2 exclusives because GameCube and Xbox were more of a priority), my first time is playing them when Capcom put out these low effort ports in the eShop instead of giving them a proper remaster treatment and fixing things that really needed to be fixed. Well, from what I've read they did make minor adjustments to the controls, so good on them for that. But other parts that needed fixing, like the ability to skip cutscenes (there's this one annoying part within the first hour of the game with two back-to-back puzzles and if you fail either one you're booted back to the title screen and have to reload your save) went ignored. I don't care one bit about the game's story, so without that it's just a generic hack-n-slash. Since they released it at only $20 it's entirely possible they were just releasing it for people who were already fans of it but no longer had a PS2 to play it on. But if they were trying to win over new fans, I think some more work needed to be done.
I'm guessing they were releasing it for fans and to gauge interest. According to leaked sales data, it sold over 300,000 copies. I'm still unsure why they didn't use 'Genma' though, since that version had some gameplay tweaks and more content. I agree, I think regardless of the version, some modernization would've helped.

25-Feb-24 9:23pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews

Koral on Nintendo Switch

This reminds of that that PSP/PS3 game, flOw. It's a pretty pointless game that doesn't have much gameplay, and I'm not sure what the story is or if there even is one because despite this game having a US release in the eShop, all the text in this is in Japanese because that's the eShop I bought it from (in the past I've never not had a game I bought in the Japanese eShop automatically display all text in English when I change my account's region back to America). This game is much prettier than flOw was, but is equally as boring. I'm sure it's a short game too, and maybe I'll return to it later on, but for now I'm moving on to something else.
26-Feb-24 2:42pm
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

Avatar Frontiers of Pandora - Great graphics, hit or miss on gameplay. The open world was very impressive to look at but once I reached the third major area I gave up. I may return to it down the line but like many Ubisoft games it's just too many things on too big of a map with not enough of a story to keep my interest. The gameplay is hit or miss, it had a few good story missions early on but the enemies in the clear the base missions were awful, on a few occasions when I sniped an enemy with a bow from a distance it triggered the entire base of enemies and they immediately knew my location.
26-Feb-24 3:09pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

Cyberpunk 2077 ce la vie

Last Game You Didn't Beat?