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The Great Star War (Star Wars Discussion)
22-Jun-18 9:29pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

This topic had many older posts which were moved here:

The great debate... Star Wars. I can feel @Jeffro and plenty of others punching holes through their computers whenever a large Star Wars discussion breaks out... so in response to a few posts that were left in the movie discussion thread, I figured it'd make sense to just move it here and carry on any Star Wars analyzing/debating to this thread.


I urge folks that if they want to talk anything Star Wars to do it here - of course unless it's solely to share your opinion/review on a movie, then the Movie thread works. I'd obviously rather this not be the case but I don't want to clog up the other thread. Let's try to keep this discussion story-driven and not politics-driven but heck, I can't control you animals.

May the Force be with us. inb4 move to politics.
27-Feb-20 10:44am
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

I’m sure they’re referring to dinosaurs as they’d exist on an alien planet and not Earth’s dinosaurs.

And I do want a bunch of stoned Jedi.
27-Feb-20 10:47am
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (2 minutes ago)

But if it's Earth's dinosaurs, we got problems.
27-Feb-20 12:05pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

Yes indeed. SW Extended materials have historically done some real stupid things in the past and will almost certainly do some real stupid things in the future. Hoping Earth dinosaurs is not one of them.
27-Feb-20 12:49pm
Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

Star Wars will always be in a galaxy far, far away. If they come to our galaxy, I call bullcrap.

27-Feb-20 1:03pm
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (2 minutes ago)

whitefire wrote:
Star Wars will always be in a galaxy far, far away. If they come to our galaxy, I call bullcrap.
If they come to our Galaxy it'll only happen so they can put product placement in Star Wars, and if they do that I'll stop watching anything from there on out.
27-Feb-20 1:16pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

Again, I doubt that’ll happen. If you look at the High Republic stuff, it all revolves around the “ancient times” of the SW galaxy - the use of the word “dinosaurs” on one white board likely pertains to weirdo extinct alien monsters the same way their use of the word “vehicle” pertains to landspeeders or star destroyers.

Also, they have no reason to include product placement within the stories considering most of them are going to be told via comics, and comics have included actual print ads within their pages for decades.
27-Feb-20 1:26pm
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (2 minutes ago)

ads, another reason I don't buy Marvel/DC Single issue comics
27-Feb-20 1:36pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

Ads can obviously be annoying but the argument can be made that there would be far less comics in general without ads - physical print is a dying business so ads are the only reason physical copies with high print runs still get produced. Even Image and other labels run ads in their books if the print run is larger than 5,000 issues or so (although they at least don’t place them in the middle of books like Marvel/DC).

Marvel and DC obviously have a ton of money but if they printed large runs of comics without ads they likely wouldn’t see a return that makes printing physically worth it. I’ll put up with an ad I can ignore to ensure physical copies continue to exist. I’d hate to never smell a fresh book again haha
27-Feb-20 1:40pm
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (2 minutes ago)

I buy mostly Image Comics single issues. No ads until the end, if there are ads at all. Even then it's usually advertising other comics they have.
27-Feb-20 1:44pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

Yah most of their issues run around 5,000 copies for a 1st print, so there’s no huge need to put ads in there. I would rather the ads stick to the back of the books from other labels but like I said, I have no issue ignoring them to ensure some of the books I’ve loved since I was a kid keep getting printed physically.
27-Feb-20 1:45pm
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (2 minutes ago)

No ads in my one single issue of a Dark Horse comic either. It's ads in the middle that annoy me.
27-Feb-20 1:49pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

Yah no ads would be ideal, just wouldn’t be feasible for DC/Marvel to print huge runs of their popular books without them unfortunately.
2-Mar-20 3:12pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

So for fellow dweebs who were left wondering about this, apparently the Episode IX novel confirms that the Palpatine in The Rise of Skywalker was a clone of the Palpatine we knew from Episodes I-VI, and was only so degraded due to the cloned vessel being unable to withstand the OG Palpatine’s immense power.

I suppose that’s a better explanation than no explanation at all, or the common assumption that it was the tattered body from the first 6 movies having somehow survived Return of the Jedi. Though I do think that this was just the novel’s writer filling in blanks that were never considered when Abrams and Terrio were writing the movie itself, and that the film’s writers truly intended it to be the body from RotJ having survived the Second Death Star’s destruction. Otherwise it would have been so easy to include a simple line of (necessary) dialogue during Kylo Ren and Palpatine’s initial interaction to establish that it was a clone we were seeing as opposed to all the dialogue that seemed to insinuate it was the same Palpatine we had always seen. All we got was Dominic Monaghan’s character vaguely mentioning “clone technology” or something similar among a list of other possibilities for Palpatine’s return.

Still, I’m glad somebody offered a now-canon reason for why Palpatine was still around without it being a total cop-out. I mean cloning is still pretty “eh” anytime it’s used, especially when bringing back a dead character, but at least there is already a precedence in SW that cloning has always been a “thing” that happens from time to time. And I do think the novel’s way of establishing this info (by having Kylo Ren remember his teachings of the Clone Wars from when he was kid and recognize the equipment Palpatine was hooked up to as being prominent during that era) was pretty witty.
5-Mar-20 4:31pm
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (2 minutes ago)

Reys father was a failed Palpatine clone. They need to actually have a plan with whatever they do next and not just make it up as they go along.
5-Mar-20 4:44pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

Kommie wrote:
Reys father was a failed Palpatine clone. They need to actually have a plan with whatever they do next and not just make it up as they go along.
As much as I feel like they're just making crap up as they go along, I looked further into it and apparently most of these plot points from the novel (like Palpatine being a clone in TROS) were indeed in the script but cut from the movie.

Either they're just saying that to save face, which I'd be inclined to believe at this point after the backlash toward TROS, or they should have left this crap in the actual movie so that the MOVIE made sense and not the novel. Either way you shake a stick at it, the movie dropped the ball on a lot of this.

It does seem like leadership is getting their crap together and plotting things out well in advance, which is why the movies were put on hold for a bit and the Obi-Wan series was delayed, so hopefully moving forward everything is a bit more consistent. I just really wish they took that approach for the sequel trilogy because, while I enjoyed VII and loved VIII, IX was a pretty brutal disappointment in wrapping the entire saga together.
5-Mar-20 4:46pm
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews

You'll come around some day and realize IX is amazing yes

5-Mar-20 4:50pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

haha that's like me telling you the same thing about VIII. Very unlikely that I'll ever enjoy it more than I already do. Half-baked fetch quest plot with macguffins that don't make sense on a basic level, and decently unsatisfying endings for all the characters. It'll be tough for me to come around to liking it as more than just a gorgeous spectacle to look at unfort.
5-Mar-20 4:54pm
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews

Yes...let the negativity flow through you.

5-Mar-20 5:00pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

5-Mar-20 5:10pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

Going back to the "Rey's dadio is a failed clone" deal, I haven't read the novel but I am really wondering how exactly that would even make in-universe sense. If we're to believe Palpatine in TROS is a clone that's being physically destroyed from the inside out by Palpatine's power, wtf happened with Rey's dad to just give him a normal personality and no physical ailments? 1) he doesn't LOOK like Palpatine, so the whole "clone" thing is sorta hard to slap on him to begin with considering how clones have historically been presented in SW, but also 2) I figured, going by what TROS shows us, that Palpatine clones are only "activated" when he needs a new vessel.

So how the frig did Rey's dad, a "failed Palpatine clone", fend off Palpatine's spirit... or power.... or essence.... or whatever actually gets passed from body-to-body and just end up a regular dude?

5-Mar-20 8:53pm
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (2 minutes ago)

Failed Palpatine clone makes no sense. If he were some kind of clone, that makes it closer to him just being her father, not grandfather?

The Great Star War (Star Wars Discussion)