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Last Game You Beat?
15-Sep-05 1:55pm
GameTZ Subscriber 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (11) Has Written 56 Reviews

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27-Jan-23 11:49am
Triple Gold Good Trader

Kommie wrote:
Is it playable solo? I still want to try that at some point. There is Coop but it is optional from what I remember and unlocks further into the game.

Well done with Forspoken. I was going to beat it but the gameplay just got to me. I remember Infamous and the fun I had with that versus this makes me question it. I even played First Light, Second Son, 1 and 2 and Festival of Blood three times minus Festival of Blood which I beat twice. I feel it needed more polish. I found the dialogue in Chapter 2 to be somewhat questionable as well as the choices. It does get better just not much better but I didn't get past Chapter 4 so keep that in mind.

Getting Dead Space on Monday or Tuesday. Unsure why my copies are shipping on release day instead of earlier. Then my preorder of Hogwarts should arrive.
27-Jan-23 2:28pm
GameTZ Subscriber 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (11) Has Written 56 Reviews

Vader Immortal: A Star Wars Tale Sony PlayStation VR

To begin with a quick rant, why, when a compilation or multiple episode game is released on disc, can't publisher combine said parts? I bought 'Vader Immortal' on disc, and it lists all three episodes separate. To answer my own question, it's laziness (or likely time/money), since you can't play all three episodes from the same menu. They appear as they were released digitally. It's cumbersome and annoying, and something I want to avoid when buying a complete game on disc.

Anyway, 'Vader Immortal' isn't categorized as a game since EA held the exclusive publishing rights at the time of its release, and as such many see it as more of an experience. Sure, ok, but it's still a game, just a very short one. You play a scrapper who gets caught in Vader's tractor beam because you're the key to the old world of Mustafar. Only you can activate the device to unlock the doors to find the thing that can bring Padme back. Sounds boring, but it's actually a well told story that expands the lore of Mustafar. You meet its people, train with Vader and feel like a Jedi, however brief the time is. And it is a short game. I think it took me around two hours. It went so quick that I had to wait after episode two for episode three to finishing copying off the disc (good time for 'Star Wars Pinball VR'!). The story is written by David S. Goyer, and it's well told. It's also well voiced and looks good on the aging PSVR1 hardware. Force powers work well and the few fight sequences there are are intense! Swinging a lightsaber is responsive and fun! Most characters still feel too small if you were actually in the room with them (a constant problem with VR), but Vader is imposing and stands over you.

It's not all great, though, and it mainly comes down to technical problems. For starters, unlike the Oculus version, there's no full locomotion; click turning and teleportation only, and that is a real bummer. Your droid companion, voiced by Maya Rudolph, is more annoying than funny. I had audio glitches throughout all three episodes too. Because this isn't a "game" you're on a strict linear path. There's no collectibles and barely anything is interactable outside of your ship's interior. In fact, the only trophies are for completing each episode and surviving in the dojo. At least there is a dojo, and it's slightly different in each episode. But while lightsaber fights can be intense and using force powers engaging, without true locomotion, it feels more like a ride than game. Which is how it was marketed.

That said, I really enjoyed it, and I think any Star Wars fan will also enjoy it. It's short, and the physical extras aren't anything to write home about, but it's fun!

Ryse: Son of Rome Microsoft Xbox Series X|S

As I still make my way through my backlog of missed Xbox One games, 'Ryse' was one that always intrigued me because Ancient Rome has always intrigued me (almost getting runover while walking on a sidewalk in Rome, not so much). Luckily it was a Games with Gold title at some point. And I have to say, I really enjoyed it.

You play fictional general Marius of Rome at the end of Nero's rule, mostly recanting your previous exploits while barbarians sack the city. But despite some real life figures, this game is very much in the fictional fantasy side. Gods play with humans, resurrection is common and real life figures are not reflective of their real life counterparts. That said, it's an engaging tale that is well written and well voiced. At times, you really feel like you're playing a Hollywood movie too.

But for all the pomp, the game is rather shallow. With few exceptions of short dead-ends, the path forward is very linear. Combat, while having it's positive spins, is barebones. Mostly slash away or break a defense, then use an execution which can regain health, focus, give extra XP etc. while fighting the same couple of CPU models, rinse repeat. The same goes for bosses. They each have one combo to block, strike when you gain an opening, rinse repeat. What's more, nowadays, the microtransactions for gold have been made free. So it's easy to download 100,000 coin and almost immediate level Marius all the way up. Then spam focus to stun enemies, slash, execute for more focus, repeat. Combat is flashy, and gruesome, but not difficult (though I heard legendary difficulty is a major step up).

Once the short campaign is over, unless hunting the rest of the collectibles sounds fun, there is multiplayer, but I couldn't get a match going. Also, there are glitched achievements. The final couple of achievements for beating the game still haven't unlocked for me, and the achievements that were unlocking as I was going had a delay to them.

For as cheap as a copy of the game is now, or if received via Games with Gold, it's a fun game to run through. A second playthrough? Probably not, but worth a first.

29-Jan-23 12:30pm
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

Signalis - 10/10

Play Signalis. It's great. So fudging good. Like a Mashup of Resident Evil and Silent Hill with a weird as fudge story.

It's like if A24 made a video game.

I'm gonna probably play it again.

So fudging good.
29-Jan-23 12:46pm
GameTZ Subscriber 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (13)

Kommie wrote:
Signalis - 10/10 Play Signalis. It's great. So fudging good. Like a Mashup of Resident Evil and Silent Hill with a weird as fudge story. It's like if A24 made a video game. I'm gonna probably play it again. So fudging good.
Whoa! I played it for maybe 20 mins and it didn’t really grab my attention so I put it back on the shelf. I guess I’ll have to give it another shot.

29-Jan-23 12:57pm
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

It's more Silent Hill 2 and way less Resident Evil after thinking about it. Read all the documents. They're not long and most of the story telling is through documents.

The endings are determined in a very Silent Hill 2 like manner.
29-Jan-23 2:09pm
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

Definitely not for me then.... as I usually hate A24.

But I just checked a video and it looks pretty sick tbh
29-Jan-23 2:25pm
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

At no point during the ending does the game info dump you as to what actually happened. That's what I mean with the A24 reference.
1-Feb-23 11:37am
Triple Gold Good Trader

Beat Dead Space Remake and it is enjoyable. Still haven't played Impossible mode or gotten the alternative ending and am missing some text and audio files. You no longer need to carry one power node with you but backtracking for security clearance doors and lockers is now a thing. The game is less linear and enemies can pop up while backtracking. Lights can flicker and other issues can occur. I personally don't care for some of the changes made. The weapons are similar or down right the same and you find them instead of purchase them. I find the dialogue to be worse. Hammond doesn't sound quite right and characters look different for better or worse. Traversal has changed as well with the addition of a Dead Space 2 added system of flight which is good. Probably going to play a new game for the alternative ending. Play impossible mode and use PS+ save scumming if it proves difficult. I also found enemy placement to be odd. As I played the OG again in December I find they spawn close to you and sometimes pincer attack you from both sides or move faster. Enemies take like 6-12 shots depending on your difficulty. Don't play beginner as it is way to easy. Try easy normal or hard. You should be able to fully upgrade your suit, stasis and 4 weapons by the end of your first playthrough on normal. Unsure if hard might change that as I still had 5 extra nodes from purchases.

Honestly, I think I prefer the original in some aspects. Playing it on the 360 I struggled with the asteroid portion but playing it on PC it was a breeze. I prefer more linear games with less pointless backtracking. Yes, I know I don't have to backtrack for everything but my survival horror playstyle doesn't let me without feeling some anxiety.

Alright so my current plan is replay this two more times or maybe once. Then play Spongebob Cosmic Shake. Then wait for Hogwart's Legacy.
2-Feb-23 5:12pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews

Life is Strange: Before the Storm on PlayStation 4
I should have finished this a week ago, but the game kinda struggled to hold my interest as I felt the story wasn't as good as the original game (I mean, that was a tough act to follow) and I felt even the voice acting for some characters was no good.
The story did improve by the third and final episode, but I felt like it was too little, too late. There is a bonus episode, but I'm going to have to watch a playthrough of it on YouTube because the only way to play it myself is if I buy it for $10, which I won't do because I played the rest of the game for free via PS+ Extra/Premium's Game Catalog.

2-Feb-23 6:28pm
Triple Gold Good Trader

Beat Spongebob Cosmic Shake about six hours long but fun. It is more linear with a ton of collectibles in the world. I.prefer this over battle. Tons of costumes to unlock and repititive.but fun gameplay. It is worth a playthrough but not much more.
3-Feb-23 11:33am
GameTZ Subscriber 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (11) Has Written 56 Reviews

Hi-Fi Rush Microsoft Xbox Series X|S

What a fun surprise this was! Others have said it, but this is just what Xbox needed. Others have also said it, but 'Hi-Fi Rush' feels like a Dreamcast/early Xbox game, and that's a good thing! The game is very colorful with good level design. The controls are tight (though I'm never a fan of jumping where you fall like a rock after hitting the jump apex). The game is a good length and has a reasonable amount of collectibles, but there's also some post-game activities. The writing is clever and the voice acting great. I liked having a constant beat as you play instead of music going in and out or a larger score always in the background. There's plenty of moves for both Chai and his companions, though I stop short of saying it's all great once the parry was introduced.

I'm not alone on this. The parry has been a sticking point for many. The timing is ridiculous, but also because of the flashiness of the combat (think Bayonetta). So much so that I never bothered to parry in combat, never unlocked/upgrading any parry related moves or chips and the only time I died was during forced enemy parry sections, including the tutorial! You can avoid these during combat by dodging when enemies are in their parry initiating state, and using your regular combos. But that's saying something, because the game on its default difficulty, which is what I played on, is pretty easy. But hitting the general beat in the first place was something I never really got the hang of.

The tutorials say to hit "on the beat," but don't specify down-beat or up-beat. I had a hard time syncing with the beat based on the visual cues in the levels but also the audio, and I couldn't find the beat assist option in the menus. I know there's a slight controller delay even with my TV in Game mode, but it's something I easily adapted to and anyone else never notices, so I don't think it's that. When getting graded at the end of combat sequences, I'd regularly get A's and S's for combos and time to complete, but C's and D's for the timing. So my overall scores for Tracks (levels) were always A's and mostly B's. It's frustrating because no matter how I thought I was hitting the beat, changing when I pressed a button, it was never totally correct. This was made more frustrating because when I initiate the beat with an attack and following that pattern, I'd nail the beat constantly, hence my high grades for combos. I don't know. Eventually I stopped paying attention.

But overall, this is a fantastic game to unwind with, hear some great tunes, thrash out some cool combos and just plain have fun with. I hope Xbox does more of these types of games. Smaller games that are really polished, that can be beaten in less than a week for more casual players. I'm sure Bethesda will keep doing what they do, but I like that Microsoft has encouraged their studios to do these smaller, more Game Pass "friendly" games. Otherwise, we'd never get games like 'Pentiment' or 'Hi-Fi Rush'. Check this game out!

5-Feb-23 7:06am
600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

Horizon Forbidden West PlayStation 5 Game got better as it went along, improved on the 1st game, enjoyed the story and the gameplay seemed more refined. 9/10
5-Feb-23 8:25pm
600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

Kirby and the Forgotten Land Nintendo Switch Wasn’t sure at first about the Mario 3D World Style for Kirby but it won me over. As simplistic as Kirby seems, I am a Fan as I seem to want not only play them but beat them. Best Looking one yet. This one was Extra Special, it took months of playing Stages here and there with my little one and Today we beat the game together. It was wonderful to see her get better and not only tag along but aid me in defeating Boss, especially when she got in the final hit. Proud Dad Moments smile

She is not a gamer but likes spending time together, usually my football buddy on Sundays. 8/10 but if you have a little you want to be able to game with and enjoy the time together 10/10. Look forward to playing Kirby Star Allies next with her.
5-Feb-23 9:51pm
Double Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (6 minutes ago)

Kirby Star Allies is a ton of fun. I think your little co-pilot will really enjoy it.
6-Feb-23 4:33am
Triple Gold Good Trader

Well Dead Space remake has 12 marker collectibles for the "ending". It was enjoyable playing a new game+ and playing impossible. Impossible is easier then I expected due to having as many saves as you want unlike Dead Space 2 and apparently weapons have changed slightly after playing my new game+ run. Second platinum on PS5 the other being ratchet. If you are unsure on impossible just try it. The difficulty is pretty much hard from what I can tell and if you die you die. Hoping Hogwarts is good else wise I will be in a gaming lull till Wanted Dead comes out and I have doubts on it. Atomic Heart, Kirby, Octopath, Scars Above and that Monster Hunter like game to. Well seven games to judge and possibly buy then Resident Evil 4 and System Shock in March.
7-Feb-23 3:22am
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 5 Reviews

Bayonetta Nintendo Switch

Game is insane. Story was non-sensical. Gameplay was decent. QTEs we’re not good. Looks dated obviously.

2nd one is much better I hear.
7-Feb-23 12:45pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews

Bayonetta 2 is more instanity only with better timed over the top gameplay WTF moments IMO.
7-Feb-23 1:28pm
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 5 Reviews

TalonJedi87 wrote:
Bayonetta 2 is more instanity only with better timed over the top gameplay WTF moments IMO.
I didn't really care for the action gameplay as much and really just wanted to power through for the story. I dropped the difficulty down from Normal to Easy and it made the game way too easy, but I kept dying on Normal past Chapter 3.
7-Feb-23 2:35pm
GameTZ Subscriber 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (11) Has Written 56 Reviews

Blood & Truth Sony PlayStation VR

I beat this in one go, and it took almost exactly five hours. What's essentially a game expanded from a demo in the VR Worlds collection, the story is typically London gangster fare. Think Guy Richie. You play an army bloke who comes home to find a rival gangster is trying to take over your family's operation after your father dies (he dies off screen during the opening credits via a line of dialogue). There's a shady organization behind the bad guy, and the CIA gets involved, but it's pretty straightforward, standard stuff. That said, it's written really well and the acting is excellent! The game, too, looks great, but the characters have that all-to-common look of being too small. Like 85% normal size with shorter shins. It's plagued VR since the beginning and I don't understand it. I always feel like a giant when next to other characters in VR.

I said in my review of 'Ryse: Son of Rome' that it feels like playing through a big Hollywood movie, and that goes double for 'Blood & Truth.' Airplanes fly over your head, explosions all around and slow-mo breaches. Running through apartment buildings while dodging fire from a helicopter before buildings fall. Chase sequences from multiple vehicles. The game can be really intense, in a good way. But I have to say, I was disappointed in the movement options. There's no full locomotion, ok, but even teleportation is neutered. You look at a spot and click to move there, maybe you can move to a spot side-to-side, but there no click turning (just head turn). Basically, the game feels like a light-gun game where you control when you move forward as very rarely you can move backwards. Miss something? Oh well, no stepping back. It feels extremely limiting at times, but I kind of get it. This game is extremely narrative driven, and the game wants you to continue moving forward.

You can carry two handguns (one on each hip) and two larger weapons (one over each shoulder) at the same time. For the most part, grabbing and holstering weapons works well. Ammo is kept on your chest, which you grab and make a real life reload action to reload. Reloading also works well, though under heavy fire, rushing to reload will cause problems. And yes, you can still reload if dual-wielding. For the most part the weapons feel good and are fun to use. I forgot to mention in my 'Vader' review that you could only see your hands, and it's off-putting. Same here. Just hands and floating holsters for the guns and ammo. It's still off-putting. I'm sure it's to save resources, but it's always odd to look down and see no body/feet. Back to the guns, they can be customized in your safehouse with better accessories and paints, and there's decent variety.

For the most part, shooting feels good. However, I had a hard time aiming down the sights, even with the crosshair, lining up a shot typically went above where I thought I was aiming. The green crosshair turns red when you're hitting your target, but some enemies just take way too much. Chase sequences are awful, with motorcyclists taking multiple clips to take down even if you're getting head shots. It makes no sense, and they were by far the hardest parts of the game because of it. I quickly resorted to shooting from the hip and did much better. I also came up against some glitches that still haven't been fixed.

After beating the game there are a slew of challenges and missions can be replayed for the massive amount of collectibles. It's a great game, not just a great VR game, that has its faults but even the glitches weren't enough to sour the overall fun. During sales like Black Friday, 'Blood & Truth' goes on sale for about $10, and that is well, well worth it. Anyone looking for an original, AAA VR game, this is as close to it as you can get from a non-port point of view. The ending leaves the story open for a sequel, and I really hope we get one on PSVR2.

7-Feb-23 3:16pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews

Sun wrote:
TalonJedi87 wrote:> Bayonetta 2 is more instanity only with better timed over the top gameplay WTF moments> IMO. I didn't really care for the action gameplay as much and really just wanted to power through for the story. I dropped the difficulty down from Normal to Easy and it made the game way too easy, but I kept dying on Normal past Chapter 3.
This was me with Bayonetta 3. The story gets incredibly obscure in the 3rd game although the end of B3 makes me wonder where they’ll go next and if I even want to be a part of it anymore.
8-Feb-23 8:59pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews

Gotham Knights PlayStation 5


This is not the Batman game you're looking for. It's so broken in a lot of areas. If you're curious about playing it def play it with a buddy to ease the woes of all of its shortcomings. The game runs in a laggy 30fps mode with no 60fps option, the side missions minus the rogues gallery ones feel like busy work and are tedious to a fault and the traversal feels much to be desired even after unlocking fast travel. The story about the Court of Owls is it’s only saving grace as I feel bad because it has potential. The acting is solid and take its trying to tell is an interesting one yet it’s hindered and held back by its plethora of issues as stated above not to mention sluggish controls and lack of lock on function without fluid counter options like the Arkham series has makes this game a hard pass for most and I can see why now. I did rather enjoy some non-combat gameplay elements though such as solving crimes and the puzzles were creative at least. But yeah overall just play or replay the Arkham games for your Batman fix. Or wait for the Suicide Squad game developed by Rocksteady the OG’s of the Arkham games.

Last Game You Beat?