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Last Game You Beat?
15-Sep-05 1:55pm
GameTZ Subscriber 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (11) Has Written 56 Reviews

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11-May-23 8:02pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews

A Juggler's Tale on Steam
I had this in my eShop wishlist for several months waiting for a sale, but before that happened I was able to get it as part of a Humble Bundle. I'm glad it worked out that way because this makes a good Humble Bundle game. It'd be $17.99 on its own in the eShop and while I did enjoy it, it was over in less than 2 hours.

11-May-23 10:20pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews

Resident Evil 4 Remake PlayStation 5


Minus some learning curve with tweaking the controls, I simply adored this remake to pieces. RE4 is my all time favorite RE game so I had high standards here and it almost exceeded my expectations in many ways. I love how they complimented most of the original game’s moments and environments with little nuanced extras from expanded locations within chapters or by just adding a new enemy or boss because reasons. Graphics wise, the RE engine is still one of the best graphics engines of late I feel and I played in performance mode with ray tracing on and it ran smooth as butter. Even the more annoying parts of the original game like babysitting Ashley didn’t feel as aggravating here for some reason and her sections with some new additions were pretty cool too. They also made some moments that I found scary and eerie in the OG game even more terrifying like the first encounter with the regenerators. And the replay value I feel is higher than ever with NG+ and collecting all the weapons and upgrades along with the merchant’s shooting gallery and mercenaries mode. I’ll definitely be returning again sooner than later for another play through. Alas,, Capcom continues its trend of being the poster child for how to do remakes just so right.
18-May-23 9:10pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews

Metroid Prime Remastered Nintendo Switch


Still a damn masterpiece 20+ years later. Minus some minor platforming timing on the buttons that is. Other than that, chefs kiss all the way thru from the music to the sense of wanderlust exploration. It’s a timeless classic and with the new twin stick revamped control scheme and silky smooth graphical polish, this feels like a fresh new experience to me. And Meta Ridley is still a welcomed pain in the butt to face. It only saddens me to know Metroid Prime 4 isn’t anywhere near completion. Ah well, maybe they’ll toss us a remastered Metroid Prime 2 and 3 in the next year or so to satiate our Prime appetites.
21-May-23 11:18pm
Double Gold Good Trader

Fez PlayStation Vita

This is some fudgeed up game. But it's the first game I've beaten in nearly two years, so it's obviously doing something right. I was binging it for hours at a time over the weekend.
21-May-23 11:49pm
Double Gold Good Trader

I loved Fez. Played that, Braid, and Portal all within a year or so of each other. Don't think I'll be hitting that puzzle high ever again.
22-May-23 12:39am
Silver Good Trader

1cc'd DoDonPachi Resurrection on iOS

I give this one a 6.5/10. Wasn't a big fan of the laser gimmick so stage 5 was a chore. It was worth the play through, but I'm not sure I'll return to it. Though it was really cool seeing the playable characters from the previous game as bosses.
22-May-23 4:56pm
Triple Gold Good Trader

Beat System Shock Remake demo. It was interesting to say the least. Cyberspace reminded me of Descent which is an old school space sim. Melee and backtracking wasn't enjoyable. I learned midway through the demo you can vaporize things for scrap which can get you credits for items in vending machines. Overall a huge waste of time doing so and I feel that the UI needed some serious work. Melee combat is pointless and once you get the gun swap over to it ASAP. The lack of RPG elements in this make this less then enjoyable knowing Prey and System Shock 2 exist. I might skip over this and Gollum and wait for Diablo 4 as I enjoyed the beta. Enemies respawn and I cannot for the life of me find the shotgun and assault rifle. Perhaps you can repair broken weapons or you get ammo for it for no reason.

Worried this and System Shock 3 may be less then stellar.
22-May-23 6:46pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews

Nickelodeon Kart Racers 2: Grand Prix on Steam
I finished first overall on each cup in grand prix mode, then I did the challenge mode which has 42 challenges in it, but there were 5 I didn't bother to complete and don't care to because I beat the important ones that allowed me to unlock the remaining hidden characters. I consider this game "beaten". I don't know why I bothered doing that for a game so bland and that I very likely won't ever touch again. Mario Kart 7 & 8 and Sonic & Sega All-star Racing Transformed fans might experience deja-vu while racing on several of the tracks in this game, because I know I did.

23-May-23 10:46pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews

I "beat" Barro on Steam. I don't really know how to consider this game as being "beaten", other than unlocking the achievements...all 109 of them. But that took less than 45 minutes, since 90% of them literally unlock just from booting the game up for the first time, you do nothing to earn them. There is no career mode or anything like that, just single races across 19 tracks. I'd never heard of "achievement whores" on Steam the way I do with PlayStation and Xbox gamers, but if they exist on Steam too that must be who this game was targeted at.

25-May-23 11:30pm
GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review

Uncharted 2 Among Thieves 6/10

I might have liked Uncharted 1 better, I mean really only 1 section in there stands out as annoying, while several in 2 were frustrating, like the fight later on where you and Flynn with only pistols, or the 1 Tibetan section where they blow up the structure you're in and are firing rockets and snipers at you and it's crazy easy to die a bunch, or a few others. Then I didn't love all the climbing and the whole 1-man army was crazy - I killed a LOT of military dudes from Lazarevic's forces, as a dude who felt more like an explorer and not Rambo. I think I liked the lower combat focus of 1.
I get that they wanted to up the ante, but fighting against, what, 3x Hind choppers and a tank just felt unreal to me. And a few sections like the train and truck chase just didn't seem real. Obviously it's a video game, but if I compare what I remember from say 2013's Tomb Raider remake or the sequel Rise, those still had challenging and cool aspects but felt a good bit more grounded in reality.

I didn't hate the game or anything, but after reading some strong hype that 2 was really good, I felt let down. The story was pretty cool and the gameplay itself was generally solid, though a few times the controls basically got me killed from falling. It was just a bit too far fetched for me. I am looking to continue with the series and play 3 and 4 hopefully before too long, as well as Lost Legacy... but 2 won't get my top vote so far of the series.

26-May-23 1:42pm
Triple Gold Good Trader

Beat Amanda the Adventurer. I am no longer buying and playing these popular horror games. I don't like playing games multiple times to get the true ending assuming there is one. With that being said you basically enter responses and are sometimes forced to answer a certain way. Without spoilers going over the details is difficult. It is super short as well. Well Gollum sucks my next game will most likely be System Shock Remake my 2nd playthrough of the demo cemented this is one of the better games of the year for me.
26-May-23 1:46pm
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (9 minutes ago)

Zelda: Breath of the Wild
27-May-23 9:31pm
Triple Gold Good Trader

Beat Alone in the Dark Prologue is super short and doesn't show off the combat at all. There are some horror elements but it is mostly picking up object A to use said object. System Shock Remake in three more days.
28-May-23 4:42am
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews

I beat Salamander for Famicom. A couple minor graphical differences to the US version, and one major gameplay difference (you can have 3 options instead of just 2)

The translucent green cartridge is cool.

31-May-23 9:41am
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (7 minutes ago)

Assassin’s creed 2 Nintendo Switch - 6/10

I remember purchasing this game back in the day and lost interest early in. Thought I’d give it another go via the Ezio collection.

For a 14 year old game there’s a lot going for it. I like how the cities feel populated and busy even if there isn’t to much variety in general. For me, the problems lie mainly in the controls. While Ezio controls nicely meandering about, things start to fall apart when under duress or in chase type scenarios. Inadvertently side jumping or missing a ledge etc. I also didn’t care for the fighting mechanics as I never could get Ezio to side step or back step when it was needed most. Lastly, the redundancy/perpetual fetch quest is tiring.

Never been a big fan of Assassin’s creed in the first place and this iteration certainly didn’t change my mind.

31-May-23 3:08pm
Triple Gold Good Trader

Beat System Shock Remake, around maintence I came to the conclusion this wasn't my best purchase. Inventory space is lacking, the final boss is a major let down I played on all lowest settings but the game isn't to enjoyable. The weapons aren't enjoyable to use either. I felt none of them were that unique. Credits become worthless at a certain point like some weapons. The game is fairly difficult until you abuse walls shoot once pop out of said wall cover shoot again and repeat. It just becomes a total slog though. Cyberspace seems interesting at first but overtime it just drags on and the ending reinforces that heavily. I took two days off to beat this 14 hours long and felt unimpressed and annoyed hopefully Diablo 4 is a lot better. Wasted $40 on this. If you are a hoarder like me just don't hoard. Waste of time and enjoyment in this game. At first I spent 1.5 hours on medical then I started to rush a bit more. Enemies also respawn or pop up out of nowhere. They have this devices that come out of the floor with respawning enemies. If you kill them to quickly they will go back into the floor and you won't get their loot.

I was hoping for more RPG mechanics but you basically only upgrade your weapons and armor once to survive. Maybe if I used boosters better I could have tried going more melee heavy but that seems annoying.

If I were to improve this, weapon wheel system like Doom 3 maybe where you can carry all the weapons. Have a dedicated button to vaporize items or upon pickup vaporize them automatically or remove the entire system. Have actually upgrades and some skills shouldn't cost energy like your flashlight, damage reduction skill etc or something else.

June will be interesting might get the new Alien game and have Diablo 4 and Final Fantasy 16 coming in.
1-Jun-23 9:54pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews

Layers of Fear on Steam
Good horror game, a bit short though at under 5 hours long. They encourage multiple playthroughs if you want the full story, however I've simply got too much else to play. I'd like to say "I'll return to this at some point in the future and continue another playthrough", but by then I will have probably forgotten a bunch of the story anyway, so instead of doing that maybe I'll just look up on YouTube what happens.

2-Jun-23 7:35pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews

Another year, another Mirror's Edge playthrough in the books. ✔
I still want this remade with VR support.
2-Jun-23 7:37pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews

Last game I didn't beat:
Marble Madness NES

Played it for the first time in about 20 years. Got to the final part of the last stage before time ran out. Not too bad all things considered

3-Jun-23 12:20am
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews

My friend and I finished The Quarry.
She is willing to play through it again already and go for a better ending because 3 of our characters died. I really don't know if I want to do that so soon. I was host for this playthrough, so I'd let her be host for the next, but that means I'm stuck watching as a viewer now because it's not real multiplayer.

4-Jun-23 12:36pm
Double Gold Good Trader

I loved the idea of multiple paths through the Quarry, but I didn't really want to spend an extra 10 hours getting there.

Last Game You Beat?