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Post your scores/reviews on recent titles you've obtained/been playing. :-P
7-Dec-03 9:25am
Has Written 16 Reviews

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20-Mar-23 11:36pm
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

Ive started playing The Quarry. Im enjoying it, but visually it is very distracting. Very weird animations, people look odd, lots of visual artifacts and 30fps. Really wish this had the performance vs fidelity options.

21-Mar-23 4:27am
Double Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Croatia

kevolones wrote:
Ive started playing The Quarry. Im enjoying it, but visually it is very distracting. Very weird animations, people look odd, lots of visual artifacts and 30fps. Really wish this had the performance vs fidelity options.
Been playing that as well with my gf
I agree, performance mode woulda been helpful
The controls kinda sluggish
But mainly it feels like, even though there are clearly a ton of outcomes/paths, it rarely feels like you’re making key choices (either it doesnt change what happens regardless of what you select, just how someone feels about it, or you inadvertently “choose” something without realizing that’s what you indirectly chose, feels kinda cheap and random)
Ive also been dealing with ps5 turning off randomly while we play it, seems to happen after about 60-90 minutes
21-Mar-23 8:02am
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

Hmm. I havent played for sessions that long so I havent had that happen. Ive never had my PS5 turn off on its own yet. Hopefully its a bug and not an overheating issue.
21-Mar-23 9:28am
Double Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Croatia

Yeah I noticed a reddit thread where a lot of people reported similar - the strange thing is, this was happening occasionally early on but I didn’t realize it (it never turned off while I was playing, but i noticed i wouldnt be able to turn it back on sometimes unless i unplugged from electricity first), then for a while never had any issues, then recently resurfaced. Some are saying updates have caused it to start/stop. Latest update didn’t change anything sadly

I dont think it’s overheating just because it doesn’t feel hot and because I took plates off recently multiple times to clean everything, get rid of dust etc. of course it’s possible I need to do an even deeper clean
Another thing that I tried was changing outlets and plugging it directly into wall, but no change. Of course it’s possible it’s just not getting enough power from either of those two outlets I tried, somehow
It only affects PS5 games not PS4, and possibly not even all PS5 games

In any case, it’s frustrating, but I recently tried just closing the game after an hour before it had a chance to turn off, and then restarting, and got another hour out of it (didn’t test it to the limit). Annoying but potential workaround I guess

I’ll probably end up buying another ps5 anyway for psvr2, hopefully won’t have issues with that one lol
21-Mar-23 9:34pm
950 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

Spider-man: Miles Morales (PS5) - 8/10 - Had this on the shelf for ages but finally dug into it this weekend and beat it tonight. This is really, really well done and a lot of fun but I had a mixed experience.

I had a lot of bugs like the skill challenges not showing on the map or even being able to replay the first ones (even though I had those skills) plus some missions just wouldn't start. I would see the icon and hit triangle but it never activated. Rebooting helped with starting missions but the skill challenges only finally showed up like halfway through the game completely at random. I had tried to access them every night and it never worked...then it did (it reacted like I hadn't done the first ones yet, so it was like starting these fresh). *shrug*

My biggest issue is that having played Spider-man (and all of it's DLC) extensively on PS4, this gives off A+ DLC vibes so it feels too expensive as a stand-alone game...but is too well done and large for DLC. It's basically the same general Spiderman game (same map, similar collectibles, same suit collecting, skill progression) and doesn't feel like a sequel. It's just feels like "more" and although wonderful, or dare I say amazing, this had absolutely zero surprises. But it's better than Spider-man so if you haven't played either, this would be my recommendation. And I'm happy with my experience.
22-Mar-23 1:49am
GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review

Recore continues to haunt me, thankfully I didn't have to replay the 2nd floor of the tower that I greatly disliked in my prior session and I was able to move into the next cluster of a level. Floor 3 was better with the platforming but each floor has 4 platforming sections wrapped around 3 arenas where you fight waves of enemies and the 3rd arena of floor 3 crushed me. I think it took me over a dozen attempts. You want/need to auto-extract cores from enemies to restore your health as there are a ton of projects flying around but also some phases of the fight you're in radiation and slowly taking damage over time. Well I filled up my inventory likely 2+ full times with extracted cores that I had to just discard, that's how flarking annoying/challenging this fight was for me.
It was 5 phases and often I failed to reach the 4th phase let alone the 5th, some times eating it on the 2nd phase, gah. After much cursing I did beat it and then took a break from that tower. All that frustration let me level up enough to do another dungeon in the DLC, so I went there next. Well the boss there was total crap, it was a large dog plus some flying things that blasted you from around the central platform that you needed to stay on because if you fell off that, the lower area was toxic and could kill you within a few seconds. But double jumping to get back on wasn't a given as the damage you took could cause Jules (your character) to recoil with pain and it was about at the limit of your vertical capacity. Then the dang dog kept coming at you and slammed into you and could stun lock you for at least 2 hits, taking a good 40% of your health with each hit. It also was often there at the ledge to bash you right back off again. There's also that lovely radiation again, so the dungeon that I hoped would be not too bad, took me a good 7 attempts, chocked full of more frustration and cursing too.
The game is just not very good, I now fully wish I wouldn't have tried it but with only a small amount left I want to finish it and I won't likely do anything more in the DLC, as it sucks but I also need to increase around 6 levels just to enter into the next dungeon. I partly went there after the tower to level up some as I figured I must be underpowered, but man my patience with this game is just about gone.

25-Mar-23 3:44pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews

Star Wars: Racer Revenge {PlayStation 2} 6/10
I've never seen a Star Wars movie, nor do I plan on it, but once in a while I like checking out games based on the series which is why I originally bought Star Wars Episode 1 Racer on Nintendo64 many years ago. I haven't played it in years, but I remember I had some fun times with that game, especially in split-screen multiplayer. That won't be an option this time, but I didn't care as long as the single player stuff is fun. I was expecting a decent game out of this because the developers (different studio than the original game) had made some other fun racing games during the PS2 era, but this ain't really one of them.

Again, it has been years since I've played the original game and it's entirely possible that if I were to play it now it wouldn't be nearly as fun as I remember it being, but I did watch a couple of reviews on YouTube as a sort of refresher before I started playing this one. The feeling I'm left with from this game is that it isn't a very good sequel. The graphics are hardly much of an improvement over the original, the track designs are nothing special, the overall audio is worse (engine sounds and annoying announcer) and overall if it were stripped of the Star Wars license this would look like just a generic F-Zero or WipeOut wannabe.

29-Mar-23 4:33pm
950 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

Evil West (PS5) - 7/10 - Nothing amazing but it's a very solid AA title. The one thing that absolutely drives me crazy though is that it encourages exploration through super straight-forward level design. And you often reach shiny points in the level to "action" (jumping over a fence, swinging from a rope, etc.) but sometimes you can't go back. So you can hit an area with paths in 3 directions, but if you choose one that doesn't let you backtrack, you miss out on the others. Super dumb way of getting people to replay levels when it's usually just for a small amount of upgrade currency.
29-Mar-23 5:28pm
Double Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Croatia

Always wondered what’s an AA title vs AAA like is there a defined threshold of sorts or more a feeling
(Serious question)
29-Mar-23 5:39pm
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

budget, quality
29-Mar-23 6:14pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews

I really enjoyed Evil West. Great linear action coop game. Something we don’t see too many of nowadays.
29-Mar-23 6:16pm
Double Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Croatia

Kommie wrote:
budget, quality
Is there a defined border between AA and AAA for both of those (budget wise at least…quality is more subjective)
29-Mar-23 6:29pm
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

not really. Like, Kena Bridge of Spirits is AA but has the quality of AAA. Stray is AA and is AA quality.
29-Mar-23 7:52pm
950 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

AA for me is something from a smaller studio that with a little more budget/time could have really had something amazing. But what they put out is great, and usually comes out at a cheaper price.

Evil West is good but there are small things like the homestead hub where it's fairly large and you return there after each mission, but there is almost nothing to do. Feels like some aspect of the game got cut there, like some narrative stuff/talking to NPCs or maybe even side missions. And then later in the game they just toss more enemies at you but there are no surprises.
30-Mar-23 12:09am
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews

Stray is a fun little romp and gives me what I expect being a cat would feel like. Kinda a weird plot though but I’ll roll with it. 7.5/10 so far and I’m a little more than half way thru.
31-Mar-23 12:20am
950 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

I gave Sonic Frontiers (PS5) a whirl again tonight. I'm at the 3rd world, or island, or whatever. I can't really tell as the collectibles are fudging ridiculous.

I know this is Sega and it had a healthy budget, but I consider this a disappointing AAA game...that represents a AA game perfectly. It has the bones of a solid experience but doesn't hit the mark on a lot of aspects, is clumsy, but can be plenty of fun if you find it yourself. The amount of collectibles is laughable, as are the deaths because you didn't make the only-one-way-of-doing-this-route and fail is through the roof.

The old-school levels are great if you hit everything perfectly but still have the awkward thing like continuing to hold right while traversing a 180' ramp to the left. They still haven't solved making this feel right if you don't have full speed and lose momentum. And when it shifts to 3D it's usually far too easy to fall to a death because the camera is looking more back than forward. Super easy problem to solve, but terribly implemented at times.
31-Mar-23 7:29am
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews

Sonic Frontiers was terrible for me. Sold it after getting to world 2. Bad Sega. Bad.
31-Mar-23 9:25am
GameTZ Subscriber 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (11) Has Written 56 Reviews

I enjoyed 'Sonic Frontiers,' but I also enjoy the environmental puzzles for collectibles in the 'Assassin's Creed' games too, so 'Frontiers' struck a cord for me. If only the pop-in wasn't present in the current-gen consoles.

1-Apr-23 10:27pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews

Monster of the Deep: Final Fantasy XV {Sony PlayStation VR} 5/10
I had bought this years ago, I think it released in late 2017 right around the time I got my PSVR.
A VR fishing game, with PS Move support, I thought that right there would make this fun, I didn't care one bit about the Final Fantasy license being attached to it (and from what I've played it didn't really need that license). Unfortunately the PS Move controls just suck. I can't get the damn camera to track my cast motion properly which is the most important part of a VR fishing game (navigating the menus is just as bad). I changed to the DualShock4 controller and am having the same problem. I checked some reviews and it isn't just me. If you can cast and get the thingy to land where you wanted it to on the first attempt, you got lucky. You likely won't be doing it again.

The graphics are decent, there is a pretty detailed character creator. But the game is guilty of a pet peeve that will always annoy me in the VR games that do it: why go through the hassle of making this big immersive world for the player to feel like they're inside it, but then when a cutscene plays it's in freakin' 2D? Stop doing that VR devs, it's gross. Audio is alright...I guess. The characters seem to have the same voice actors as they did from the real FFXV, but this one broad with big boobs and low cut shorts and a thick southern accent, she's gotta gtfo. I never want to hear her speak again.

Anyway, due to frustrations with the controls, it's highly likely that I will not be finishing this game. So much potential was wasted with this.
1-Apr-23 10:42pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews

Little Hope from the Dark Pictures series is eerie and very atmospheric but the acting is stiff at times as are those controls when you get to control a character. And the walk faster button is just as useless as it was in Man of Medan. I am about halfway thru the story. 7/10
1-Apr-23 11:38pm
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

I havent played those yet but it is similar in The Quarry, the walk faster button barely makes any difference.

Post your scores/reviews on recent titles you've obtained/been playing. :-P