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Random thoughts....
2-Mar-22 10:17pm
Triple Gold Good Trader

This topic had many older posts which were moved here:

Post your random thoughts, questions, ideas here... I'll start

1) Have you ever watched America's Funniest Videos and wonder why the winning video is almost NEVER funny AT ALL?? We were watching some older episodes on Disney Plus and the final 3 videos are always stupid and not funny, and the worst one ALWAYS wins.. WTF..

2) How have cereal bags NOT been made with zip lock technology??

3) They need to make a container that can keep to-go french fries from getting soggy...
6-May-23 2:07pm
Triple Gold Good Trader

theJaw wrote:
Anyhow she said yes yall.
And now begins the three ring circus: Engagement ring, wedding ring, suffering.
6-May-23 2:15pm
Triple Gold Good Trader

MrBean wrote:
Surgery went well. I was amazed at how quick and easy I was under and then awake, so crazy! Now I'm dealing with a non stop, stuffy, mucusy, bloody nose... It's awful. Gives me an excuse to not work and be super lazy though! Sitting here working on Jedi Survivor as I constantly have to ignore the awfulness going on in my nose. It's not the worst thing, just awkward and uncomfortable. Just trying to ignore it and keep taping up new bandages to absorb the blood... Super fun!
Good to hear that everything went well.

When I was young and had my tonsils removed, they told me that I was fighting them on the table so they had to give me a second dose of the anesthetic. In recovery I was told that most people throw up after the surgery and this helped get it out of their system. I never quite felt like throwing up, so it took me longer to recover.

When I had my first colonoscopy a few years ago, they explained the new anesthesia (at least for this procedure) started working almost immediately and you began to wake up almost immediately after it was stopped. Compared to the previous times I had been put under, it was great.
6-May-23 3:15pm
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review

John wrote:
rayzor6 wrote:> Tipping: tip where you feel it is deserved and not when it isn't. Tipping was once> a signal for great friendly service. I love to reward that. If I get bad,> I'm not going to tip that. This is a huge over-simplification, unfortunately. That is what people are mentioning here -- that it simply isn't like that any more. People are expecting tips for "average" service now -- it is just part of their pay. So, whether or not it is "deserved" varies greatly. Is it "deserved" based on "great friendly service"? In many cases, no. But many would argue that it is still "deserved" so that they get closer to a living wage. Of course, the flip side of that is, as said above, their employers should pay them a living wage without relying on tips for just doing their jobs normally. So, it is an over-simplification today to say "tip for great/extra/special service, but don't tip for bad service." Pretty much everyone agrees with that already. It comes down to what you do about being asked to tip for service that is right in the middle of "great" and "bad". The average/normal service. Tipping has become expected for that in many situations now. And whether or not that is "right" is the complex part.
I agree that I missed the basic notion of the apologies.

Question: should their false expectation of compensation be carried out in peer pressure style for all of us? You say it isn't like that anymore...why not? You are completely in the driver seat on whether you tip(yes, including asking at restaurants if they automatically put in the tip for certain sized parties or just in general). So make tipping your own again and don't worry about clashing with false expectations. For the record: I'm very PRO-tipping, but I'm not going to be pressured into when it isn't something I feel should be tipped.

I got help at Home Depot the other day...I'm not going to give him a fiver for telling me where the drywall supplies are.
6-May-23 4:18pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review

rayzor6 wrote:

I got help at Home Depot the other day...I'm not going to give him a fiver for telling me where the drywall supplies are.
This is what's happening though. The article is stating that the Apple union workers are trying to implement a tipping system. Same concept as home depot, same as Starbucks. Why should we have to offset a low wage employee, doing their job, when their company should be paying them adequately? Regardless of that scenario, the expectation is set to tip when it's visible. Christ, even subway now has a tipping mechanism at check out, and you feel obligated to do so.

Now sure, in any one of these scenarios, if the employee was amazing, and there wasn't a tip system, I'd still tip. Dude came to my house last week to honor my Herman Miller chair warranty. He fixed the problem and replaced crap he didn't need to, just so that I could get the most of my warranty. Gave the guy $20 because that's going above and beyond.

Making a standard cup of coffee, telling me my phone screen is broke, dropping off a pizza? Yeah, none of these are above standard quality, it's your job. Don't push the agenda and make tipping expected, then offsetting emoloyee wages. Sadly, that's what's happened and continues to get worse.
6-May-23 6:54pm
GameTZ Subscriber 350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 6 Reviews

theJaw wrote:
Anyhow she said yes yall.
6-May-23 8:20pm
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review

MrBean wrote:
rayzor6 wrote:> I got help at Home Depot the other day...I'm not going to give him a fiver for telling> me where the drywall supplies are. |> This is what's happening though. The article is stating that the Apple union workers are trying to implement a tipping system. Same concept as home depot, same as Starbucks. Why should we have to offset a low wage employee, doing their job, when their company should be paying them adequately? Regardless of that scenario, the expectation is set to tip when it's visible. Christ, even subway now has a tipping mechanism at check out, and you feel obligated to do so. Now sure, in any one of these scenarios, if the employee was amazing, and there wasn't a tip system, I'd still tip. Dude came to my house last week to honor my Herman Miller chair warranty. He fixed the problem and replaced crap he didn't need to, just so that I could get the most of my warranty. Gave the guy $20 because that's going above and beyond. Making a standard cup of coffee, telling me my phone screen is broke, dropping off a pizza? Yeah, none of these are above standard quality, it's your job. Don't push the agenda and make tipping expected, then offsetting emoloyee wages. Sadly, that's what's happened and continues to get worse.
I understand now. Yeah...I'm not doing that. I just won't support any company that is going to put the burden on ME to 'tip' regular employees because you don't want to pay them
6-May-23 9:46pm
Double Gold Good Trader

Porksta wrote:
Let us know when you are selling your stuff.😅
6-May-23 10:58pm
GameTZ Subscriber 350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 6 Reviews

Deleted my Twitter the other day. I made the right decision. It’s a total time waster, and a cesspool.
7-May-23 1:59am
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Canada

Went to go see Jurrasic Quest today with my Wife and daughter, my sister. We left the restaurant and I was following my sisters, I noticed as we were turning a cloud of dust and traffic slowed. Seen 4 vehicles pull over and 2 others on from the other direction and people were running towards the cloud. As we got closer we seen that it was a motorcycle and a body laying next to it not moving. We kept going, to many people were stopping and it was going to cause a headache when police and medics showed up. We got to our destination maybe 5 min later and I asked my sister what she seen, and she said that a smaller white car (I seen pulled over just passed the accident) changed lanes and hot the motorcycle. She said he was likely dead. That was also my thoughts since he basically lost control and right into a concrete column. I am sitting in bed now thinking about it, thinking about this person that was on his way someplace and in a blink was gone. Earlier I was at Costco with my wife, daughter and sister and I made a dark joke about it and realized I tend to do this to cope.
7-May-23 7:13am
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (1 minute ago)

Thanks for all the congrats and mildly horrifying warnings yall. @MrBean I’m 33 and she’s 29, we’ve been dating since I was 21 and she was 18. As for kids, time will tell. We only want one if so, but considering I get anxious by having a kitten I imagine I’ll just exist as a human panic attack if I had a real child. We’ll see!
7-May-23 6:43pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (13)

rayzor6 wrote:
Question: should their false expectation of compensation be carried out in peer pressure style for all of us?
I don't think so myself, no, but lots of people do. Especially those getting those tips who are underpaid in their normal pay. In other words, they recognize that they are not getting enough, so tipping requests are their only options. So, I don't WANT to encourage that or support that, of course -- but then again I don't want those people to be so underpaid. It's a tricky situation. In general, for me personally, I don't tip at fast food places.

You say it isn't like that anymore...why not?
Because corporate greed has managed to shift the blame for their underpaying onto the consumer.

You are completely in the driver seat on whether you tip(yes, including asking at restaurants if they automatically put in the tip for certain sized parties or just in general). So make tipping your own again and don't worry about clashing with false expectations. For the record: I'm very PRO-tipping, but I'm not going to be pressured into when it isn't something I feel should be tipped.
I tend to agree -- but I also support the plight of the workers who seem clearly underpaid in many positions today who have to rely more and more on tips to get them closer to a living wage. That is why I argue that it is "more complex" than just deciding that you're not going to do it. If you don't, that's fine -- but in many cases it also isn't the employee's fault either. Their employers are underpaying them with the hope that they get tips. Again, their employers have shifted that blame to us. Some of them see it that way. Some do not.

I understand now. Yeah...I'm not doing that. I just won't support any company that is going to put the burden on ME to 'tip' regular employees because you don't want to pay them
Yes, I tend to feel that way too -- but the reality is that I DO "support" some of those companies. I kinda have to if I want to eat. My close places to eat at lunch if I go out are Qdoba, Noodles, Panera Bread, and a few others. ALL of them give the option to tip now at check-out. My stopping going there often hurts those employees more than the employer.

In other words, as I said, it is indeed more complex than just "I won't support any company that does this." They ALL do this now.
8-May-23 2:58pm
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review

Well said's definitely not a black and white issue on any of those fronts and I poorly presented it that way. I think we all need to do what is best for us BUT I really would hate to 'teach' those companies that when they unfairly pass me their expense: that I need to cover it. I feel for the people there but like you said: I feel they are passing that onto us in order to NOT have to raise prices themselves.
9-May-23 8:10am
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (13)

Indeed -- that is exactly what they are doing.
9-May-23 9:23am
Triple Gold Good Trader

This article includes two phrases that sum up the current state of tipping: "emotional blackmail" and "tipping fatigue"
11-May-23 10:09am
Silver Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

I feel the way they do it in Taiwan is a great system, if you get takeout or delivery, nothing is expected. If you eat in a restaurant, they charge you a 10% service fee for eating in, and make sure you agree with it before you even order.

That way you aren't paying for service if you go pickup your food etc, everyone gets paid a normal wage, and they have a small delivery fee if you get delivery (about $1.50 US or less) and the drivers are paid a normal wage plus cost of gas etc.
11-May-23 10:05pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (1 minute ago)

Nowhere else to post this… fudgein Celtics, atta boy.
14-May-23 12:27am
Double Gold Good Trader

When you can't sleep because it's uncomfortably warm, you know it's time for the AC.
15-May-23 9:48am
Double Gold Good Trader

I was texting and wanted to write the word "have." I just barely missed every letter somehow and instead wrote "jsbr." I sent the text anyway. Wasn't in the mood to deal with another keyboard change. When I want to write something, the keyboard changes it. But when I type a mistake, the keyboard doesn't correct it. Well, at least the keyboard's behavior is somewhat consistent.
15-May-23 10:25am
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader

So I was making a salad and was going to use ranch dressing, but there just wasn't quite enough in the bottle for my liking, but then I realized that I also had some blue cheese dressing in the fridge, so I just mixed the two together and it was wonderful! Why didn't I think if this sooner? Now I want to try mixing other dressings.

15-May-23 3:13pm
Double Gold Good Trader

citizen_zane wrote:
So I was making a salad and was going to use ranch dressing, but there just wasn't quite enough in the bottle for my liking, but then I realized that I also had some blue cheese dressing in the fridge, so I just mixed the two together and it was wonderful! Why didn't I think if this sooner? Now I want to try mixing other dressings.Sounds good. I could see ranch pairing well with blue cheese. They both have that 🧀 yness flavor. To me, ranch has a cheeselike flavor going on. And blue cheese well, it's already 🧀.

Go for it. Make other mixtures. You can discover great combos by experimenting.
15-May-23 3:23pm
Double Gold Good Trader

A relative of mine asked me if I could order something for them. I ordered it, but instead of their name I addressed it to: Dragon drinking from a flagon.

The last time I ordered something for them I addressed it to: Broccoli

It's just more fun this way.

Random thoughts....