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Last Game You Didn't Beat?
5-Jun-23 9:38am
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews

Tried out the Piko Collection 3 on Evercade. It has some gems on it (was surprised how much I like Radical Bikers).

It also has Sword of Sodan (Genesis version). It has got to be amongst the all time worst games released on the system.

It has big sprites and that's the only positive. China Warrior on the TG16 compares favorably to this game.

I put it on easy mode and gave myself the max number of lives (7). Lost 5 of them due to overwhelming enemies, low damage and poor hit detection.

The final two were from falling into invisible pits that you just have to memorize the exact location of where to jump and hope the enemies (who can walk across them just fine) don't push you in!

Never has the Sega Rally "GAME OVER, YEAH!" felt more appropriate.

9-Jul-23 4:49am
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews

The Pathless didn't click to me either.

Immortals: Fenyx Rising - I finished it, but it felt tedious (and I skipped a lot of stuff). I definitely hated all the story/narration. Also hated the way flying works with the need to use this special odd attack to get some lift.

Control was pretty good.
9-Jul-23 8:16am
Silver Good Trader

Fluidity: Spin Cycle. I was trying to 100% it because of the novel concept, but it was taking forever and got annoying to play. I haven’t even reached the second boss and I ran out of steam.

9-Jul-23 10:03am
GameTZ Subscriber 250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

Orlandu wrote:
Immortals: Fenyx Rising - Gameplay is competent but unremarkable. Constant joking gods narration already started wearing a bit thin.
Although if you want to hate on BOTW, this is the go to game.

9-Jul-23 11:48am
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews

loztdogs wrote:
Orlandu wrote:> Immortals: Fenyx Rising - Gameplay is competent but unremarkable. Constant joking> gods narration already started wearing a bit thin.> Although if you want to hate on BOTW, this is the go to game.
Maybe I will get sick of the narration between Zeus and Prometheus but I'm enjoying it so far. It's keeping the game light and fun for me as opposed to a "serious" game like every other ubisoft open world release

9-Jul-23 1:04pm
Double Gold Good Trader

@Bleed_DukeBlue Not far at all, and I'll likely get back into Control at some point. The plot really doesn't grab me, and I'm not a big fan of it being told through data logs that I pick up (and what's the deal with having to go through a set of sub menus to see it...just let me push a button when I pick it up to read it). Part of that's my fault since since sci-fi is pretty hit or miss for me.

@loztdogs I didn't care for BotW, but I don't see this game as an improvement other than the absence of Zelda's atrocious fake British accent and weapons that break every 10 seconds. It just feels like Ubi open world design.

@benstylus I hope you enjoy it all the way through. Don't be a miserable old man like me.
9-Jul-23 2:19pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews

Orlandu wrote:
@benstylus I hope you enjoy it all the way through. Don't be a miserable old man like me.
laughing out loud

Well, I should clarify. I like the writing, but the fake accents do grate on me.

9-Jul-23 2:25pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews

Kao The Kangaroo: Round 2. A 20 year old 3D platformer, when I started it I knew I wouldn't care if I had finished it or not.because my expectations weren't exactly high going into it.

9-Jul-23 5:35pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews

PizzaTheHutt wrote:
Kao The Kangaroo: Round 2. A 20 year old 3D platformer, when I started it I knew I wouldn't care if I had finished it or not.because my expectations weren't exactly high going into it.
I gotta admit I was kinda weirded out when Kao got a release on modern systems. Just thinking of all the oddball mascot plaformers IPs of the early aughties, why bring that one back?

16-Jul-23 3:31pm
GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader

Afrika PlayStation 3

It's kind of boring! It needs a remake or something on PS4 or PS5. On the PS3, the world feels small and not very lush with vegetation. The loading times also suck - just getting to my save game to play takes several minutes. I don't have the heart to sell or trade it - it's like I finally get to play a nature documentary! I just wish it was more interesting so I could get to the end of it.

16-Jul-23 3:55pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews

The Narrator is a DICK on Steam

I eventually could have beaten this, but didn't want to invest more time into it. It's not that long of a game, the length is just artificially extended by all the dying you will do.
18-Jul-23 10:25pm
Double Gold Good Trader

Gravity Circuit: Let's make a game that reminds everyone of Mega Man X but take away the gun and give it garbage grapple hook mechanics. My hands hurt after a single stage.
19-Jul-23 11:48am
GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review

Iron Fisticle Steam - had this twin stick shooter for a long while, finally spun into it this month. After a good 30+ failures to even clear the first board of 9 rooms in a 3x3 grid and you only need to go from 1 corner to the opposite one, I gave up. The game puts a ton of enemies into the room and after you clear it, or after a fairly short countdown, it spawns in a new foe 1 at a time that you can't kill. They're meant to push you out the door into the next room, but are really annoying because they shoot at you and when they appear before you kill all normally enemies, it's challenging to distinguish between them and the enemies you're required to kill.
I was gaining XP and very slowly leveling up my base stats, but it was just taking too long to feel like overall progress was being made. It ultimately wasn't enjoyable enough to keep grinding and I uninstalled it.

19-Jul-23 12:13pm
Double Gold Good Trader

PizzaTheHutt wrote:
The Narrator is a DICK on SteamOkay, not all narrators are great. But what's the title of the game?
23-Jul-23 9:29am
GameTZ Subscriber 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (11) Has Written 56 Reviews

Iron Man 2 PlayStation Portable

This game really makes you feel like Iron Man in real life, in that you slowly lumber around smaller empty spaces mostly unable to fly, just like a heavy metal suit would feel like wearing.

The game is a curious one. It's a sequel to the movie, but only Don Cheadle and Samuel L Jackson reprise their roles. The soundalike for Downey is extremely convincing though. The levels are short, and you can only hover. There are on-rails shooting sections, which are ok, but also short. Enemy variety is low, but the story is decent. You never feel powerful as Iron Man, and that's the game's biggest folly.

The reason I quit is because I got stuck. I was about half to two-thirds of the way through the game in a hotel where the power needs to be re-established to rescue Pepper. Like I said, levels are smaller and linear, and though there's a compass with a waypoint on it, which is useless. I could not for the life of me find the spot to turn the power on. There was nothing. Iron Man has a scanner, but using that just produces a message saying there's nothing to scan. After going back and forth from the beginning of the level to where the game closes off the second area of the level a few times, and not finding a solution online, I gave up. The game isn't terribly interesting to begin with, but it's short enough I was going to stick it out, but it's not worth it.

23-Jul-23 1:05pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

23-Jul-23 1:48pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews

Hyper Void on PSVR. I enjoy these types of arcade shooters, but I almost never actually finish them. In fact I don't even start them with the intention of finishing them, I just try and get a few hours of enjoyment out of them, and that's what I got out of this.

13-Aug-23 10:45am
Triple Gold Good Trader

Robotech: Battlecry and Atlas Fallen. Atlas Fallen open world and combat loop wasn't enjoyable put 2 hours in. The names for characters while having a in lore reason for being that way was an odd choice. Also the combat wasn't fast paced enough. It was easy enough using parry or Iron to freeze enemies and attack them. The dialogue, vertical objects and traversal didn't help either. Robotech Battlecry was an interesting concept but wasn't my cup of tea sadly. Hopefully my next PS2 games prove more interesting. I like the idea of switched modes between fighter hybrid and mech but the camera and reuse of defense missions made it tedious. It is pretty much fly here and destroy the enemy asap or prepare to lose due to the escort or the building you are suppose to protect dying. I was hoping for something more in the vein of Ace Combat honestly.
2-Sep-23 1:33pm
Triple Gold Good Trader

Giving up on Armored Core 6 possibly. The game's shotgun and gatling guns are overpowered. Even after chapter 2 sniping or fighting from a far does little to no damage or isn't possible. Would be nice to have a laser sniper or physical sniper but so far after Chapter 2 that doesn't seem possible. Going to just rush and beat the game and get the three endings and sell it quick. Here is to hoping Starfield and MegaMan Dive is better. I really need to stop wasting money and just buy what I know I will like.
8-Sep-23 12:56pm
500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

428: Shibuya Scramble

I was pretty interested at first, but it just got so boring having to replay the same sequences over and over again to try to advance the story.
8-Sep-23 1:52pm
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 5 Reviews

A couple of games I started over the last couple years but moved on for now:

DmC: Devil May Cry - Definitive Edition
God of War (2018)
Gravity Rush: Remastered
Red Dead Redemption II

Currently just started Star Wars Jedi: Survivor that I got from the library and need to return soon. Then it's back to Tears of the Kingdom to finish it (2 more temples). Then maybe I'll start Final Fantasy XVI. Unless Dead Space comes in from the library as well.
8-Sep-23 2:44pm
Double Gold Good Trader

Sadly, Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, for now anyway. I was a couple of hours in, but started feeling overwhelmed. Almost like the game was too big. Almost felt like I was forcing myself to want to enjoy it. Video games shouldn't feel like that. You're supposed to feel unforced fun.

And I very much enjoyed Breath of the Wild, so I was disappointed that I wasn't feeling this one. But I hope to return to it.

Last Game You Didn't Beat?