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Last Game You Beat?
15-Sep-05 1:55pm
GameTZ Subscriber 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (11) Has Written 56 Reviews

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7-May-24 7:33pm
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

Turbo Overkill - 9.5/10 ---------- Do you think Doom Eternal is too slow? I sure did, and also didn't much like the "trapped in a room and kill everything to proceed" vibe of it. But Turbo Overkill is super fast, not violent at all and only suffers from minor issues. The game has some kind of story, IDK you're a dude who was killed and you come back to kill bad guys. There is a chainsaw on your leg that you can slide and hug enemies with. It's good, non violent fun. Kinda long though, but still fun. If you upgrade your leg you can just hug enemies till they fall asleep pretty quickly. Same with bosses. No idea if it's on console but definitely a great FPS.
7-May-24 10:08pm
GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review This user is on the site NOW (47 seconds ago)

@Kommie how does Turbo Overkill compare to Deadlink - I got both in that recent Humble Bundle and Deadlink caught my attention first, though I've not installed any of those games yet. I got started on Sprawl and don't like playing more than 1 game of a given genre at a time.

7-May-24 11:02pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews

Crisis VRigade 2 on PSVR2.
Fun...for the brief time it lasts.

8-May-24 5:40am
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

Slickriven wrote:
@Kommie how does Turbo Overkill compare to Deadlink - I got both in that recent Humble Bundle and Deadlink caught my attention first, though I've not installed any of those games yet. I got started on Sprawl and don't like playing more than 1 game of a given genre at a time.
Nothing like Deadlink really. Deadlink is a Roguelike fps, Turbo is a traditional FPS style game.
9-May-24 7:26pm
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

I enjoyed Turbo Overkill a lot, but I agree, it was way too long. The last 3rd of the game I was basically waiting for it to be over.
10-May-24 8:03pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews

New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe - Nintendo Switch


As my 2D side scrolling Mario-a-thon rounds another corner and almost comes to a close I find myself revising the U title that really is just perfecting the DS games and tweaking them so they play as gorgeous as the graphics look. And boy how pretty these graphics are especially while playing on the OLED Switch model. Some courses were more frustrating than some like those dang lava levels and ones with the rising and falling platforms but nevertheless it’s still a Mario game at the end of the day and it’s just gonna be a fun time regardless of any little nitpicks.
12-May-24 3:13am
GameTZ Subscriber 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (13)

I Was A Teenage Exocolonist PlayStation 5 - 9.5/10

One of the best indie games I've ever played.

13-May-24 12:51am
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews

We Were Here Together on PlayStation 4
My friend and I have been slowly playing through this series over the past few years. This might be my least favorite of the series so far. A handful of the puzzles we completely figured out by accident.

13-May-24 2:51pm
Triple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)

Heavyd814life wrote:
I Was A Teenage Exocolonist PlayStation 5 - 9.5/10 One of the best indie games I've ever played.
I’ve had my eye on that one. Will have to pick it up!
15-May-24 11:53pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart PlayStation 5 via portal

Wow, arguably the best R&C game to date. Easy 9/10. Everything about the game is solid. Lots of exciting moments and the final boss show down in his various forms was just super fun to play. I also appreciate it didn’t over stay it’s welcome; clocking in at about 12 hours give or take. I would highly recommend this game if you haven’t played it.

17-May-24 12:04am
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews

Behind The Frame: The Finest Scenery VR on PSVR2

I bought the flat version of this game a year or two ago for a friend on Steam. She seemed to like it and when I saw they had ported it to VR I figured I'd give it a chance because...why not? Having not played the flat version myself I couldn't tell you what major differences there are, but this game, at least in VR, just doesn't do anything for me. It's an artsy fartsy narrative game with a simple story that still managed to lose me somewhere along the way, even though the game is barely 90 minutes long. When Capcom brings one of their flat games to VR, they make you feel like that's the best way to play it, but this game is just proof not every flat game deserves to be in VR.
17-May-24 11:38pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews

Spider-Man 2 PlayStation 5


Just when you think Insomniac cannot get anymore amazing and spectacular, they somehow manage to outperform themselves. Besides minor gripes in regards to repetitive crimes and an odd choice of verbiage for naming Miles enhanced abilities after one of the main villains in the game, this was a stellar sequel. The story alone is a 9.5/10 for me. It’s the Spider-Man 3 film we deserve. Not the crap we got. Who would have thought utilizing and combining 2 characters in such a way that hasn’t really been done in the comics before would work tenfold. And even beyond that the way it ended sets up a very exciting
3rd entry in the series. One of the main villains hinted for the 3rd game was exposed in one of the side missions of all places and it was executed in such a subtle fashion once you figured out who the villain was going to be it was an utter delight to the senses. Combat and upgrade wise it pretty much built and grew off of the first game offering some enhancements to abilities and unique powers for both Miles and Peter alike. Peter has his spider arms at his disposal whereas Miles had his electro shock spider abilities, each with evolved upgrades the more you progress in the story. Quality of life improvements such as adding the most welcome and epic web wings to glide around the city at will which can only be enhanced by finding wind tunnels scattered around the city. And swapping between Miles and Peter was as slick and smooth and seamless as you would think. Also balancing both characters evenly with the story was nicely paced I felt. Even Mary Jane had oddly cool parts, partially because they gave her a way to fight back this time which was pretty rad. And the side missions were created uniquely that were tailored for both Miles and Peter separately so you needed to switch back and forth between each hero to do those side missions. And thankfully no more annoying catch the pigeon side missions in this game. And the amount of enemy bases to take down were kept to a minimum as well which were nice and allowed more of a focus on the story and more interesting side quests. Overall, this was simply sensational all around minus a few minor pet peeves. I am thoroughly looking forward to the 3rd and potentially final installment in this Spider-Man trilogy and shall indeed happily and merrily web swing my way there once it releases in the coming years.
20-May-24 12:10pm
GameTZ Subscriber 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (11) Has Written 56 Reviews

Power Wash Simulator Sony PlayStation 4 Pro via PlayStation®Plus

I started this out of curiosity, and the tedium set it pretty quickly. Maybe it was because of what was going on in my life while I played it (it can be quite Zen) or that it's almost the perfect thing to put on while listen to podcasts and interviews or music, but I started to find a groove with it. However, by the end of the campaign, the tedium came back and I could not wait to be over with it.

Believe it or not, there is a story. It's primarily through text boxes that pop up at every 20% interval of completion, so I didn't pay much attention to it, but it gets zany. The smaller projects and/or intricate projects are where this game excels. It's best to treat each project like a puzzle. Larger or more boring projects, like those with many big, flat walls/floors/ceilings, are where the game's gameplay loop falls apart for me. Not to mention your player hitbox is very large, so it can make turning (which even with the sliders all the way up is so slow) hard in tight places. Movement in general can be pretty janky, especially when trying to turn while looking way up or way down. It's like the look controls go from moving side-to-side to turning. Sometimes the water spray won't hit even when pointed directly at something if it's at a certain distance. There's a few different extensions and a handful of nozzles, but I stuck to the same extension and same three nozzles except for very specific situations. I never even bothered with the soap. Also, you can customize your character with different gloves and outfits, but the game resets to the defaults every time you start and/or continue a project.

I tried but didn't care for any of the challenges. I did a couple of the 'Tomb Raider' levels, but boy they were boring. I didn't bother with the other DLC. So there's a good amount of jank, but in shorter bursts, this game can be relaxing or a good time waster. I'm glad I played it, but even more glad I didn't buy it, because I never want to play this game again.

20-May-24 1:49pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews

We Were Here Expeditions: The FriendShip

A bite-sized entry in this co-op series. My friend and I beat this in one session last night, taking just a little over 2 hours. I liked this a lot more than the previous game we had completed last week. I think there's only one entry in this series left we have yet to play, and we're just waiting for a sale.
20-May-24 8:47pm
Double Gold Good Trader

Final Fantasy 16 - Ehhhhhhhhhhh it was okay. Fun enough battle system, but it runs stale by the end once you figure out the ideal attack combinations. Plot is melodramatic (humorously so for me). The big bad is dull and almost at odds with the world conflict plot. Side quests are the cure for insomnia. I enjoyed the game enough to finish it, but I was glad when it was finally over. Looking forward to playing something different.
23-May-24 8:09am
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews

Super Mario Maker 2 Nintendo Switch


Culmination of all the best of the best Mario 2D platforming at its finest.
23-May-24 11:20pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews

Trepang2 PlayStation 5


I think I was expecting more from this game from the trailer. It looked like it was going to be a straight up spiritual successor to F.E.A.R. but instead turned into a culmination of not only that game but also Doom, Call of Duty and a tad hint of PT rolled into one and it kinda didn’t work all too well in it’s favor. It should have just picked a lane and stuck with it instead of trying to be 4 or 5 different games in one because it was quite a disjointing and overall tedious experience even with multiple points of reference games tossed into the mix. What I did enjoy was the slow mo yet high octane gun play. Having the ability to do a sweep into your enemies causing them to flip or get knocked back to have your way with them was fun as was grabbing enemies and tossing them back into crowds of other foes while strapping a grenade to them and watching the fireworks. The level design I felt was way too linear for its own good, funneling you into only one direction even with a multitude of doors displayed teasing you entry only denying you once you try to open them. In regards to the story, it relies on you picking up intel scattered about each mission to learn more about what went wrong in these facilities that caused some type of mutation or something to occur to science folks or something something something dark side of Doom something something gateway to a hellish dimension, wash rinse repeat. Performance wise, the frame rate also suffered at times too in large firefights I felt and could have used more polish. Thank goodness for it’s length and mildly fun gunplay which were it’s two saving graces as you can top this game off in about 5 hours or less. There’s like 5 side missions too if you want to do short burst chapters which really are just 1 objective and last about 15 minutes each and don’t really add much value other than eliminating targets on your hit list. I didn’t finish them all nor did I have the desire to as the game didn’t really have that kind of pull for me. It just felt like a glorified tech demo of something that had great potential but came up a bit short of hitting the mark and sticking the landing. If there’s a Trepang3, I hope it is a lot more fleshed out.
24-May-24 5:16pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews

Red Matter on PSVR2. This was one of if not the best VR puzzle game I've played. Two or three puzzles really had me stumped. One I ended up looking up a guide, but I think the solution might be random(?) because what they did in the video didn't work for me, so after that I decided no more looking up solutions. I ended up figuring it out but it felt more like an accident. Another puzzle involved playing around with colors, and I swear the first half of that puzzle I passed without knowing what I was doing right. Overall a really fun game. I'm considering going for the platinum since I only missed two trophies, but if it requires me restarting then I'll probably skip it.

I hear the sequel is even better, but I want to knock a few more games out of the backlog before I jump into that one.
24-May-24 8:24pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews

Vegas Dreams (NES)

It's a casino game. Get enough money and you win. Doesn't seem to be any limit on your bets beyond what you have so with save states this one takes just a few minutes LOL

24-May-24 10:24pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews

Super Mario Land Game Boy via Nintendo Switch Online


I haven’t played this since I was in grade school and some of it aged well like the music and whimsical nature of the classic Mario gameplay but other parts didn’t age so good. Such as the controls. Maybe it’s just me but I found it very hard to utilize the run function by holding B or X because it felt very uneven and the timing was just off. Or maybe it’s because it was running on emulation software on Switch online and it caused it to run at a very high framerate? Either way it made me feel like I had to walk in eggshells to get to the finish line. I also forgot how short the game was too at just 4 worlds, and 3 stages within each world. I sped run this in about 1.5 hours it felt unintentionally.
25-May-24 12:50am
GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review This user is on the site NOW (47 seconds ago)

Wolfenstein: Youngblood 6/10 Microsoft Xbox One played on Microsoft Xbox Series X|S
Mini-map sucked, too easy to get lost or unsure of where to go, certain aspects of the characters felt cringe or lame, underground areas stunk. Graphically it looked decent and some levels were pretty cool, but you revisited some areas a bit too much. I played it co-op, I wonder how bad an AI helper might have been as there were a LOT of 2 character interactions. Also, if one sister went down, the other could get them back up and with an AI, that could've been a mess.

Last Game You Beat?