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Random thoughts....
2-Mar-22 10:17pm
Triple Gold Good Trader

This topic had many older posts which were moved here:

Post your random thoughts, questions, ideas here... I'll start

1) Have you ever watched America's Funniest Videos and wonder why the winning video is almost NEVER funny AT ALL?? We were watching some older episodes on Disney Plus and the final 3 videos are always stupid and not funny, and the worst one ALWAYS wins.. WTF..

2) How have cereal bags NOT been made with zip lock technology??

3) They need to make a container that can keep to-go french fries from getting soggy...
30-Apr-23 5:37pm
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

Whatever comes with my Samsung Galaxy.
30-Apr-23 5:42pm
Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

Yeah, I always have Samsung phones and immediately install Gboard, the Samsung keyboard blows.
30-Apr-23 5:55pm
Double Gold Good Trader

ChrisKW1 wrote:
Which keyboard are you guys using? I don't really have that problem with Gboard.I'm using Gboard.
1-May-23 7:41am
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review

I have Swiftkey and one time I was in a hurry and instead of "please" I wrote"plaese", I like swiftkey because it's predictive text but now I have to double check and make sure it's not suggesting that crap. It's done that to a couple other words too.

LOL...I still remember NOT wanting a phone without a physical keyboard because it would be 'so inaccurate'. Who would have thought that it IS that way because of ME! :D
1-May-23 7:53am
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

Man, tiny kitties sure make me anxious. Just took in a kitten who was found on the side of the street and she's cute as hell but stresses me out so hard. She's at the phase where she wants to explore everything but she's so tiny that I'm afraid she's gonna get stuck somewhere, or one of our other pets is gonna obliterate her, so she needs to hang out in a confined spot when I'm working (from home) and it makes me feel awful.
1-May-23 9:31am
Double Gold Good Trader

theJaw wrote:
Man, tiny kitties sure make me anxious. Just took in a kitten who was found on the side of the street and she's cute as hell but stresses me out so hard. She's at the phase where she wants to explore everything but she's so tiny that I'm afraid she's gonna get stuck somewhere, or one of our other pets is gonna obliterate her, so she needs to hang out in a confined spot when I'm working (from home) and it makes me feel awful. Planning on keeping it as a pet?

What color is the kitten?
1-May-23 10:21am
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

@nonamesleft She's hot fudge sundae-colored... primarily white with varying levels of brown haha. I dunno, is that technically calico?

And yeah, we do plan on keeping her and I know it'll only be a few weeks before she chills out, but it still stresses me out big time. Especially because I have a daily quota to meet for work but am roughly 85-90% distracted by her haha. We went through a similar situation with a kitten last fall but she was a little bit older by the time we took her in, and had a family nursing her along beforehand. We don't know the story for this kitten other than she was abandoned near a highway and was on her own (or with other abandoned cats) long enough to catch fleas.

1-May-23 12:38pm
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

I would like to see the baybee kitty.
1-May-23 5:28pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

Foxhack wrote:
I would like to see the baybee kitty.
Ol’ sneaky Louise

1-May-23 6:05pm
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

Sneaky baby! You give her all the pets right now~
1-May-23 6:24pm
Double Gold Good Trader

Foxhack wrote:
Sneaky baby! You give her all the pets right now~😆
1-May-23 6:25pm
Double Gold Good Trader

theJaw wrote:
Foxhack wrote:> I would like to see the baybee kitty. Ol’ sneaky Louise {imgt} 813 1024{imgt}Cute. And such blue eyes.
1-May-23 9:09pm
Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

theJaw wrote:
@nonamesleft She's hot fudge sundae-colored... primarily white with varying levels of brown haha. I dunno, is that technically calico?
I read this and my mind automatically changed fudge to the F word since I'm not a subscriber anymore, and I was thinking... That's a weird way to describe the color of cat lol
2-May-23 8:40am
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

nonamesleft wrote:
Cute. And such blue eyes.
They're green today! Looks like her pigment showed up to the party. Glad I snapped that photo to remember he goofy little blue eyes.

EDIT: looking at them in the daylight & they’re still blue, just a bit darker blue. Also, she’s cute.
2-May-23 9:02am
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews

Foxhack wrote:
Sneaky baby! You give her all the pets right now~
2-May-23 9:22am
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

All the pets: delivered.
3-May-23 10:57pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader

Pretty cool and somehow chilled me out. Heard a noise outside I was unfamiliar with. Brought the spotlight out and saw eyeshine that didn't belong to any of ours. Very likely a fox that has been harassing cats and chickens. It had two cats treed and was contuing to lurk despite the spotlight. Took a few shots over a series and scared it off at least a quarter mile. It kept looking back. Previously it went after the chickens in the early morning hours unabashed in full sunlight. Life living rural.

Edit: Side Thought - I love hearing coyotes in the distance. Could listen to them half the night. Close to the house?... not so much.
5-May-23 4:55am
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review

More and more... I am becoming Mr. Pink. The amount of jobs that tipping is becoming expected, for simply doing your job, is bat crap.

Only in our culture is this normal, elsewhere, companies pay their people properly. Why in the fudge does a service tech need tipping that is analyzing your phone? "Yep, that's a cracked screen right there. Wanna tip me for my awesome work today?".

My God, we just ordered pizza last night. The same combo that was $25 less than two years ago, is now $40. Not only is there a $5 delivery fee, but a new $2 service fee, and ya still gotta tip for paying someone to do their job. There's no real quality difference on how someone drives from point A to B.

At a sit down restaurant, where the waiter/waitress goes above and beyond, and/or the food is fantastic... Please, take my 20%++. We gladly over tip when the service, atomoshere, quality, experience is worth it. For all this other modern bullcrap of simply doing your job... No, I don't need to tip you for making a cup of coffee.

It just sucks, because the consumer can't fix this. If we don't tip, we dick over the employee, not the company, which is screwing over the employee.

Mr. Pink, I feel ya.
5-May-23 7:03am
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review

Also, having my first ever surgery in 30 minutes. First time I've ever been put under... Lots of firsts. Fixing my nose /deviated septum), don't get enough air, explains why I've been a mouth breather my whole life.

Ugh, nervous. Also next few days don't sound fun.

If I don't wake up, been fun ya'll!
5-May-23 8:00am
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

Be sure to tip your surgeon.
5-May-23 8:32am
Triple Gold Good Trader

It is impossible to discuss tipping without getting into the whole political discussion about pay disparities in America. One group would have you believe that increasing wages would mean increased consumer prices, but don't seem to notice that executive wages and prices increased significantly while line workers wages were pretty much stagnant. At least one state recently lowered the minimum age for working (going back to child labor) in order to allow employers to keep their wages low. Employers can justify paying a child a lower wage because children aren't having to support themselves. Employers used to justify paying women less because the woman's income was just supplementing the income of the primary "breadwinner".

I think I've told this story here before, but in the mid-70s I worked for McDonald's when Congress passed the law increasing (in steps) the minimum wage from $1.65 to $2.25. McDonald's lobbied Congress for an exemption by claiming how much it would harm their business. They lost. A few months after that, I read a restaurant magazine the left in our breakroom that included an article which stated "McDonald's expects to MORE THAN MAKE UP for the increase in minimum wage by increasing the price of their soft drinks by $0.05."

Old story about Lou Holtz. Notre Dame got a post-season bowl bid that many people didn't think they deserved. When Holtz was eating breakfast, his waiter asked him "What is the difference between Notre Dame and Cheerios? Cheerios belong in a bowl." Holtz replied, "What is the difference between Lou Holtz and a golf pro? A golf pro would give you a tip."

Random thoughts....