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7-Dec-03 9:25am
Has Written 16 Reviews

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4-May-24 7:52pm
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)

Bunger bunger bunger.
4-May-24 10:14pm
GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review

7/10 is 5 more than I would've given that crap. Best part might have been the Bunger Bunger Bunger line.

4-May-24 10:25pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews

Also couldn’t get into Bugsnax but glad some folks can.
5-May-24 6:34am
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews

Hoyle Card Games Game Boy Color

Not as good as any of the PC versions, including the original from 1989.

Part of what makes the PC versions fun is the banter and reactions from your opponents (characters from other Sierra games in the first few releases, then a cast of original characters in the later iterations). The GBC version has a few characters, but they never say anything. They are just portraits.

The programming isn't the greatest - you don't have any gameplay options to adjust. For example in Cribbage, the CPU always starts as the dealer in each game (if you are one of the cool people who plays cribbage, you probably know this is a statistically significant advantage).

Still, it does do something I didn't expect at all... single system 2-person multiplayer. Yes it's a little clunky to pass the system back and forth but still kind of neat that they implemented it at all (they also have link function which I figured would be all the effort they put into it).

As far as GBC games go it's pretty average. I think GBC may have the worst library of any Nintendo system, though, so make of that what you will. It gets slight plus points for the single system multiplayer. I think I would give it a C minus.

7-May-24 11:08pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews

Crisis VRigade 2 {Sony PlayStation VR2} 7/10

I'm kinda torn on that score. I think I'll settle on a 7, though I'd like to score it a point higher because of how much fun it can be, but then I also could dock it a point for how little content there is here, thus affecting its replay value.
So what this game was aiming to be was like the popular arcade light-gun shooters of the 90s like Virtua Cop for example, but in VR. It succeeds there, because it's fun just like those games were, but due to them being arcade games there wasn't a whole lot of content to them, and that applies here too.

You play as a cop and blast your way through levels ducking behind cover when needed (and you will have to physically crouch too to really be protected behind the object, so that makes me glad I played this on PSVR2 and not the original PSVR where the camera might lose track of me if I crouch too low). From what I can tell there are 9 levels in the game, each kind of a parody of popular movies. Three levels are part of the "Story Mode", except I couldn't really tell you what this game's story was about because I don't feel like the levels were linked together by a story, and story was never important in these types of arcade games anyway. In the three story mode levels you have 7 minutes to make your way through each level, and when you kill all enemies in an area there are usually two paths you can pick to go next, so I guess that adds just a little bit of replayability, even though they all take you to the same place. Then there is a Time Attack mode with three more stages, albeit they're shorter because this time you get 30 seconds to kill all enemies in the area, though scoring kills adds time to the clock. Then there is challenge mode, but these levels are locked until you complete certain challenges in the previous levels (example: score X amount of headshots and complete one of the story levels on Veteran difficulty). Among some of the movies the game tries to parody are Scarface, The Matrix, Terminator and World War Z.

There's a two player online co-op mode, though I haven't gotten to try it yet because nobody was playing when I had searched and I don't know if it supports crossplay or not. Like I said, the game is fun, but if you're the type like me who usually doesn't bother replaying games much or going for 100% and you're just fine with playing through each level once, then you can expect to be done with this in two hours or less, so for that reason I could only recommend this on a sale.

11-May-24 3:15pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews

Alvo {Sony PlayStation VR2} 7/10
I decided when I got PlayStation VR2 that I would do something that I never really bothered with on the original PSVR and that is to buy an online shooter and actually invest some time into it, because multiplayer shooters is one genre I had moved away from over the years because I just stopped enjoying them, even something as simple as Splatoon feels impossible for me to enjoy anymore. I don't know what it is that made me decide to go with this as my first real VR online first-person shooter (I've played others on PSVR, but either only offline against bots or just a few matches online before I moved on), but I'm pretty happy with my choice.

This is a 5v5 online team based first-person shooter (also a 10 player free-for-all mode which is what I play 90% of the time, because I'm a loner, Dottie. A rebel.) Something to know before you go into this game is that there is no single player campaign or anything, the sole purpose of buying this is for the online multiplayer, so make sure you have PlayStation+ or you'll be stuck playing against bots, and that's never fun.

Graphically, it's not gonna blow you away. I watched some comparison videos and it looks sharper than the original PSVR and Quest versions, but if you've played something like Horizon or Resident Evil 4/8 or Gran Turismo 7, all built with PSVR2 in mind, this can't compete with those. This game was originally shown in a CGI trailer for the original PlayStation VR back in 2017 and after multiple delays (and temporary cancelation due to lack of funds) finally released in 2021, so it's definitely a last-gen game by a small team. It's a little disappointing that you can't interact with objects around the environment, and if you shoot a toaster on a kitchen counter for example, it gets what I describe as "bullet_hole.jpg" effect on it, iykyk. Of course you shouldn't be wasting bullets on shooting toasters, but this is VR, make it shootable for the sake of immersion, brah.
Audio is good, but nothing special. Player voices come in loud and clear (sometimes a little too loud, especially PSVR2 players, the mic is so sensitive you can hear the other players breathe, something I also notice in Among Us and it's how everyone knows when a PSVR2 player joined the lobby), but footsteps in game you don't hear much of because so many players use the ninja perk once they unlock it. The gun sound effects also are kinda lackluster. But I do like when someone calls in attack dogs, you can usually hear the dogs in the distance and you know it's time to run and hide. Speaking of the attack dogs, the game has the killstreak rewards of Modern Warfare (the real one; Call Of Duty 4). Get 3 kills in a row and you can get a health boost, get 5 kills in a row you can call in a remote control car that drives to the nearest enemy and explodes, get 7 kills and you can call in attack dogs or setup a turret (I always preferred the 3/5/7 killstreak from that game, sucks they messed with it in the later games). I don't remember if this was the case in CoD 4 as well, but once you reach the 7th kill and call in the dogs or turret, there's nowhere to go from there until you die and restart the streak. At one point I had joined a lobby and there was one other player who left right away, so I was stuck in a room full of bots where I proceeded to wrack up a killstreak that went 26 kills deep, but after the 7th kill there was no reason not to just die and start from 0 again. Also from what I can tell, you're eventually just going to die anyway because as far as I can tell you don't get more ammo for your guns until you die and respawn. Maybe there is a way and I just haven't figured it out yet, but also you don't seem to be able to pick up guns of dead enemies either.

Controls are good for the most part. It took me a little while to get used to reloading an imaginary gun as if it was an actual gun (swapping magazine clips) instead of just tapping a reload button like I would in a flat game, but they do give the option so you can assign it to a button press and I think I'm going to do just that to make things easier. I played most of Resident Evil 4 in VR that way too because it saves time.

Now gameplay-wise it feels like probably the closest we'll get to a VR version of Call Of Duty anytime soon (it even has a co-op zombies mode, though I haven't messed with it), and I'm glad it plays more like that than something more like SOCOM or Rainbow 6. One nice difference between this and Call Of Duty, the playerbase is by far less toxic. Granted I'm only around 10 hours into it so far, but almost every lobby I've been in has people joking and laughing with each other, each day I've played there's at least one lobby with people making jokes about my gamertag when they see it. I've not heard one insult get thrown when someone gets killed by another player except for one kid who sounded about 14 and hadn't played the game before and was getting torn up by the people who definitely had played before, was a bit of a Negative Nancy when he'd get killed in-game and would tell the rest of the lobby full of adults that we're too old to be playing this game. But nobody took offense to it and some of them were even joking back that he needs to take a sip from his juice box and calm down. There are teens and older adults playing from different countries (judging by their accents), no vitriol besides that one kid, mostly just laughter. This is how gaming is supposed to be dammit, and is the total opposite of the kind of crap I hear when playing Call of Duty or [insert nearly any other flavor of the week shooting game here]. The best part is it supports crossplay with Quest and the original PSVR and unlike Among Us VR I am not consistently the only PSVR2 player in a lobby, there's usually at least 2 or 3 others.

The game loads very quickly. No matter what mode you pick, it thrusts you into a match. If there are not enough other players they will shove some bots in the round but they'll be replaced as more people join. However, there is a lot of grinding needed to get the better guns and perks, and for now I'm still stuck with the basic guns you get from the start which means I'm constantly getting my ass kicked by the better players. Still, I'm having fun playing this even with losing consistently, and it has earned itself a spot alongside Drums Rock and Among Us, as now three PSVR2 games that I'll keep installed indefinitely because they are perfect pick-up-and-play games whenever you're feeling in the mood.
14-May-24 8:36pm
950 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

Suicide Squad:KTJL (XSX) - 6/10 - This isn't the disaster I had read about. It has some good bits but is overall not that fun. The actual gameplay offers some variety between characters, and the traversal and gunplay works ok. But after a bit of time, it all just feels like padding. The core campaign feels like padding...not a good sign. I like the graphics and am interested in seeing how this plays out, but just standing on a rooftop and seeing new enemies spawn in nearby all the time just feels like a slog. I think "I'll clear the streets" but then new things just pop in and it feels like a waste of time.

The controls are a little convoluted too and I've had trouble when switching characters. Plus the screen has so much stuff on it that I struggle to know where to look sometimes.

I think the core game is fine, but the live service focus and insane grinding sucks all the fun out. I went with my son to the library and checked this out for a week so at least it was free. But I can't imagine I'll play it more than a couple hours.
18-May-24 9:14pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews

Remember Me {Steam} 8/10
I dig this game and am glad I got to play this because it's a game not that many people seem to talk about or remember (pun intended) due to it getting overshadowed by launching too close to TLoU. Had I not gotten this in a Humble Bundle back in 2015 I would have never seeked out to play it on my own, I'm sure of that, because even after getting it in that bundle it still took me 9 years to finally play it.

Gameplay-wise I didn't know what to expect out of this before I started playing, but it's a sci-fi action game with lots of beating up enemies with combos that you can customize. I thought this would be an open-world game, but it isn't, it's more linear than I expected.

Graphically, with the settings maxed out it looks pretty nice, though it wouldn't be that hard to believe that it's originally from late in the PS360 era. But still, that console gen pumped out some damn nice looking games back in the day that still look surisingly good today. Gears Of War for example still looks pretty good especially considering it was released almost 20 years ago (sorry if that makes you feel old). I like the looks of this futuristic France setting, though as I said above due to how linear the game is you won't get much chance to explore it other than what they want you to see of it.

If there's one thing DONTNOD Entertainment knows how to do, it's tell a story in their games. A lot of people don't give games credit as far as we've really reached the point where they can tell just as good of a story as movies or books (though games is the one artform where your skill level may hamper your ability to truly enjoy the story), and I get it because a lot of times I'm not playing a game for the story either, but I can still appreciate the effort the writing team put into coming up with the story, like in BioShock or now Remember Me. The story had my interest in the beginning even though it opens with the whole amnesia trope, and I liked the whole gimmick where you can steal and alter memories from other people, but over time I felt like there was starting to become too many threads to keep track of for someone like me who is almost never just playing one game at a time. Anyway, I plan to stick with this one to the end and I'm a little over the halfway mark now.

19-May-24 11:46am
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

PizzaTheHutt wrote:
Remember Me {Steam} 8/10 I dig this game and am glad I got to play this because it's a game not that many people seem to talk about or remember (pun intended) due to it getting overshadowed by launching too close to TLoU. Had I not gotten this in a Humble Bundle back in 2015 I would have never seeked out to play it on my own, I'm sure of that, because even after getting it in that bundle it still took me 9 years to finally play it. Gameplay-wise I didn't know what to expect out of this before I started playing, but it's a sci-fi action game with lots of beating up enemies with combos that you can customize. I thought this would be an open-world game, but it isn't, it's more linear than I expected. Graphically, with the settings maxed out it looks pretty nice, though it wouldn't be that hard to believe that it's originally from late in the PS360 era. But still, that console gen pumped out some damn nice looking games back in the day that still look surisingly good today. Gears Of War for example still looks pretty good especially considering it was released almost 20 years ago (sorry if that makes you feel old). I like the looks of this futuristic France setting, though as I said above due to how linear the game is you won't get much chance to explore it other than what they want you to see of it. If there's one thing DONTNOD Entertainment knows how to do, it's tell a story in their games. A lot of people don't give games credit as far as we've really reached the point where they can tell just as good of a story as movies or books (though games is the one artform where your skill level may hamper your ability to truly enjoy the story), and I get it because a lot of times I'm not playing a game for the story either, but I can still appreciate the effort the writing team put into coming up with the story, like in BioShock or now Remember Me. The story had my interest in the beginning even though it " rel="nofollow" title=" (secure)" target="_blank">opens with the whole amnesia trope, and I liked the whole gimmick where you
can steal and alter memories from other people, but over time I felt like there was starting to become too many threads to keep track of for someone like me who is almost never just playing one game at a time. Anyway, I plan to stick with this one to the end and I'm a little over the halfway mark now.
I enjoyed that game quite a bit. It would be great to see a sequel
22-May-24 8:11pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews

Trepang2 PlayStation 5


One part F.E.A.R. One part Doom. All parts old school 360/PS3 era solid FPS fun with some annoyances here and there like dumb AI enemies that only know how to chuck grenades at you to aggravate you and a little unbalanced difficulty here and there. I’m on the 3rd of about 11 chapters now and having a decent enough time.
22-May-24 10:37pm
GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review

I beat Trepang^2 via Luna in March I think, agree with your take @TalonJedi87 - it was decently fun and looked great, but some of the effects got too noisy to know WTH was going on. The difficulty spikes weren't fun and in a later level they got worse. Luna won't show me how long it took me, but there wasn't a lot of levels in the version I played - I didn't do the optional side missions in part b/c I was time limited on Luna, but also I didn't generally like the game to play optionally more of it.

22-May-24 11:24pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews

I’m with you 100% there in regards to not even engaging on any of the side missions as after the first main mission or two I felt I’ve seen all it has to offer and just wanted to reach the end. I have 2 missions left in the main campaign I think. The missions are so long too like over an hour each. It does some good things though like remind us how cool those FEAR games were but without a compelling narrative to back up the gameplay, it just comes across as bland and kinda dull even with the high octane chaotic fast paced combat. Trepang2 also wants you to uncover the story I feel by picking up intel within each mission and I started to look for intel until it got too overwhelming and I just stopped caring after a while and decided to just get on with it.
23-May-24 8:34am
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

Slogging through Metro Exodus on PlayStation 5
Not sure how this game got such high marks. It’s kind of boring and uninspired. My favorite parts are when you just have to sit there as the minutes pass by listening to your group just talk away. Good grief, I don’t know what I expected but it was for more than this. I didn’t play the original metros so maybe that’s the problem. I stopped listening to the story hours ago.

23-May-24 10:00am
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

I laways got bored pretty quick with the Metro games..... Dunno why
23-May-24 10:14am
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (1 minute ago)

Dead Cells- I’ve finished it with 3 boss cells. Working on the rest of the trophies. This is a pretty simple (but difficult) metroidvania with roguelike. It’s ridiculously difficult. There is a big emphasis on DPS over damage mitigation so it requires you to not get hit at higher levels- and try to kill them before they get you. It’s pretty fun and I dabbled with it at launch- but I don’t think it’s as good as its reputation would have you believe. There are frustratingly difficult areas and some sadistic mechanics- like the curses that mean one hit death unless you kill x number of enemies (this can be as high as 100- which pretty much equates to a flawless run thereafter!) progress can be frustratingly slow - as a few permanent upgrades require multiple playthroughs- and wins (beating the last boss) to even access. Weapons are pretty ho hum and some of the ranged are OP- until higher levels when almost every mob can teleport right to your face- then you’re kinda forced to change to a more melee heavy tactic.

It’s got really good music and the castlevania crossover is pretty nice.

23-May-24 1:38pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews

loztdogs wrote:
Slogging through Metro Exodus on PlayStation 5 Not sure how this game got such high marks. It’s kind of boring and uninspired. My favorite parts are when you just have to sit there as the minutes pass by listening to your group just talk away. Good grief, I don’t know what I expected but it was for more than this. I didn’t play the original metros so maybe that’s the problem. I stopped listening to the story hours ago.
Metro Exodus kinda stunk. I liked the first two games much more when they weren’t trying to be open world. Exodus was kinda dull and uneventful I felt. Even the “climactic” ending sections felt kind of lackluster. I’ll never forget I reviewed it when I had my YouTube channel active a few years back and said it wasn’t sure what it wanted to be. Here’s a link below if you want to check it out, but yeah it left much to be desired.
23-May-24 3:02pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

Kommie wrote:
I laways got bored pretty quick with the Metro games..... Dunno why
I was reading reviews that said something to the tune of - best shooter out there.

Huh? I’m obviously playing a completely different game.

23-May-24 3:03pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

TalonJedi87 wrote:
loztdogs wrote:> Slogging through Metro Exodus on PlayStation 5 > Not sure how this game got such high marks. It’s kind of boring and uninspired.> My favorite parts are when you just have to sit there as the minutes pass by listening> to your group just talk away. Good grief, I don’t know what I expected but it> was for more than this. I didn’t play the original metros so maybe that’s the> problem. I stopped listening to the story hours ago.> > Metro Exodus kinda stunk. I liked the first two games much more when they weren’t trying to be open world. Exodus was kinda dull and uneventful I felt. Even the “climactic” ending sections felt kind of lackluster. I’ll never forget I reviewed it when I had my YouTube channel active a few years back and said it wasn’t sure what it wanted to be. Here’s a link below if you want to check it out, but yeah it left much to be desired.
Thanks for the link! I’ll definitely watch it.

23-May-24 5:04pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews

Thanks! And I wish making YT video reviews wasn't so time consuming or I'd still make them today.
23-May-24 6:41pm
GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review

I enjoyed the first 2 Metros, though they weren't anything amazing. I tried Exodus when it was on GP a long while back and liked how it looked, but it left GP so I ended up buying it later, it's been installed on my console for like a year+ but I haven't gone back to it, I should even though I know it's not fantastic.

As for Dead Cells, I really liked that game but it is tough and I only managed to beat it with 1 Boss Cell and didn't even try I don't think with 2. I found that I'm too aggressive in that game (and others, thus why I tend to suck at souls-likes) and would take damage too often to really even bother with the lower health recovery type of runs with more Boss Cells. I did play it a ton and unlocked all of weapons that I found/were offered to non-Boss Cell runs. If you don't like DC, then don't even bother with Have a Nice Death. I've been playing that a bit and like the art style, the feel and jokes about office work, but it's not easy for how I play and you're super weak and have even less opportunities for recovering any lost health. Both games are meant to force you to play a good bit and level up before making much progress, but for me DC was good and I invested many hours, but HaND isn't and after only a handful -heh- of runs I've effectively given up on it and don't think I'll return.

I've been playing Evil West instead and have a love/hate view on that. Love the art direction, the enemy designs and variety, the feel of the game and like other aspects (story, voice work, etc.), but I don't love the combat - it's a bit like a cross of a third person shooter with an action game (almost souls-like with some of the combat, but not really) and I am 12 missions in and still die at least once, if not more against every boss or end-level type encounter and even in some more 'basic' ones during the level. I started to get better with the mechanics after they finally give you a grenade type weapon. Fighting vampires and other beasts in that realm with a pistol and rifle means you're taking the tiniest amount of health from them with most shots.

23-May-24 8:55pm
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally This user is on the site NOW (1 minute ago)

I must have screwed up my progression in DC because I was missing 2 runes after I finished the game. I’m in BC 3 and just grabbed the last one. So now I can open up lots of other zones.

Post your scores/reviews on recent titles you've obtained/been playing. :-P