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GTZ Ranks Current topic: Rank Your Favorite Movies of 2023
26-May-17 7:30pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

This topic had many older posts which were moved here:

Hello, I like to rank things. @bonham2 can attest.

I update this thread with new topics so the GTZers can share their definitive rankings of said topic. It's a great time.

Current Topic: Top 10 Most Anticipated Games of 2023

Past Topics:
1. Rank the Batman films
2. Rank the X-Men films
3. Top 10 TV Shows
4. Top 10 Favorite Albums
5. Top Favorite Fictional Characters
6. Rank Your Favorite Nicktoons
7. Top 10 90s Nick Shows
8. Top 10 SNES Games
9. Top 5 Favorite Video Game Locations
10. Top 5 Video Game Frustrations
11. Top 5 Horror Movies
12. Top 5 Thanksgiving Foods
13. The Christmas Edition
14. Top 10 Superhero Movies
15. Top 10 (or 5) Movies of 2017
16. Top 10 (or 5) Comedy Movies
17. Top 10 Animated Films
19. Rank Your Favorite Action Movies
20. Top 10 PS4 Games
21. Top 10 Movies of the Past 5 Years
22. Top 5 Video Game Disappointments
23. Top 10 Favorite MCU Characters
24. Rank the Traditionally Animated Disney Movies
25. Favorite Nostalgic Children's Movies
26. Rank Tarantino's Filmography
27. Top 10 Bands/Musicians
28. Rank the Nintendo Home Consoles
29. The Halloween Edition
30. Top 5 Thanksgiving Foods Pt. II
31. The Christmas Edition Pt II
32. Top 10 Movies of 2019
33. Top 10 Movies of the 2010s
34. Rank the Harry Potter Movies
35. Rank the Disney/Pixar Movies
36. Rank the Spider-man film franchise
37. Top 10 Episodes of TV
38. Top 10 Tearjerker Movies
39. Top 5 SNL Skits
40. Rank the 3D Mario Games
41. Top 10 Film Quotes/Lines of Dialogue
42. Top 5 (or 10) Thanksgiving Specials
43. Top 10 Live Action Movies of the 1990s
44. Top 10 Music Videos
45. Rank the DCEU Movies
46. Top 10 (or 5) Movies of 2020
47. Top 10 Disney Songs
48. Top 5 Celebrity Crushes
49. Favorite & Least Favorite Movies of 2021
50. Rank the Batman films (again!)
51. Top 10 Classic Rock Songs
52. Top 10 Summer Movies
53. Top 10 Autumn Movies
54. Top 10 Movies of 2022
55. Top 10 Most Anticipated Games of 2023

OG Batman movie post:

So, for other folks who watch stupid superhero stuff, Rank! Those! Stupid! Batman movies!!! I don't expect everyone to have seen all the ones on my list but if you've seen any, share your lists in the thread. Or don't, jerk.


GTZ's favorite is Batman Begins. This is indisputable.

1. The Dark Knight
Classic. Iconic Joker, great adaptation of Two-Face. Batman's mythos in the Nolan trilogy took its most interesting turn with the ending with Batman's metaphorical sacrifice. It was the ultimate grounded approach at a Batman movie, finding perfect ways to integrate those comic book moments.

2. Batman: Mask of the Phantasm
The only animated Batman movie to get a theatrical release is still one of the best. I'm huge into Batman: The Animated Series, and this movie is one of the best "entires" in that series and just one of the best takes on Batman in general.

3. Batman Returns
Completely off nostalgia alone. This was among my favorite movies as a kid and remains a favorite Christmas movie. Michael Keaton had great nuance, especially as Bruce Wayne. Danny DeVito's Penguin was as memorable as it was gross. It wasn't a particularly great movie and it hasn't aged well, but I'll always love it.

4. Batman Begins
Really dug the subtle, grounded approach of this movie - it was easily the most grounded of the Nolan movies. I'm a big fan of Ra's Al Ghul and, while I would have liked a legitimately immortal take on the character, Liam Neeson's man-in-the-shadows-creating-a-myth version was great for this universe.

5. Batman (1989)
Another classic, the logo to this movie is etched into my nostalgia goggles for all-time. Nicholson's Joker is a legend at this point, and again, Keaton was fun as a straight-faced Batman.

6. The LEGO Batman Movie
Will Arnett as the voice of Batman rules. All the cameos, both voice-wise and character-wise, were great. It was a fun spoof on Batman movies in general, with things kids and adults could both like.

7. The Dark Knight Rises
Great way to top off the Nolan trilogy, but a little lesser than the other movies. I love Tom Hardy's Bane - even the voice. He came off sinister and brutal, and it was great to see Nolan so closely adapt the Knightfall stuff from the comics. That gets points alone. It did go a little long, and the third act was a little bit of a let down, but still a fun time.

8. Batman: The Movie
Like the LEGO Batman movie, this one is great for a few laughs. Adam West's dumbed-down "comic story" Batman was so much fun, and the colors of this movie were great. And then there's the bomb scene, which may be my single favorite Batman scene ever just for the sheer absurdity.

9. Man of Tomorrow (BvS fan edit)
You'll see where BvS actually ends up, but I dug this fan edit as it seamlessly meshed both Man of Steel and Batman v Superman. While a lot of the problems were still there (especially in the majority BvS section), I was in awe at how well the edits to make one epic Batman/Superman movie worked out - as well as the edits that did fix plot points.

10. Batman Forever
Underrated in my opinion, because a lot of people would rank this as far down as Batman & Robin which is an insult. This wasn't a great movie by any means, and Tommy Lee Jones' awful take on Two-Face was just a poor-man's Batman 89' Joker, but Jim Carrey as Riddler was cool and the Robin origin scene was fun. The ending was awful, Robin being a grown ass man was awful, and Kilmer's Batman was forgettable. But I still thought the movie was okay.

11. 1940's Batman serials
I'll just count both of the serialized theater series in one spot since they're decently obscure nowadays. These episodes were on TV on Christmas day when I was a kid, and I remember watching it from my Batman: The Animated Series tent that I got that morning. Fun to re-watch every now and then for that alone, but it's real awkward seeing some of the subject matter.

14. Batman & Robin
If this list were ranked for comedy, this may beat out both Batman '66 AND the LEGO Batman movie. But alas. Clooney was phoning it in completely, Robin was still an adult, Batgirl was cringey, Mr. Freeze was gosh darn perfect and the Poison Ivy/Bane duo were the worst.

13. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Tomorrow
This movie was awful. Affleck's Batman was just about the only thing I dug about it. But just the performance and look itself. The writing for Batman, besides Bruce Wayne's initial hesitance toward Superman, was pretty awful. Having him climb on a ceiling the first time we see him, his whole Martha schtick, his willingness to main (even if it was fun to watch).

14. Suicide Squad
Does this movie count? Mostly Batman villains, the Joker/Harley Quinn combo and a short Batman cameo. I'll count it, but the movie sucks so this entry pretty much just exists to reiterate that.

7-Feb-21 11:21pm

TMNT 1990? I don't think it got much better than that as a kid. Real life turtles.
7-Feb-21 11:44pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

@rnoble3588 I'm in the minority who would take Secret of the Ooze over the 1990 movie, just the one I saw most growing up. But yah, Secret of the Ooze made it dangerously close to my list for sure.
9-Feb-21 11:07pm
Bronze Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 1 Review

@theJaw Count me as #2. I love 1 but Secret of the Ooze is still my jam all these years later.
10-Feb-21 8:32am
Gold Good Trader

I prefer 1 over 2, but I burned 2s VHS up HARD. Even had the previews down pat.

Ahhhh, memories.
10-Feb-21 8:52am
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

1. Hook
2. The Flinstones
3. Spawn
4. Judge Dredd
5. Batman & Robin
6. Striptease
7. Ghost Dad
8. Cool World
9. Mortal Kombat: Annihilation
10. Baby Geniuses

11-Feb-21 9:17am
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews

1) Happy Gilmore
2) Terminator 2: Judgement Day
3) The Fugitive
4) Tommy Boy
5) Independence Day
6) Twister
7) Searching for Bobby Fisher
8) The Rock
9) Last Action Hero
10) Jurassic Park

Good Will Hunting
Men in Black
Saving Private Ryan
The Matrix
The Mummy
11-Feb-21 11:04am
Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

Searching for bobby fischer is one of great flicks i still have the movie poster since release and i've rented that movie from video store way too many times they gave me poster for free after its not new release anymore

They should do sequel - Still Searching for bobby fischer i know its not realistic

11-Feb-21 4:49pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Canada

1. Jurassic Park
2. Starship Troopers
3. Last Action Hero
4. Terminator 2
5. Die Hard 2
6. Demolition Man
7. Independence Day
8. Speed
9. Judge Dredd
10. Total Recall

(Jurassic Park is my my fav for sure but 2-9 could be easily interchanged)

Braveheart and Saving Private Ryan are some of my favorite movies but I don't think of them is your typical action movie.
11-Feb-21 5:08pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

Haha the list is for live* action movies, any movie that isn’t animated
11-Feb-21 5:20pm
500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 6 Reviews

JD wrote:
Searching for bobby fischer is one of great flicks i still have the movie poster since release and i've rented that movie from video store way too many times they gave me poster for free after its not new release anymore They should do sequel - Still Searching for bobby fischer i know its not realistic

I love that movie. I'm totally jealous you have a movie poster for it. That is awesome.

11-Feb-21 5:24pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

I’ve never seen Searching for Bobby Fischer but have always wanted to, especially lately after Queen’s Gambit. Might have to give that a go soon.
16-Feb-21 6:14am
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

New topic: Top 10 Music Videos

This is just a part 1, we'll definitely return to this topic because there are obviously waaaaaaaaay too many to list. There is no order to this list, just the first 10 that popped into my head today. Post the ones you like but, again, expect a Part 2, so you don't have to blow your entire wad right now.

1. Foo Fighters - Everlong

2. Bruno Mars - That’s What I Like

3. Beastie Boys - Sabotage

4. The Impression That I Get - The Mighty Mighty Bosstones

5. The Mountain Goats - The Legend of Chavo Guerrero

6. Sublime - Santeria

7. Bright Eyes - Four Winds

8. Radiohead - Karma Police

9. Outkast - Roses

10. Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
16-Feb-21 9:46am
Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Peru
16-Feb-21 12:09pm
600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews

You can't rank music videos without including any Michael Jackson, especially Thriller. Black or White and Remember the Time were literally events when they were released.

The other famous one that everybody loves was Smells Like Teen Spirit, but I never really liked that video. I always loved Cryin by Aerosmith because Alicia Silverstone was hot as hell back in the 90s.
16-Feb-21 1:27pm
Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Peru

Black or White would be on my list for sure, it was big when it was released and I loved it.
16-Feb-21 6:12pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader

Korn - Freak on a Leash
Johnny Cash - Hurt
Sabotage - Beastie Boys
Clint Eastwood - Gorillaz
Scream - Michael and Janet Jackson
Hey Bulldog - Beatles (Promo Video)
Three Little Pigs - Green Jelly
Praise You - Fatboy Slim
Buddy Holly - Weezer
Black Betty - Ram Jam

This was tough...
18-Mar-21 9:51pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

With the Snyder Cut dropping finally, I figured there's no better time than now to...

Rank the DCEU Movies

Doing it in this thread as opposed to its own because I feel like there aren't nearly as many folks who have seen these movies compared to the MCU stuff.

Now, I know it's not technically called the DCEU anymore (or never really was), but I'm counting any major live action DC movie since Man of Steel released. Continuity be damned.

---Movies I Loathe---
11. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - One of the worst movies I've ever seen, period.
10. Suicide Squad - Only ranks better than BvS because it's a lot shorter, otherwise the studio tampering doomed this one hard.
9. Justice League - Very bad, painfully bad tbh. Some of the most pitiful CG I've ever seen, and the hack Frankenstein job was done in a way that almost every single change was noticeable even without having seen the Snyder Cut beforehand.
---Movie I Haven't Seen but Already Like More Than the Previous 3---
8. Birds of Prey - I have a feeling I'd enjoy this if I watched it, but haven't felt the pull to do so yet.
---Movies I Enjoy---
7. Wonder Woman 1984 - I thought it was fun, sue me. Too long, very inconsistent in spots, and some real dumb story elements (Steve Trevor body-snatching for example), but it was fun enough to turn my mind off for a while and not get offended by it.
6. Man of Steel - I used to hate this movie until BvS came out and it looked like gold in comparison. Since then, it has actually grown on me to an extent and I can throw it on and appreciate it for what it is.
5. Joker - This movie is wholly disconnected from the rest, but it's still a live action DC movie so whatever. Joker isn't worse than anything previously mentioned but that's mainly because 11-6 are either only fun enough if you don't think too hard or just straight up bad. I do feel Joker is one of the most overrated movies of the past decade.
4. Wonder Woman - A competently made movie that may be sort of boring in spots but otherwise is a real fun action movie with a character long-overdue for the solo treatment. Kinda devolved to normal superhero fare in the third act but that didn't detriment it at all.
---Movies I Really Like---
3. Zack Snyder's Justice League - The more I stew on this movie, the more I like it. There's still some messiness in the story and not every beat is as satisfying as I'd hope, but the "epic fantasy" tone this movie integrates seamlessly into the narrative is a breath of fresh air in the superhero genre. A return to form for Snyder imo, reminding me of a lot of 300 and Watchmen.
2. Aquaman - Pleasantly surprised with Aquaman. It was also messy in spots and just straight goofy in others, but there are some legit great action sequences and I love the visuals throughout. Mamoa made me care about a character nobody cares about, so that's something.
1. Shazam! - Another pleasant surprise and the most earnest movie of the list. Just a relatively small-scale superhero story with "coming of age" thrown in and one of the more satisfying third acts out of the lot.

I can easily say my top 3, the only ones I "really like", were all movies I had absolutely zero expectations for going in and never cared about while they were being developed. ZSJL to a lesser extent because the hooplah around that has always interested me, but I didn't actually care to see it until it was about to release. But Aquaman and Shazam! are two movies I never expected to care about and they're easily the best of the bunch, imo.
18-Mar-21 10:29pm
Double Gold Good Trader

theJaw said
6. Man of Steel - I used to hate this movie until BvS came out and it looked like gold in comparison. Since then, it has actually grown on me to an extent and I can throw it on and appreciate it for what it is.
Interesting to me that you said this. A friend of mine was so disappointed with Man of Steel when it was first released. He exited the theater saying something like "If I took a video camera and videod a snail in the desert, I could make a better movie than Man of Steel." Fast forward X amount of time, and now he likes the movie. Occasionally we'll tease him about him having hating it and now switching over. He says he knows and apologizes. :)
18-Mar-21 10:48pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

Yah it for sure isn't as bad as the first time I saw it, but there are definitely still things to dislike about it. My top complaints are:

1. Muted color palette. Just came off as Christopher Nolan-lite. I prefer Superman stories to be colorful and bright considering it's still possible to have a "dark" story without removing colors from the frame.
2. Over-indulgent ending. I can give the neck-break a pass but there really was no need for THAT much city-wrecking for the climax fight. It was like they knew they had the CG budget and just had to cram it all into that battle. If they wanted to explain it away as Superman being too "new" to the superhero game, they should have made that inner conflict more apparent once he was an adult. He seemed competent enough to steer the fight away from the major city, but Snyder seemed to just want to have the big effect-laden climax.
3. Pa Kent's death. Just silliness at that point, but a moment that was supposed to be poignant.

Otherwise, I can look past that stuff for the most part and just appreciate the rest of the movie while it's on. It would still probably rank sorta low on my "superhero movie ranking master list" if I were to make one, but at least it'd be better than the majority of these DC movies haha
19-Mar-21 1:07am
Double Gold Good Trader

I really have to rewatch Man of Steel to experience it again. It's been years since I last saw it. I don't think I particularly disliked it when I originally watched it, but I didn't find it to be amazing either.

Haven't seen Shazam!, your #1 spot.
19-Mar-21 1:24am
Double Gold Good Trader

Wait a minute. Just realized something. I actually rewatched Man of Steel last year. It's Superman Returns that I haven't seen in years. Not sure why I mixed them up.

Now that I think about it, the colors definitely were somewhat muted. I get what they were going for, but I don't think the duller look is necessary. I get it, but it's not a must.

I bet you're on to something with that whole city destruction thing being related to the budget. Big effects and all. It's in the budget, so why not. It was a bit over the top though. Just a bit wink

GTZ Ranks Current topic: Rank Your Favorite Movies of 2023