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The Great Star War (Star Wars Discussion)
22-Jun-18 9:29pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

This topic had many older posts which were moved here:

The great debate... Star Wars. I can feel @Jeffro and plenty of others punching holes through their computers whenever a large Star Wars discussion breaks out... so in response to a few posts that were left in the movie discussion thread, I figured it'd make sense to just move it here and carry on any Star Wars analyzing/debating to this thread.


I urge folks that if they want to talk anything Star Wars to do it here - of course unless it's solely to share your opinion/review on a movie, then the Movie thread works. I'd obviously rather this not be the case but I don't want to clog up the other thread. Let's try to keep this discussion story-driven and not politics-driven but heck, I can't control you animals.

May the Force be with us. inb4 move to politics.
12-Mar-20 4:45pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

razeak wrote:
Did we ever discuss Ewoks vs Stormtroopers here? Need something to fight about haha
I feel like Ewoks had the numbers, knew the terrain and had more of a reason to fight than the stormtroopers. The troopers were pretty much there to guard the shield generator and are infamously awful at combat to begin with haha

And tbh that one shot of the Ewok dying and his buddy trying to get him to move was harrowing enough damnit!
12-Mar-20 6:15pm
Double Gold Good Trader Has Written 9 Reviews

Plus they had the assistance of Rebel commandos.
13-Mar-20 6:12pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

Watching Solo. It really is a tale of two movies. The first half with all the set up on Corellia up to the first mission with Beckett’s crew that goes wrong is a slog to get through, but once Han and Beckett meet up with Dryden Vos and find Lando, the movie becomes very entertaining. Still not huge into all then shoehorned origins for Han’s signature stuff (name, gun, etc) but once the story really kicks in, the movie is a fun time if nowhere near perfect (looking at you, weird Halloween costume-looking Wookies).
13-Mar-20 7:30pm
Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

I think it goes from crapty to mediocre.

13-Mar-20 7:36pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

It’s definitely not great but I wouldn’t consider it crapty, just underwhelming. Still a fun watch from time to time.
17-Mar-20 8:55am
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews

theJaw wrote:
Watching Solo. It really is a tale of two movies. The first half with all the set up on Corellia up to the first mission with Beckett’s crew that goes wrong is a slog to get through, but once Han and Beckett meet up with Dryden Vos and find Lando, the movie becomes very entertaining. Still not huge into all then shoehorned origins for Han’s signature stuff (name, gun, etc) but once the story really kicks in, the movie is a fun time if nowhere near perfect (looking at you, weird Halloween costume-looking Wookies).
I was the opposite when I finally watched this recently. I was really into it in the beginning, but around the halfway point I stopped enjoying it as much.

17-Mar-20 9:34am
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

Saw an interesting thing on Reddit, a lot of Star Wars "fans" hate about 60-70% of the movies. Are they really fans then?
17-Mar-20 9:53am
Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

Kommie wrote:
Saw an interesting thing on Reddit, a lot of Star Wars "fans" hate about 60-70% of the movies. Are they really fans then?
Well, they're fans of the original trilogy. I think you can still be a fan even if you dislike sequels.

Then again, you make a good point because I like Star Trek 1 and 2 (new ones) but don't consider myself a Star Trek fan.

17-Mar-20 10:36am
GameTZ Full Moderator Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews

A lot of those "fans" will pick on things in the OT too, if you get them going on it. I think we've got a group out there who doesn't really understand what "fan" means. To them, it means "follow something so I can criticize and troll it." That's not being a fan, it's being an butt-hole.

I don't follow Tarantino movies or any of the mystery novelists my wife reads. But I don't then follow every thing about them just so I can have something to dog about on the internet.
17-Mar-20 11:42am
Double Gold Good Trader

Solo is a boring ass movie. Rogue One feels like a fun family adventure by comparison.

Kommie wrote:
Saw an interesting thing on Reddit, a lot of Star Wars "fans" hate about 60-70% of the movies. Are they really fans then?
Probably, cause Sonic fans probably only like 1/3rd of the games.

There's another issue here too. When SW started there were fewer films, so the requirement for being a fan was lower. When they keep adding stuff it's more work for fans not only to keep up but there's even a bit of pressure to like every new thing in order to keep being a fan.
17-Mar-20 2:45pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

I think you can still consider yourself a fan even if you’re critical of aspects of the franchise. I’m a pro wrestling fan but will dump on things that deserve it. Just as long as you don’t get carried away and make your entire personality within the fandom to be a snarky doucher about the things you dislike and instead focus on what you enjoy, otherwise you’re not even trying to enjoy yourself or your time with the franchise and are instead just trying to flex your own opinion.
17-Mar-20 3:37pm
GameTZ Full Moderator Triple Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews

I'm not saying you can't be critical. I'm saying if ALL you do is be critical, and go out of your way to be a douche about it, then you're not really a fan. You're just a hater who gets his jollies messing with people who do like it.
17-Mar-20 3:45pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

Yah that’s essentially what I’m saying too for sure
17-Mar-20 3:51pm
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

I had a "friend" ruin TROS for people, posted spoilers couple days before release. If you're that miserable that you have to ruin it for everyone else you got some fudgeed priorities. Luckily for me I logged out of all social media for awhile till I saw it.
17-Mar-20 3:57pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

My girlfriend’s brother disliked TFA enough that he solely watches snarky YT spoiler videos each time a movie comes out just to scoff at them. I couldn’t imagine. You’re that petty that you’ll refuse to watch a movie but still watch a blatantly negatively-slanted spoiler video from someone who already didn’t like the movie. That’s literally not even allowing the possibility of enjoyment, that’s just learning plot beats to make fun of with the other douchers who need something to crap on to make their taste in film seem superior.
17-Mar-20 4:01pm
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

I hate a certain director but even I wouldn't watch something like that just to crap on it. Why even watch anything related to it if you probably hate it?
17-Mar-20 4:22pm
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews

Kommie wrote:
I hate a certain director but even I wouldn't watch something like that just to crap on it. Why even watch anything related to it if you probably hate it?
Which one?

18-Mar-20 11:22am
500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 6 Reviews

There are times when I'm tempted to rewatch "Gummo" because I absolutely detest that movie, and making myself watch it is like some cruel torture to myself. When I'm really depressed and really hating on myself, I'll be like "I hate you so bad I'm going to make you watch Gummo again"

18-Mar-20 11:26am
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

Gummo is a movie I've intended watching at some point but never did.
18-Mar-20 11:37am
500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 6 Reviews

Don't. Your life will be that much better.

The first time I saw that I was in college and I was going over to a girl's house that I was crushing on (this was before I met my wife).

She fudging put this movie on and laughed the whole fudging time, and I had zero crush on her afterwards.

If that is what she intended, then well played. If not, I dodged a bullet.

18-Mar-20 11:41am
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

I am aware of some of the things in that movie. Maybe you should look her up, she's probably in jail at this point. I'd of ran too.

The Great Star War (Star Wars Discussion)