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Horizon Forbidden West
8-Jan-22 12:34pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review

Why oh why do all 3 come out next month. Massive games, each requiring a substantial time investment.

What's your order of priority? I'm torn... I keep debating #1/2 largely based on friends playing to be able to share stories with.

Still, this is tough. Horrible timing!

1. Horizon
2. Elden Ring
3. Dying Light

Also not looking forward to the credit card bill for all these collector editions, ugh.
8-Jan-22 3:01pm
GameTZ Subscriber Double Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review

I'm starting to look for a PlayStation 5 specifically because of Horizon, so that would be what I would play if I can score one.

8-Jan-22 3:03pm
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

Good thing I don't care about these expensive collector edition stuff. But it's not good to have so many big games come out so close together. I will eventually buy all three of these. Its really hard to choose tbh.
Like if I got all three at the same time, I feel like I would rush thru them and not give them the time that each game would deserve. I will probably go with Dying Light and Elden Ring at first.
8-Jan-22 4:03pm
Triple Gold Good Trader

Yeah, it’s pretty rough, and I already have all three pre-ordered. I’m playing Horizon first, as I loved HZD. I’m in less of a hurry to play Dying Light 2, as I’m only a little bit into the first game and have a long way to go. Elden Ring seems like it’s gonna be great, but I also suspect it’s going to be brutally difficult, so I’ll have to be in the right mindset for that one lol.
8-Jan-22 4:30pm
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

I only have one pre ordered.


8-Jan-22 4:33pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review

@SilverOwl agreed, I feel like there's a rush to beat one to get to the next, not fully enjoying what you're playing.
8-Jan-22 5:49pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews

I won't be getting any at launch, though if I did it'd be a tough decision on which to start first (well, between two of them at least).

I enjoyed Horizon: Zero Dawn very much, so much so that I took the time to get the Platinum Trophy for it and that's something I have done for very few games. I still need to go through the DLC and I'm definitely looking forward to the sequel, but I probably won't get it until I can get my hands on a PlayStation 5.

Dying Light 2, I played through the first game twice and then the expansion. I really enjoyed it, one of my favorite co-op games ever. Unfortunately I no longer play with the same friend I did all that with and I don't know if I'd want to play it with anyone else and I certainly don't want to play it single player. Maybe I'll see if I can reconnect with that friend at some point.

Elden Ring is not even a blip on my radar. It's something I see get talked about around here, but I have little interest in it personally.
8-Jan-22 7:01pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review

And now targeted ads... But if this is for real, Holy crap. 500 hours for DL2? F that noise.
8-Jan-22 7:11pm
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

Lots of fetch quests.
8-Jan-22 9:39pm
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 5 Reviews

I've been working thru so many games on the backlog that I'm content to wait on new releases. I've been taking a break since I just beat Dark Souls Remastered (51 hours). Been catching up on streaming shows. Just finished The Morning Show - Season 2 (not good) and Cobra Kai - Season 4 (great), and just started The Witcher - Season 2.

Probably will play Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy next.
8-Jan-22 9:57pm
GameTZ Subscriber 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (13)

I’m kinda in the same boat as @Sun. Currently working on my backlog. I’ll have both Elden Ring and Horizon on day one, but I doubt I’ll play either right away. Pretty hyped for both, though!

Dying Light has just never really spoken to me for some reason. And that’s strange because it’s basically Mirror’s Edge with zombies and i love both those things. I remember watching footage of the first game and it just looked so…brown. And the main character just seemed like a glorified errand boy. It was an easy pass for me, but I know people really enjoyed it.

8-Jan-22 9:59pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review

Dying Light is one of only two games I've played through twice in the past decades (other being Hollow Knight). It starts slow but man it gets good.
9-Jan-22 1:55am
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 5 Reviews

I couldn’t imagine playing Hollow Knight again. Probably because there were some tough optional bosses I could never beat. Amazing game though. Definitely looking forward to Silksong.
9-Jan-22 2:03am
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review

Silk Song is my top most look forwarded to game, legit can't wait! HK was so insanely good.
9-Jan-22 6:50pm
300 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

Didn’t finish Horizon 1 yet so I’ll wait until the summer to get it, it’ll probably be 39.99 or less on sale by then. Hyped for Elden Ring day 1, and will be getting Dying Light 2 once my friends all get it and have time for it
10-Jan-22 6:40pm
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

Dying Light 2 devs have clarified, 20 hours for Main Story, 80 for main and side quests, 500 for everything. 500 still seems absurd though.
10-Jan-22 7:22pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews

500 hours doesn't sound that unreasonable since I'm assuming it's multiple playthroughs.
The map on the first game was decently big as it is, then the expansion added so much more to it. I expect it to be even bigger again in the sequel.

10-Jan-22 7:42pm
Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

500 hours is absurd unless they’re including some type of multiplayer component lol. I played dying light multiple times and the dlc and barely hit 300 hours doing everything and some MP
18-Jan-22 6:30am
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review

5 years of content support for DL2 - https://www.gamebyte...
20-Jan-22 8:57am
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

So, I had no idea they were putting Dying Light 2 on the Switch. It's been delayed for Switch, not sure why anyone would want to play it there, but it'll eventually be there.
20-Jan-22 2:32pm
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

It feels like the DL2 devs hired CDPR's marketing team

Horizon Forbidden West