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Why does Black Friday suck now?
21-Nov-23 2:27pm
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 1 Review

Is it just me, or is Black Friday kind of dead now? Hardly any notable sales, definitely more online sales than physical, etc. I just don't see a reason to go out and shop for anything this year.
21-Nov-23 2:42pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

I'm all for the "Black November" where sales are constantly going all month long. The whole door buster insanity where people sacrifice sleep, quality time with family, and possibly risk injury or worse was getting out of hand. I get that we love to save money and some of us feel like we've unlocked an achievement when we get some crazy deal, but it's just not worth it to save a few bucks.

21-Nov-23 6:05pm
Triple Gold Good Trader

I feel like all the good sales now are right before Black Friday. I racked up on stuff the last couple of weeks.

Master_Z wrote:
Is it just me, or is Black Friday kind of dead now? Hardly any notable sales, definitely more online sales than physical, etc. I just don't see a reason to go out and shop for anything this year.
21-Nov-23 6:55pm
GameTZ Subscriber 250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

Yeah I've got some good deals already and am looking forward to the small business sales locally starting Saturday.
21-Nov-23 7:24pm
Triple Gold Good Trader

I think its a good thing that the deals are mostly online now. Who wants to go shopping in person for crap anymore lol
21-Nov-23 7:45pm
GameTZ Subscriber 250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

Completely agree. All my buying has been online.
21-Nov-23 8:17pm
Double Gold Good Trader

Yeah. I hardly ever go in person. Doesn't seem worth it. To me, the deals out there aren't so amazing that they're worth weaving through crowds of people that are swarming.

If a store said "This Black Friday, in store only: Mario Wonder $5," then I'd be tempted.
21-Nov-23 8:18pm
Triple Gold Good Trader

Black Friday use to be something that brought families to go out shopping together. It use to be a ritual and routine for family to enjoy each others company but the internet and hardly any physical ads have ruined that. The old days with a newspaper and all it's ads made going out for the hunt kinda fun. Then people kept trying to hoard stuff just to resell on Ebay. For me you got to see the worst in human nature as people would trample people to get a deal on a good TV. I loved when Wal-Mart and other stores would have microwaves and so much more stacked to the ceiling and little room in the aisles but once again the internet has killed that. I really miss going out with my Mom and hitting up about 20 stores or more looking for great deals on Black Friday. It was just annoying yet I would love to do this today with my Mom (RIP) and go out to IHOP afterwards.

I'm sure others notice just shopping in general has changed so much as stores like Walmart have put an end to competition. They have put so many out of business so they no longer match prices and allows them to keep hiking prices. I still prefer shopping in person and loved getting the newspaper to hunt for the deals. I just miss all of the thrill of the hunt that can only be appreciated at garage sales and thrift stores/resale shops now. I really loved looking through all the Black Friday ads (physical) but those days seem to be gone and now its showing. Covid seems to have been the nail in the coffin for Black Friday that changed everything. Well good luck and have a Happy Thanksgiving. Time to go Back to the Future.
21-Nov-23 9:01pm
Triple Gold Good Trader

Last year, I went out to buy a 'Black Friday' newspaper to get all the paper ads... First off, the newspaper was like $9 which is obscene. Second, there were like 6 paper ads and half of them were for stores either we never shop at or don't have one even remotely close to us.. Third, many of the 'Black Friday' deals were for stuff that we either already had or had no interest in buying in the first place.. Black Friday is now Black November...
21-Nov-23 9:16pm
Triple Gold Good Trader

Personally once I got older it started to suck sales wise. I had more income and less time to enjoy things. I usually never wait for a item to go on sale now and if I want it I buy it.
21-Nov-23 10:26pm
Double Gold Good Trader

I've bought probably a dozen things this year. There aren't home runs anymore, but I got a lot of little things at good prices. Was hoping for a standout gaming PC deal, but that might have to wait another year.
21-Nov-23 10:45pm
Triple Gold Good Trader

Well all of us who bought the newest Zelda for Switch got screwed over when you see how much that game has been discounted. Especially because I still haven't played mine. $30 really hurts so checking prices can really make you sick. If I didn't constantly worry about things going out of stock with the actual physical games I would have waited on a lot of things. Something we never had to worry about years ago. I really hate the digital age because you just never know anymore.
21-Nov-23 11:10pm
Triple Gold Good Trader

Originally Black Friday was the day when stores offered "loss leaders" - a limited supply of items they took a loss on just to get you in their store first with the hopes that you would buy many other items as well. e.g. You were already in Wal-mart to buy the ultra cheap TV, and by now all of the loss leaders at Sears and K-mart were likely gone, so you might as well buy the other items on your list to save yourself some time. Most prices on that day, and that day only, were the lowest prices that the store would be offered that holiday season.

After a few years of people complaining that it wasn't fair to offer only 10 of each loss leader per store, making it nearly impossible to get the items in the few hours they were offered, and making you stand over an hour in line to make your purchase, retailers were induced to change their strategy. The price drops weren't as deep, but everyone got the lowest price offered. When internet shopping became available, the whole Sale structure changed and every holiday price offering - regardless of the day or date - became a "Black Friday" sale. Black Friday doesn't even mean that it will be the lowest price they will offer this holiday season.

Only once did I ever get up Friday morning to get to a store before it opened. My brother wanted to get one of the limited number of loss leader hard drives at Best Buy. To avoid the crush at the door that year, Best Buy went down the line of people and gave them vouchers for the loss leader items. We weren't early enough, but someone who was looked at my brother and gave him the one they had claimed.
21-Nov-23 11:36pm
Triple Gold Good Trader

I still remember in like 1998 COMP USA had some great deals during in early summer on some computers. I went at 8 p.m. and was already like 15 people deep and they gave out numbers for each of like 15 items. We all started polling one another about who wanted what and the line started to thin because most of us all wanted the same stuff. Resellers were making it bad back then. I had waited about 2 hours and said the HELL with it because I probably wasn't going to get the computer I went for. I went out to eat later that night and came back around midnight and saw several hundred now waiting only to be disappointed. BLACK FRIDAY was different because people didn't care and it was usually pretty cold in November in Illinois so the rude people and butt-holes were in abundance. Those people had long lists and would trample you. When I saw them roll past some 75 year old women and toss them aside and trampled them. I enjoyed the whole BLACK FRIDAY sales but with resellers and people so stressed out and opening at 3 a.m. all the rules changed.

Going to Walmart was great to get a GameCube with the free Zelda game for $50 in about 2003/04 but when they had about 500 systems it really made me wonder about how people and the world had changed. I still prefer the actual sales in person but you had to be prepared for the worst people you would encounter. These people were playing for keeps and if you dropped a penny about 100 people jump on you for it.
22-Nov-23 7:08am
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews

I worked at target back in the early 00's so I got to "enjoy" black Friday from the other perspective.

In those days Target was closed on Thanksgiving, so Wednesday night is a late night as all the signage and Black Friday sale items need to be brought out and set up in addition to the standard cleanup and zoning (bringing items forward on the shelves and making sure they are in the right spots with the right price tags). Get home around 3 or 4 AM Thanksgiving morning.

Try to enjoy Thanksgiving, but in the back of your mind you know what's coming the next day. Some family members make Black Friday plans, but you won't be joining them because no one is off on Black Friday. If you call out sick you'd better have a doctor's note.

Get to the store at 5 AM, an hour before it opens (which is already earlier than the usual opening time) and the line is who knows how many people deep. Store manager gathers everyone and gives the pep talk which feels like the "Some of you may not survive" scenes from a war movie.

Walk the floor 15 minutes before opening to make sure I know where all the hot items are, then the two minute warning comes over the PA. I return to my department and get ready.

At 6, a hushed silence falls over the store for a long moment. Then the rumbling begins as hundreds of people begin running to grab the one most important deal they waited for. The volume increases as those who grabbed carts join in, andd you can begin to hear a mix of chatter, laughter, and shouting. Then you see the flood of people and step into an aisle with nothing particularly important on sale. Despite that, a batty old lady pushes her cart past you as she snaps "Get out of my way!"

Any cart left unattended for more than 10 seconds is emptied by another customer and taken, whatever was in it just left on a nearby shelf or the floor.

People just grab things out of other people's carts when they aren't looking and put them in their own. At this point there is no laughter left in the store. There is a little bit of chatter but mostly shouting.

Security has to escort a couple people out of the store after a fistfight broke out over one of these cart swiping moments.

This is the Christmas spirit. HO HO HO.

Starting at 5am my shift ended at 2pm so I have plenty of time to do some shopping of my own. But I am broken and exhausted and of the opinion that no deal is worth what I just went through. So I decide I won't be a part of putting anyone else through it. We bury our dead behind the stockroom and I go home a humbler man.

22-Nov-23 9:13am
Double Gold Good Trader

ManiacMadman wrote:
Going to Walmart was great to get a GameCube with the free Zelda game for $50 in about 2003/04 but when they had about 500 systems it really made me wonder about how people and the world had changed.Was 500 consoles alot or too few?
22-Nov-23 10:46am
Triple Gold Good Trader

Depends on your perspective of 500 systems. No one was rushing for those but having seen people get trampled you are just left wondering why. I remember the 80's and going with my Mom for a couple years looking for a Cabbage Patch doll for my teenage sister who wanted one. I remember the hordes of people that were trampling and fighting for these things but didn't learn until later that people were reselling them in the newspaper back then. I saw the picture in the paper from a store I was at back then and as a little kid I was amazed. I'm surprised (or they maybe didn't report) that I and a few other kids were never abducted during this mayhem. There were a lot of shady people so I guess the pedophiles just wanted the dolls more. I was a pretty smart kid and knew better but if people saw this now and leaving kids unattended the police would probably be called. I do remember the weirdos going around trying to pick up kids with the promise of candy or a puppy and also remember the cops coming around asking us about it. As a kid back then we were pretty much left to fend for ourselves so seeing the way people act now has never surprised me at all. Just makes me wonder about what happened to our world as the people who acted like this are self proclaimed God loving people and church goers. Black Friday is when God stays home and sleeps in it seems maybe a little too much turkey and football.
22-Nov-23 12:28pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader

I've found lately most deals are still available late morning, so I avoid the initial surge and just go later in the day if I can't get it online.
22-Nov-23 12:30pm
GameTZ Subscriber Bronze Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

I have good memories of black friday, a friends mom would camp out and buy crappy laptops every year and take me and some of our friends with them, we would stay up all night skateboarding and getting into shenanigans in the mall parking lot. Don't think I've ever bought anything though it doesn't seem like the deals were ever very good just lots of people were not internet savvy back then.

But related have you guys seen good deals on an Xbox and a tv?
22-Nov-23 12:58pm
Triple Gold Good Trader

lightslime wrote:
I have good memories of black friday, a friends mom would camp out and buy crappy laptops every year and take me and some of our friends with them, we would stay up all night skateboarding and getting into shenanigans in the mall parking lot. Don't think I've ever bought anything though it doesn't seem like the deals were ever very good just lots of people were not internet savvy back then. But related have you guys seen good deals on an Xbox and a tv?Seems like $450+Diablo 4+$75 Gift Card is the best series X offer at Target. Unsure what TV you want.

I have a NIB Series S for sale for $205 shipped if your interested.

Honestly, I hated black friday somewhat growing up. The prices weren't to great and when I was young I didn't really save that much money for it. The sales across the year were superior many of the times. Waiting in line in the cold was a terrible experience and I found buying things when you want them to be better. I rather spend a day with friends and family after thanksgiving then shopping. I believe the key driver to the death of black friday is the rise of online shopping. Decreased number of people coming in for doorbusters and the marketing hype is enough to keep it alive.
22-Nov-23 2:05pm
Triple Gold Good Trader

Good to see the trolls never stop even here. Black Friday in the 80's and 90's was more about the stores getting the hot toys and video games that day. Stores use to have sales but they didn't open until 8 or 9 a.m. and the best deals for great savings were on clothes. The games and toys were just all in stock that day as they got them on the Wednesday before. This was your best opportunity to get the hottest stuff (Heman, Transformers, GI Joe, and etc) as well as them releasing new video games that day. If you didn't go out that day you or your kids probably wouldn't get what they wanted for Christmas. Moms, Grandmas, and others all spending the day searching and hoping for even more deliveries. Internet changed it and the resellers ruined it. Lists were !this mandatory and you were exhausted went home and ate left over turkey.The next big day was the day after Christmas for returns and hoping to get the one or two gifts you didn't get. Lines and lines for returns out the door at Toys R Us. I'd love to go back to pre-internet days and actually enjoy shopping and looking at the real physical items not some lame websites description.

Why does Black Friday suck now?