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Username: Azmyth

Status: active
Created: June 14, 2000 at 1:28pm (EDT)
This deal was reached on April 12, 2000. That was 3 months ago. He said he would trade my WCW Nitro for his Tomb Raider. I send Nitro and he got it. HE NEVER SENT HIS GAME. I've sent e-mail after e-mail to him and he only responded once. He said that he gave it to his mom to send and she forgot to. He said he had no idea and that it was in her desk at work. He said he would go there tommorow and send it. This was early last month! So, for the past month I've been threatening him about putting this report up. He never replied, so here it is. I know I didn't lose much, but it could've been something else. It could've someone else. This could have been you sending a valuable and great game to him, only to get ripped off. I absolutley hate people like this and I know I'm not alone. To anyone considering trading with this guy, beware. Make sure to have him send first or you'll be sorry. Joseph, if you ever see this (doubt it), give me back my game, or give me yours and this comes off. If you rip someone else off, I know where you live and don't think I wont come there and beat your ***!
Reported By: desert_dog91