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Username: GizmoDVD

Status: active
Created: July 22, 2003 at 11:36pm (EDT)
The deal was $8 for a complete near mint copy of BMX XXX for Gamecube. It was the 16th of June. I sent payment via paypal. I have the receipt and emails I can forward to Bill if need be. Anyhow he was very polite when speaking to me and said everything would be handled and then he stopped answering me. I don't like having to post a BTR but hopefully this will get something done. $8 may not seem like alot but when you have a 9month old baby $8 is $8 that you could have put into doing something else. I don't have money to throw around. Brad hopefully this can be taken care of and when it is I will remove this.

UPDATE August 17, 2003.
He responded right after I first posted the BTR saying I'd get my money back. Then hasn't responded since. I've emailed him about 4 or 5 times since and he hasn't replied. I don't like having to do this but I also don't like being ripped. Brad you're being very inconsiderate and immature. You need to grow up, fess up, and take care of the problems you've gotten yourself into.
Reported By: PeteKelly

Username: GizmoDVD

Status: active
Created: July 11, 2003 at 8:01pm (EDT)
On June 15, 2003, Me and Gizmodvd agreed on a trade of my shenmue II (Xbox) and $5 paypal, for his sega nomad battery pack. I sent first because he had more trades. A couple days later, I received an email from GameTZ about having a pending trade with a person with a BTR. I didn't wan to jump to cnclusions so I emailed him and told him that if he dares to rip me off, he is done on the site. Then he emails me back and just cusses me out. Then the next day I get an email from him, it was a different address, and it was a virus. The butt munch didn't realize that hotmail scans all outgoing attachments for viruses before they are sent, so I got an email from hotmail saying that an email with a virus has been sent to you, blah blah blah. So I email him on that, he said his computer is infected with a virus and is sending them to people on his email list. Yeah right. Well now he has like 3 BTRs. And I am going to contact the Moorpark Police on this. I am also filing mail fraud. I am also mentioning the other victims of this person in the police and mail reports.
Reported By: Dragonlordfrodo