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Username: RedWingsCujo31

Status: active
Created: November 11, 2002 at 1:05pm (EDT)
Hathaway had an auction where I bid on a sega genesis ac adapter for $4. The auction ended on a thursday and I sent the following wednesday, oct 9. He then proceeds to threaten me that if my money order is not recieved before friday, only a week after the auction end, he would with hold my adapter and return the money order. It is now nov 11 and I have not recieved either my adapter or my returned money order after more than a month. I sent an email in question this week as to when I was going to get something and he said he never received my money order and it was my problem, and he would never do that, he's an honest guy. Evidently he is not an honest guy seeing as this is the thrid btr filed in the span of a month. I will file mail fraud if I do not get notice of something being sent to me, either the adapter or my money order.
Reported By: doc

Username: RedWingsCujo31

Status: active
Created: November 2, 2002 at 8:57pm (EDT)
I sent $20 for a Sega 32x system, and $22 plus Dirt Trax FX for GT3, GT, and Donkey Kong for GB. This was back on the 20th and 30th of September. He was supposed to send everything out together. I contacted him about 2 weeks ago to see why my stuff hadn't arrived yet, and he said his computer crashed or some lame excuse like that. The package STILL hasn't arrived, and I think I've been patient enough. Obviously I've been ripped off by this guy.

I'll take this down if I ever get my stuff.
Reported By: Guts

Username: RedWingsCujo31

Status: active
Created: November 1, 2002 at 2:46pm (EDT)
During the first week of October 2002 a store near me was having a "Going Out Of Business" sale. I offered to pick up games for anyone who wanted them, and to trade them for cost + shipping.

Sean contacted me and asked me to get him a copy of NHL FaceOff 2000. I told him that there were no returns at this store and that if he wanted me to get the game he would have to guarantee that he would follow through with the trade. He promised that he would.

After waiting weeks for his payment to come through (which he told me was being sent 10/12/02) I sent him an email informing him that I had not yet received payment. 3 days went by and he did not respond. I sent another email asking again for a status update on the payment and he responded by cancelling the trade and telling me that he didn't need the game anymore.

I don't really want to have to file a BTR, but I also don't want to get ripped off for $11. He did not simply cancel the trade before anyone sent... he cancelled AFTER having me spend $11 to get him a game and promising to reimburse me for it. I made similar trades with at least a half-dozen people and Sean is the only person who has lied about following through with the trade. Other traders should know that he cannot be trusted.

Sean, I will cancel this BTR as soon as I receive your payment for the game... payment you promised... payment you owe me.
Reported By: savior