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Username: upcraft16

Status: active
Created: September 11, 2001 at 3:34am (EDT)
Made a deal in early July, he buys Ready2Rumble Round2 and NHL2001 for PS2 from me for $45. Well i sent him the games like the day after we made the trade agreement, and hes recieved them. But has he sent me the money? NOPE. This is the 3rd bad trader report this guy has gotten in a few months, i should have made this report earlier but i thought maybe he was just busy or something, so i gave him some time. blech, so far this guy sux. Don't trade with him period.
Reported By: Paco

Username: upcraft16

Status: active
Created: August 11, 2001 at 2:07pm (EDT)
Me and him made a deal where I send him Summer of Sam on DVD, and he would send me Charlie's Angels on DVD. It's been around 4-5 weeks since I sent Summer of Sam out and I know he got it like 2 weeks ago and I have yet to receive Charlie's Angles! This guy takes forever to send stuff... Ill take this down once I get my Charlies Angels on DVD!!!
Reported By: DemonCleaner

Username: upcraft16

Status: active
Created: August 8, 2001 at 2:30pm (EDT)
I have Traded with him and I send first. DVD name Dude where is my car? So I send that dvd and he got it. Than im waiting like 2 weeks and i got no money from him, i e-mail him, he respond and said he got that check back that he send it to wrong address. Now he said he send it again and I still got nothing, 2 weeks past already. I will remove this compleint untill ill get my money!! Dont trade with this person at this time.
Reported By: Rambo6