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Username: ksmitty202

Status: active
Created: September 19, 2007 at 11:12pm (EDT)
I filed a paypal claim he told me he was gonna ship i closed dispute he marked as shipped on the 5th of september i contacted him he said it must of got lost in the mail and i quote "My local game store has a super nintendo do you want that one", i told him no i just want my money back i dont feel comfortable with this trade anymore no response for a week he logged on, on the 17th of sept and no reply i personally think im getting the shaft here.
Reported By: lampstore

Username: gamestopblows

Status: active
Created: September 18, 2007 at 12:16am (EDT)
Edited: September 23, 2007 at 6:35am (EDT)
The trade was for me GameCube games for his Xbox games. He sent me 7 Xbox games and they turned out to be in crappy condition. Did not tell me all of them had price stickers all over them and the conditions of the discs were poorer than the ratings suggest. The worst part was 2 of the games keep freezing and are unplayable.

He seemed to have started ignoring me after receiving my games.

I tried contacting him through the trade messages and by email. I even had the mods email him but there were no responses.

It has been 2 months since he has logged in and now I checked his bio page and it seems he has abandoned his account.

I talked to another user he has screwed over and he is most likely a scammer.

EDIT: I contacted a moderator at and it turns out he was banned from that site a year ago.

Reported By: SaturnHST