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Username: sohigh420

Status: active
Created: June 4, 2002 at 1:10pm (EDT)
We agreed to an even 2for2 trade, my Onimusha and Maximo for his Final Fantasy Anthology and Lunar The Silver Star Story. Both of us were to send at the same time using prioity mail, I did but he failed to do so. After he had both my games for a week he said he wanted to return Maximo because he didn't like it, he wanted two of my DVDs to replace it, I said I would do that after I recived Maximo and the 2 games he promised, he never did that either. He made up some lame excuse about how he lost my address and his PC was make a long story short since he hasn't replied to my last few emails I decided to report him as a bad trader. If my games are returned to me in the same condition that I sent them or if he finally sends his two games I will remove this report.
Reported By: silent_violence

Username: sohigh420

Status: active
Created: December 8, 2001 at 1:46pm (EDT)
First of all, everything that the previous BTR's say is all accurate. This person is a professional crook, since he has multiple names and hasn't sent my Neo Geo Pocket Color (NGPC) with two games (Crush Roller and Baseball Allstars).

Let me try to explain this...We originally both agreed on me sending him a NGPC with two games and he would send me a GBA, w/ a game (THPS) , a case and an adaptor. I mailed the stuff to the address below. Once he received it, he told me that the GBA game did not arrive and it wont be,,so we negotiated on him sending 5 VHS in place of the game.

After much time, this "daniel" said that he would send the stuff back because he "doesn't feel like trading anymore". Now wait...there's a cetch. He then told me he wanted $5 for shipping the package..I totally disagreed, but i sent the money anyway, because i just wanted the package back. I sent it to his address and a week later, he tells me that he didn't receive it!!! i was just about to blow up!

AFter talking online with his AIM of Pain516 (which i dont see online anymore..maybe he changed it to avoid me) he said that he would send the package with CONFIRMATION the following week.
I also forgot how to complete trades..and so by accident, i pushed "complete" on our pending trade, and instead of deleting it and completing the second one i made,,he deleted the second one and completed the first one.

That following week, i emailed him and like what his BTRs say,,he only responded with every other email. He told me that he couldn't send it wednesday (day we agreed he would send it) because "he didn't have a ride". Bullcrap...i dont believe that. he then said he would send it friday,, and so the following week , i threaten him with mail fraud, and he says that he sent it friday. I HAVE NOT RECEIVED THE ITEMS, and it's 2 and a half weeks later. HE ALSO DIDN"T HAVE A CONFIRMATION NUMBER because he said he told his friend to send it and he didnt get a confirmation #.
Mailfraud is my only option now. to those who have also been ripped by this guy..please post them. It'll be helpful.

Reported By: obx205