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Username: the_evil_one

Status: active
Created: April 29, 2003 at 2:17pm (EDT)
He ripped me off of THREE games.. MKDA (PS2) Legaia 2 (ps2) and eternal darknees (GC) I was supposed to get a top loader for this stuff!!! DID HE SEND IT? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.. so if i dont have my top loader by Saturday i will be fileing mail fraud and he will be getting a little visit from a police officer... I ve been emailing him COUNTLESS times so this is my last resort!!! NO ONE TRADE WITH THIS GUY HE WILL ONLY RIP YOU OFF AND TAKE OVER 1 MONTH TO SEND!! just like he did to me!!!!!!!!!! today i talked to another one of the trades he did this too and what a coinsadince!! he isnt emailing him back either... just goes to show what poor people like him are doing to get games these days......

Reported By: AAA