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Username: DDR_Freek_Geno

Status: active
Created: November 9, 2001 at 5:58pm (EDT)
I sent him $25 for some dreamcast games. (you remember which ones they were, Gene.) I have not recieved anything from him, nor have I heard from him. Please email me, Gene.
Reported By: AndrewC

Username: DDR_Freek_Geno

Status: active
Created: November 4, 2001 at 5:16pm (EDT)
Sorry to do this to you Geno, but I really need the remaining $5 paypal and it's been nearly two months. frown Please understand.

To everyone else, we have geno had a trade for my Bomberman Tournament for GBA. He sent me $25 paypal and said the remaining $5 paypal will be coming very soon. Well, it's been nearly 2 months and I have yet to receive my $5 paypal. And I havent been receiving email responses from him either. This report will come down immediately upon receiving the $5 via paypal.
Reported By: CoolPorygon