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Bad Trader Reports

Username: Mccauley420

Status: active
Created: December 21, 2002 at 8:56am (EDT)
Trevor Has a Gamecube and Ps2 but he never really had time to play any one of them but was really interested in my xbox so he decided to trade me a Gamecube Package and Ps2 Package for my xbox package. We Agreed to send at the same time and I thought we did but obviously Trevor didn't send my 2 packages at all. He told me he was going to mail them through OVERNIGHT EXPRESS MAIL which is delievered the next day and now it's been exactly 3 WEEKS since he was supose to mail them and I still haven't recieved them. There is no such thing as OVERNIGHT EXPRESS MAIL that takes 3 weeks. I'm letting everyone know right now that NOBODY should trade with this guy. He will rip you off so quick that you won't even notice it. Because of Trevor I'm in a lot of trouble. I lost about $700 worth of xbox stuff because of this guy. I'm going to e-mail him non-stop until he mails my 2 packages and pretty soon I'm going to mail a letter to his house but I'm pretty sure that won't help because he will just ignore me the same way he is doing with the emails I sent him.
Reported By: ny03altima

Username: Mccauley420

Status: active
Created: November 9, 2002 at 10:44pm (EDT)
Kevin and I agreed to trade My Sony Playstation with 15 games, 2 sony brand controllers, 1 30 block memory card and all of the hookups for his Microsoft Xbox with 2 games 1 controller and all the hookups.

Kevin told me that if I agreed to send at the same time he would throw in two free games so we agreed to send at the same time(even though he had not yet completed a trade and I would normally require him to send first, but he requested to send at the same time and I agreed{I wont make that mistake again}).We agreed to send on thursday october 31st. He said he sent first class and I sent Priority because it didn't end up costing me any more in the long run and I was fine with the difference in shipping. I waited until monday and the Xbox still hadn't arrived. I e-mailed him and he said he sent and he still hadn't recieved the Platstation. I figured there was probably a delay for some reason and figured I would wait a couple days longer. So thursday rolls around and after 1 week I still haven't seen hide nor hair of the Xbox. I emailed him again and he said he still hadn't recieved the Playstation(which should have arrived no later than monday seeing as I sent Priority mail and were only one state away). Then I found out the post office doesn't even let you send first class mail on a package the size of an Xbox so I sent him another email in which I told him that if I didn't get the Xbox by Saturday November 9th I was going to file a BTR and persue further legal action.

Kevin if you are trying to pull something, think again!!! I will only remove this BTR when I recieve the Xbox and the games we agreed on and/or my playstation with all of the games the controllers and the memory card in all the same condition I sent them to you in.


As of today(Dec 29 2002)I have decided to persue a mail fraud Case aginst Him. He has yet to respond to countless emails and im sick of putting up with this crap. you deleted the pending trade a while back which finally halped me make up my mind. No more mr nice guy!! You cant do stuff like this to prople and get away with it.
Reported By: godboss

Mccauley420 BTRs

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    bad email (This account is not active)



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