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What are your favorite point and click adventure games?
20-Sep-23 12:16pm
500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

When I started gaming 30+ years ago, I had an old 386 PC and mostly played adventure games. I recently picked up Day of the Tentacle on PS4 and it had me thinking about all the old games I use to play. This genre is just about dead nowdays, they still release "adventure games" but in my limited experience they aren't near as good as the classics. Here were a few of my favorites..

Monkey Island 2 - Don't get me wrong, the original Monkey Island is great. But the 2nd one just seemed so much more polished and I have fonder memories of it than the first one.

Inspector Gadget (1992) - I loved the show as a kid so naturally I also enjoyed the game. This is far from a "classic" but it was a point and click game where you played as Penny and Brain. No idea if it would even be playable today, but as a kid I loved it!

Space Quest V - I don't love the first few space quest games but I really enjoyed the 5th one. I recall the protagonist taking an exam at the beginning of the game and then going off into space. I never liked Sierra stuff as much as Lucasarts because they were more difficult and you could die. However I did enjoy this one.

Anyone else into this genre? Do you still play them today? They sure are slow paced compared to modern games. What were/are your favorites?
20-Sep-23 12:25pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews

sa330206 wrote:
Space Quest V - I don't love the first few space quest games but I really enjoyed the 5th one. I recall the protagonist taking an exam at the beginning of the game and then going off into space. I never liked Sierra stuff as much as Lucasarts because they were more difficult and you could die. However I did enjoy this one.
I have a funny story about Space Quest V. Later in in the game when you are on the planet where you are being chased by the killer fembot, my older brother tried so many times to get past it but never could so he got super frustrated and gave up.

I played the game after he gave up and passed that killer robot part on the first try.

The test you take at the beginning of the game tells you pretty much exactly what to do to defeat the robot, and my brother didn't actually read the answers because we was busy "cheating" and looking at the answers the smart guy next to him was writing down. So I breezed through it and wouldn't tell him how I knew what to do.

20-Sep-23 12:29pm
Triple Gold Good Trader

First point and click I played was Dungeons and Dragons couldn't get passed the first part at least I think it was point and click I was 12 at the time. The first I played and beat was leisure suit Larry. Regret playing that. I do like some point and click games McPixel is kind of like one. Telltale is pretty good sometimes, Star Trek Resurgence was good and the Sam and Max games are okay their humor isn't for me Kings Quest was another recent one I played. I mostly switched to visual novels but occasionally will buy one. I don't mind the slower pace it is finding a hard to find item is annoying and the puzzles can be terrible at times. Like how am I supposed to know to use this random item to trigger said event.

Is Danganronpa point and click, is Henry stickmen and papers please. Besides that I can't think of any I really enjoyed.
20-Sep-23 1:16pm
Silver Good Trader

Though youth-oriented, I’ve always loved Pajama Sam. The third game, You are What You Eat from Your Head to Your Feet, was always my favorite. It’s dripping with personality, you ride a doughnut around like an inner tube, answer a fortune cookie’s philosophical pondering, and even solve a labor dispute. It also contains the cutest broccoli you’ll ever seen in a game. laughing out loud

20-Sep-23 1:18pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

It's been a long time since I've played a PnC so it's really hard for me to remember. They can be pretty fun, but can also be incredibly dumb and overly frustrating when trying to solve a very obscure combination of item interactions to get past a certain point. I certainly enjoyed the Monkey Island series enough to the point where I want to play Sea of Thieves again just to see how this little story arc plays out. I enjoyed Kings Quest on the Xbox One. The Longest Journey stands out, but I can't remember too much about it.

20-Sep-23 1:46pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader Has Written 3 Reviews

It's not a genre I play a lot of, but I remember borrowing my friend's Sega CD back in the day and playing a game he had called The Adventures of Willy Beamish. I liked it, but never finished it. I could be wrong but that actually might have been the first point and click game I ever played.

Two of my more recent favorites were games I bought in the eShop not knowing anything about them, but they turned out to be good. One is called Agatha Knife and the other is MechaNika, both games are related story-wise and they have the type of twisted humor I enjoy.

20-Sep-23 2:01pm
Double Gold Good Trader

SupremeSarna wrote:
Though youth-oriented, I’ve always loved Pajama Sam. The third game, You are What You Eat from Your Head to Your Feet, was always my favorite. It’s dripping with personality, you ride a doughnut around like an inner tube, answer a fortune cookie’s philosophical pondering, and even solve a labor dispute. It also contains the cutest broccoli you’ll ever seen in a game. laughing out loud That game was great. Pajama Sam gets thrown in jail while being at a party with junk food characters because he mentions broccoli 😆

You're talking about that broccoli with the hat, right? Great characters in that game.
20-Sep-23 2:07pm
Gold Good Trader

I really enjoy the LucasArts games, with Day of the Tentacle being my favorite.
20-Sep-23 2:16pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber 400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (7) Has Written 1 Review

Shadowgate. So pumped for the sequel!
20-Sep-23 2:37pm
Silver Good Trader

nonamesleft wrote:
SupremeSarna wrote:> Though youth-oriented, I’ve always loved Pajama Sam. The third game, You are What> You Eat from Your Head to Your Feet, was always my favorite. It’s dripping with personality,> you ride a doughnut around like an inner tube, answer a fortune cookie’s philosophical> pondering, and even solve a labor dispute. It also contains the cutest broccoli you’ll> ever seen in a game. laughing out loud > > That game was great. Pajama Sam gets thrown in jail while being at a party with junk food characters because he mentions broccoli 😆 You're talking about that broccoli with the hat, right? Great characters in that game.Correct! smile

20-Sep-23 7:46pm
500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

A lot of good stories here! DOTT was definitely a childhood favorite as well, I will be starting it up on PS4 soon. I don't think they made many enhancements so it will be interesting to see if it holds up. @ued222 I think I'd consider stuff like Danganronpa a visual novel, but that's fair game for this thread. The legacy point and click genre is pretty much dead. I hadn't heard of McPixel , looks funny. For some reason it kind of reminds me of another old adventure game called Teenagent, All I recall is you were a kid trying to become a secret agent. For all the P&C games I played as a kid, I never tried Pajama Sam or any other games by that creator (didnt they make a bunch of different "educational" games?).

@PizzaTheHutt I can't believe you played it on Sega CD. I recall that game well but when I tried to play it on a SCD, the load times were so bad I went crazy and quit. You must be pretty patient, or maybe the load times are why you quit! I ended up playing the PC version at some point. It was a fun game, he had the frog that would get him into trouble. If you made the wrong decision, it was game over. You could get game overs in Sierra games but LucasArts adventure games typically didn't have them.
21-Sep-23 1:00am
Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

Curse of Monkey Island was my first love and still my favorite to this day. The hand drawn animation, the voice acting, the humor and the settings are top notch in my book.
21-Sep-23 5:53am
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews

Snappy wrote:
Curse of Monkey Island was my first love and still my favorite to this day. The hand drawn animation, the voice acting, the humor and the settings are top notch in my book.
The whole Papapishu thing is still the funniest thing any game has ever done.

22-Sep-23 1:44pm
GameTZ Subscriber 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (13)

The Longest Journey is easily my favorite traditional point and click adventure game of all time. I was maybe 12 or 13 when I played it and I remember being completely blown away by it. I've been in love with these types of games ever since.

22-Sep-23 4:09pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews

It's hard to pick a favorite, but to name a few that I recall... Myst (of course, the one that started it all for me), Under a Killing Moon (in the Tex Murphy series), The Journeyman Project, and Dark Seed.
22-Sep-23 5:05pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews

I've enjoyed the Sierra games most because that's what I grew up with. Space Quest, Quest for Glory/Hero's Quest, and King's Quest series in a distant third place.

LucasArts games I played after I was an adult so they didn't quite have the same magic as when I was a kid and high resolution 16 color EGA graphics were the pinnacle of video game technology.

22-Sep-23 5:24pm
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews

KQ6 was my first personal clear, but I was watching Dad play through Space Quest for years and years. Torin's Passage was good too, that one was bleeding edge stuff
23-Sep-23 11:49am
Silver Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 1 Review

Indiana Jones: Fate of Atlantis

Other childhood nostalgia: Mixed-up Mother Goose on the Apple II GS
26-Sep-23 4:07pm
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews

I think the only point-and-click adventure game I finished is Myst, and that's only because there's a way to skip all the puzzles and go straight to the final interaction with its solution.

I played a whole bunch of point-and-click demos, though. The Curse of Monkey Island is the standout, but I also remember really liking Neverhood. We bought a 286 from a flea market that had Leisure Suit Larry III on it, but I never got very far into it because of all the booby traps (no pun intended) if you follow the wrong path.

Has anybody played that Warcraft point-and-click game that got cancelled but was leaked?

26-Sep-23 4:25pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews

Renaissance2K wrote:
I think the only point-and-click adventure game I finished is Myst, and that's only because there's a way to skip all the puzzles and go straight to the final interaction with its solution.
That reminds me of Space Quest 2...

It had the typing interface (before the days of a computer mouse being popular), and I got so frustrated with one part of the game that I just typed "CHEAT" out of frustration and slammed the enter key in anger.

Screen then changes to a starfield with the end game music playing, and you get a congratulatory message on being a sneaky git and figuring out how to not win, but get an impossible score as it is changed to 255 out of 250 or something.

Edit: found it on youtube

What are your favorite point and click adventure games?