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You ever have a craving/urge for something you know you don't like?
3-May-24 3:39pm
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)

This happens to me a couple times a year. And like a dummy I always end up getting the thing, knowing I wont like it. It is so stupid. I have no idea why I do it. I usually hold out for a week or two while just randomly thinking about the item. And then it gets built up into this thing like, yeah I have to do this now. Maybe it will be different this time. And it always ends in disappointment.

Today was nasty ass pop tarts. Loved 'em as a kid. Hate them now. Haven't tried on in like 6 years. Everyone's been talking about the movie about them. And how they loved them as kids. But hate them now as adults, etc. And over the last two weeks I keep thinking about them. Every time I go to the store. Late at night, like I should go get pop tarts to snack on. Well today I caved and bought a box. Ate half of one and threw the entire box in the garbage. They are so gross. I can't believe people eat these for breakfast, first thing in the morning.

And this isn't just because of the movie. This happens with things more often without any outside influence. Like the last one was Sunny-D, Sunny Delight. I randomly saw it at a store like 4-5 months back. And was like, hell yeah. I loved that crap as a kid. And then ended up thinking about it for weeks before buying a bottle. Knowing full well I no longer liked it. And almost throwing up when tasting it again. Which I knew would happen. Because that crap is terrible. Yet I did it anyways. I think I might be insane. Because I keep doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. Like, maybe this isn't absolutely terrible now. Nope, it still is.
3-May-24 3:44pm
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Canada

I love blueberry pop tarts! lol

But I suppose mine would be Crunch bars. I used to love them but now they taste like dog crap. Once a year I go back to try them in hopes maybe they changed.
3-May-24 3:47pm
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)

You mean the Nestle Crunch candy bars? Or is that something else in Canada? I haven't had one those in years either. Thanks, now that is my next thing, lol.
3-May-24 4:02pm
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

Kroger's Rising Crust pizza.

Back in the day it was decent, the bread was good, and it had enough pepperoni. But the last two times I've bought some... it only has about a third of the pepperoni it had back then.

Also, Digiorno pizza. It's not... bad, but it never seems to cook right. (Their Detroit one is pretty good though.)
3-May-24 4:05pm
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader


3-May-24 4:17pm
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)

Foxhack wrote:
Kroger's Rising Crust pizza.
Everything Kroger is gross. Its either bland and tasteless, or tastes like someone took a crap in the food. I used to buy the Frys generic brand at the store down the block from me. But ever since they were bought out by Kroger I refuse to buy their generic brand items. They are all so awful. I generally go for the off brand version of things to save some money on groceries. But I will not buy Kroger brand.

Yeah, 100% agree there. They are bad. That fake cheese food crap they use is so gross. I bought some of their pizza rolls last month. So nasty. I threw the entire bag in the trash after eating two of them. I'm not sure that rubber crap is even legally food.
3-May-24 4:22pm
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

The Kroger stuff really depends on what you're buying. They had a decent spice brand (I buy red pepper flakes for pizza and chili) but they started selling a different one and it... no.

Totino's has "cheese product". Not real cheese. Which sucks, because their party pizzas would be great if they had real cheese instead of that vegetable oil crap they use.
3-May-24 4:46pm
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Canada

Archer wrote:
You mean the Nestle Crunch candy bars? Or is that something else in Canada? I haven't had one those in years either. Thanks, now that is my next thing, lol.
Yep those ones. Used to be my favorite. Weird thing is the ones you get in the Halloween variety bags do taste much better, still not as good but it is an improvement.
3-May-24 5:34pm
Double Gold Good Trader

Yep, once in awhile I crave black licorice. I tried several times to get accustomed to it, and it's okay in the initial chew, but then after a bit of more chewing my brain says "okay, you're taking this joke too far."

It's as if I like the taste a little bit, but then start to not be able to continue liking it as I'm chewing. Kind of strange. As if certain elements in black licorice aren't evident in the initial chew, but then they suddenly become noticeable as I keep chewing, and then my tongue and brain realize what I was doing to them 😂

I do like the initial taste though, but I know that I'll end up wanting to spit the licorice out if I keep chewing.
3-May-24 5:51pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader

The "you know you don't like" makes it tough.

Dill pickle flavored chips. I buy them 2-3 times a year, and I never finish the bag. I eat 5 chips or so at a time maybe 3-4 times. They go stale; in the trash.

Tony's Pizza. This has to do with nostalgia and how much they've changed them over the years. I get a craving for Tony's Pizza from when I was a kid. I'll still buy them, but nearly everything has changed. The crust is nothing like the original, big downgrade. The toppings have changed as well, and on face value some may prefer the change but I'm nostalgic for old. Crisp n cup pepperoni (aka grease bowls) and discs of sausage. The cheese has gotten worse as well. The sauce might be the same. I used to love broiling the top to get a not quite burnt crispy. Always disappointed.

Totino's is a good one, but honestly I know what I'm getting into. They haven't changed. Same goes for Jack's Pizza aside from probably halved the amount of cheese and shrunk the size. Also (aside from pizza) BBQ Corn Nuts (another one that changed the recipe), cheap Ramen (it's all Maruchan near me which is the worst, but surprisingly they have new flavors that are pretty good), and bratwurst (I'm almost always disappointed, but they have such creative variants it makes me think this is the one!). I guess brats would classify.

I guess most of mine are you know you'll be disappointed aside from dill pickle chips and brats.
3-May-24 5:53pm
Triple Gold Good Trader

never had a pop tart..
3-May-24 6:21pm
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)

KCPenguins wrote:
The "you know you don't like" makes it tough. Dill pickle flavored chips. I buy them 2-3 times a year, and I never finish the bag. I eat 5 chips or so at a time maybe 3-4 times. They go stale; in the trash.
This is me with certain crackers. Like Cheeze-its or Wheat Thins. I eat like 10 crackers. Then the box sits for like six months before I toss them. Then a few months after that I think, hey I haven't had those in a while. Never ending cycle of wasting crackers.
3-May-24 6:34pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

While I don't have cravings, I do have curiosity if my tastes have changed. My palate has been pretty sensitive to bitter foods. Because of this, I avoid things like radishes, olives, and alcohol. I'll try them from time to time, but so far no change.

3-May-24 6:48pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 550 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (9) Has Written 26 Reviews

Every six to ten years I will buy a tin of Vienna sausages.

And every time they are still gross

3-May-24 6:58pm
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

Archer wrote:
KCPenguins wrote:> The "you know you don't like" makes it tough. > > Dill pickle flavored chips. I buy them 2-3 times a year, and I never finish> the bag. I eat 5 chips or so at a time maybe 3-4 times. They go stale; in the trash.> This is me with certain crackers. Like Cheeze-its or Wheat Thins. I eat like 10 crackers. Then the box sits for like six months before I toss them. Then a few months after that I think, hey I haven't had those in a while. Never ending cycle of wasting crackers.
I can't stand normal Cheez-Its, they taste awful. BUT. I really, really like the White Cheddar flavor. The Duoz one (Sharp Cheddar+Parmesan) is also pretty good. They use something that tastes like real cheese, not like the normal ones that taste bad.
6-May-24 2:09pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews

This is off topic a bit. But, I disagree strongly about Pop-tarts. Actually, if you could dig them out of your trash and send them to me instead, that would be great.

I also love Combos, as I may have mentioned before.

This morning I was delighted to discover this new product:

Pop-Tarts Crunchy Poppers

They are like Pop-Tart Combos. THE PERFECT FOOD.
I got some and they are good.
They have a chocolate variant I need to try too now.
6-May-24 2:22pm
GameTZ Subscriber 500 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review This user is on the site NOW (5 minutes ago)

@bill Are those individually wrapped? The side of that box art makes it look like they are. That seems like an odd choice with the whole single use plastic trend of the last few years.

EDIT: I guess not, I missed the 5 pouches on the bottom right. So that is even more bizarre there is a single wrapped one on the side. Unless that is just super bad scaling of the pouches, lol.

6-May-24 3:35pm
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

Oh man.

Now I'm imagining a Hot Pocket-sized Pop Tart Popper.

(Edit: Also I'm not a fan of most Pop Tarts... except for the cinnamon ones, those are really good.)
6-May-24 4:47pm
Triple Gold Good Trader

bill wrote:
This is off topic a bit. But, I disagree strongly about Pop-tarts. Actually, if you could dig them out of your trash and send them to me instead, that would be great. I also love Combos, as I may have mentioned before. This morning I was delighted to discover this new product: {imgt} 667 748{imgt} Pop-Tarts Crunchy Poppers They are like Pop-Tart Combos. THE PERFECT FOOD. I got some and they are good. They have a chocolate variant I need to try too now.
Those look fun! I love me a good strawberry poptart!
6-May-24 4:56pm
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 28 Reviews

Yeah, 5 pouches and a pouch contained about 10 combo-size (about 1 inch long, 1/2 inch wide tube), pop-tarty things.
6-May-24 5:11pm
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

I also like both Combos and pop tarts, so need to try those. On topic, I can't really think of anything. If I don't like, I won't eat it again lol.

You ever have a craving/urge for something you know you don't like?