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Need some suggestions from you veterans...
16-Apr-24 5:13pm
Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 1 Review Australia

So, it's like this... 2 EXCEEDINGLY annoying individuals have been giving me untold amounts of grief and I was SORELY tempted to make an urgent police complain to arrest them...But first, I wanted some proposals from everybody.

1. This asshat from PNG has CONSTANTLY been irritating me...he's a fellow YWAM guy but moved to Brisbane. During the time he was in Townsville with me, he is ALWAYS asking me to bring him out to eat, and we work in the same ministry and he is ALWAYS trying to get close to me. Each time we pass he says 'hi (my name)', which is something that NOBODY ELSE WOULD DO TO ME, when he comes into my room, he looks around and goes 'can i have this and can i have that?' In fact, I received FOUR MISSED CALL from him all in the span of TEN MINUTES, which caused me to ban his phone number. He's also blocked on social media. I threatened him that I'd alert the cops in the past, but have not done so...
16-Apr-24 5:23pm
Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 1 Review Australia

The second douchebag...this is an interesting case.

Now, the context is that each Sunday, there is a farmer's market where people sell fruits and veggies, and all sorts of merchandise. Some folks will turn up playing music. There's also a booth that's in the center of the place, with mikes and amps. I happen to be one of those musicians, trying to fundraise. (As you may already know, YWAM personnel are all self-funded, don't receive a salary whatsoever, and therefore we need to rely on friends and others for monetary support...thus my busking endeavours)

The farmers market has an organising team that sets the rules (i assume), but the event is actually arranged by the Townsville city council and I sent an email to TCC requesting some help. Here is the message.

I sent this:

"This is an urgent complain regarding an extremely inconsiderate vendor encountered at Cotters market, Flinders Street. This event runs most Sundays from approximately 9 am to 1 pm, near Townsville city. The vendor was set up between the Cowboys club to the left and the Woolworth arcade to the right.

The nature of the complaint is this: it happened at about 11.20 am or so. I was trying to fundraise by busking on the 3rd March, 2024. The vendor, who was an elderly man perhaps 60 years or so, had his shop set up next to somebody selling wooden items that amplify music. I was playing music near his stand. He came to me and demanded that I move on, citing that there was a 'one hour limit' when there was CLEARLY NO EVIDENCE OF THIS WHATSOEVER. Not wanting an argument to develop, I had a short talk with him and packed my things to go elsewhere.

On 4th of March, I sent an email to the Cotters market organisers asking about a written law of time limits, and the response I had was that vendors may sometimes complain, but there was no mention whatsoever about a one hour time limit being in the rules. However, the email also suggested that I move away after 1 hour.

About a week later, or perhaps 2 weeks later, the time was about 11.30 am, I was at the same spot attempting to raise funds when the same perpetrator stormed to me, cursing and demanded that once again I move away, ranting about yet another '1 hour limit'. There was a passerby who said that he was exceedingly rude. At this point I had had enough. I called him 'racist' and threatened to alert the cops. He tried to intervene and ended up going to the Cotters market organisers with one of the members of police while a second cop asked me to stay away. I only have a vague memory about this and do not have any knowledge of what he told the authorities, or to the market organisers, but the cop who accompanied him asked me to go elsewhere and continue my music. He added that if the vendor ever bothered me again then I could escalate this to police. The cop who I spoke to was dark-skinned, but I do not recall what the second police officer looked like.

I would like to ask some things.

Firstly, is there a written contract to explicitly specify a time limit on musicians, or for anybody else for that matter? Because if this certainly exists, then ALL THE VENDORS should be moving on after 1 hour. If this does indeed exist, could I please read through the whole document?

Secondly, is there any way to prevent vendors from complaining, or perhaps to remove troublesome merchants?

I would like to seek a satisfactory resolution to this matter for parties involved, but I would also like justice to be served

Should you be unable to assist me, please let me know who exactly can help.

Your help is much appreciated.

The best way to contact me is with email.
Thank you."

They replied this

Good Afternoon

Thank you for your email to Council regarding the Cotters Market and busking – I am sorry to hear about the incident that occurred on the weekend

While the Cotters Market is not a Council-run event, to busk you must have a Council issued permit. There are conditions that apply to this permit and the main ones are as follows:

A person or group wishing to carry out busking in compliance with the conditions stated on the permit, must print a copy of the permit and have it in their possession while busking. The printed permit does not have to be on public display but must be produced on request to any authorized person of council.
The permit is not valid unless the names of all persons carrying out the busking activity and the date of printing the permit have been written on the permit. Busking can be carried out on the date of printing of the permit or any later day until the permit is withdrawn.
Busking must not be carried out on:
Flinders Street between Denham and King Street at any time between 3am and 8am; or
On any other council-controlled road between 10pm and 8am.
The person/s carrying out busking activities must ensure that the busking activities do not cause damage to any council property.
The person/s carrying out busking activities must ensure that the busking activities do not unreasonably interfere with residential amenity or the interests of commercial operators in the vicinity of the busking activity

I can see no mention of a 1hr time limit, but there may be different rules applied by the organisers of the market.

I hope this information has been of use and I believe that the best people to be in touch with would be the organisers as this seems to be a matter between the merchants and yourself

I sent this:

Hi Michelle,

Thank you for your understanding and response.

Are you saying that the City council would not intervene in this issue?

No further response from them

I guess my question is, would it be best to arrest the merchant or at least have the cops ban him?

I should add that if this damned 'time limit' is indeed in effect, then EVERYBODY must move around to abide by it. Even if you're a musician with the full equipment set...

16-Apr-24 5:27pm
Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 1 Review Australia

Feel free to contact me on messenger if you don;t really understand, I know that my stories can get rather generic and not specific enough!
20-Apr-24 9:51pm
Double Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Croatia

I wouldn’t exactly say there’s a lack of specifics there lol
22-Apr-24 7:01pm
700 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

As far as the first complaint I would ease up on that person. He is just trying to be social with you. Do you believe he has bad intentions whenever he asks you for something? Sounds more like he is looking for a friend to talk to. If you really don't want him talking to you or being around you just have a discussion with he and keep reminding him to not talk to you. As far as the second complaint the email does state you need a permit. Those vendors are paying for the space they have. You are not. You are fundraising. As the email from the council stated contact the organizers of the event and ask them what the policies are. The vendor might just be saying there is a 1 hour time limit as a way as a friendly gesture you can be around for 1 hour but after that you need to leave.
25-Apr-24 9:43pm
Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 1 Review Australia

Thank you for the suggestions :)
26-Apr-24 9:46pm
1000 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

What's even going on here?

Need some suggestions from you veterans...