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The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
27-Dec-22 7:17pm
Double Gold Good Trader

This topic had many older posts which were moved here:

Currently has a May 12 2023 release date. That's just over 4 months away. That's not so far, but there isn't that much known about it.

Here's a video that has the reveal trailer and other info that has so far been released.

Is it unusual for such an anticipated title that's only several months away to not have much known about it?

I don't usually follow games along their pre-release stages, so perhaps a lack of info is standard.

Personally, I'd rather a lack of info when it comes to games that I plan on playing. I don't care for spoilers, or to watch every trailer that comes out.

I'd have thought there'd be more out about it though. But again, I don't usually follow along with the progress of game development.

Definitely a game I'm looking forward to though.
21-May-23 1:23pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader

Oh ran into some hot garbage. Was taking on a village of black enemies. Took out half of them, and got 1 shot killed by a black moblin. They restart me outside the challenge, reset all the enemies and enemy health, and didn't give me anything back I lost during the fight. That was 30 minutes completely wasted.

Edit: During the fight I did manage to hit a rock that a moblin threw at me in the air a couple body lengths away. The arrow seemed to pierce the rock and both dropped to the ground.
21-May-23 2:21pm
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews

save before engaging!
21-May-23 2:32pm
250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader This user is on the site NOW (8 minutes ago)

So how bad is the performance, really? I'm powering through BotW now.... with the help of some glitches to max out health/stamina.
21-May-23 3:03pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

@KCPenguins was it the pirates quest? I got nearly done with that one before getting one shot killed, and then all the enemies were back the next try. I did get all my crap returned to me like usual though. Wasn’t an issue the second time around, knowing what to expect.

@Kommie it can honestly get pretty rough, especially when using the Ultrahand ability, but it’s nowhere near game breaking. Besides a few stutters in those situations, it runs more or less the exact same as BOTW.
21-May-23 3:12pm
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews

Feels pretty much the same as BotW, actually quite a bit sharper imo in general. BotW feels oddly blurry going back to it
21-May-23 3:55pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader

theJaw wrote:
@KCPenguins was it the pirates quest? I got nearly done with that one before getting one shot killed, and then all the enemies were back the next try. I did get all my crap returned to me like usual though. Wasn’t an issue the second time around, knowing what to expect.

No, I think I'm there now. On Eventide? I was doing the 'save our town' mission west of Eventide.

On the flip side, really enjoying the memories this go round. Bringing back Ganondorf was so necessary. A couple of really good clips. Memory from that area (definite spoiler of the memory, don't click If you haven't seen it, tears of the dragon #7).

He fudgein smoked Sonia. That was a fun memory with the Zelda imposter playing decoy.

21-May-23 5:11pm
Double Gold Good Trader

Groo wrote:
@nonamesleft thought of you while reading Nintendo tips, you mentioned not getting on a boat you built quickly enough and it sailed away. (maybe plane I forget) anyway use recall. I have been quick to use ultrahand but forget to use recall in such situations. also can use recall while on said device unlike ultrahand, didnt mean to make the glider go right use recall set a new coarse Thanks for the tip. Should be useful. Yeah, it was a boat that sailed away too quickly. I didn't yet have recall at the time. Just got it actually.
21-May-23 6:42pm
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Has Written 4 Reviews

Just built my first vehicle with a control stick and a power supply, and yeah, this could be a lot of fun.

21-May-23 7:30pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader

Renaissance2K wrote:
Just built my first vehicle with a control stick and a power supply, and yeah, this could be a lot of fun.

I was on the foothills of death mountain. A korok needed a ride, they provided me a board, control stick and 4 self drive wheels. 20 minutes later korok was delivered, and 90% of 2 enemy troup/camps were run over.

Done exploring for the time being, next stop Wind Temple! Hope I don't get wrecked.

Edit: Visited Hestu right before. Super stoked the upgrade cost is unique to item this go round.
21-May-23 10:00pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

Just finished the Tears of the Dragon quest. Great stuff. Above average storytelling for a Zelda game for sure. The ending “twist” (if you can call it that) was badass.
21-May-23 10:41pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader

Finished the first "dungeon"... not much different than the divine beasts from BotW aside from the boss fight imo. Boss fight more traditional and easier. I'm not sure if I got the heart container. They abruptly switched to the cut scene with no fanfare. I don't recall if I was at 8 or 9 hearts. Oh bother.
22-May-23 7:13am
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

That's weird. I've done 2 temples so far and the heart container drops down after the boss battle. You grab it first, and then approach whoever your companion for the temple was and that triggers the cut scene. Weird that yours jumped to the cut scene immediately.
22-May-23 8:05am
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader

theJaw wrote:
That's weird. I've done 2 temples so far and the heart container drops down after the boss battle. You grab it first, and then approach whoever your companion for the temple was and that triggers the cut scene. Weird that yours jumped to the cut scene immediately.

I remember there was one other Zelda game where I accidentally picked up the other piece rather than the heart container. Had to go back through the dungeon to get the heart container. :(
22-May-23 9:13pm
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader

Really impressed with the death machines created. We are a disturbed society ready for the apocalypse...

If we have any real life hands on skills

23-May-23 8:06am
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

The Fire Temple is super, super annoying. Easily my least favorite part of this game so far. Just a really confusing layout with no obvious directions to go, and then some things you need to do to reach certain spots is frustrating as hell. I fell back to the first floor like 5 times to the point that I just put the Switch down and called it a night. That and I've been doing the whole thing with 3 hearts because of the Gloom on the way to the Temple. That's another part of the game I find needlessly frustrating - Gloom. It seems like a cop out to make an area harder than it should be as opposed to just throwing in some more enemies or obstacles.

Still loving the game overall but I'll be happy once I finish the Fire Temple for sure, and hopefully never need to revisit it.
23-May-23 9:36am
600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews

You can make gloom resistance potions (you can sell poes for an ingredient that makes the potion) and some recipes heal gloom (use sundelions). Try Fried Wild Greens. I think I was given that recipe by an NPC as part of a quest early on. It's real simple. Mix sundelions with Hyrule Herbs (I think off the top of my head).

Or, to start the temple, just unlock the fast travel at the beginning and then travel to a light area on the surface or at one of the beacons in the depths to heal gloom damage. Then you can fast travel back to the temple.
23-May-23 10:03am
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews

I hate to say it, but I'm already enjoying this game a little less. Don't get me wrong, I'm still enjoying it a lot, but I feel like the "honeymoon phase" is over already, whereas with Breath of the Wild, I was at least 100 hours in before the magic started to wear off for me. I feel like if I was more into the building aspect, the game would be staying fresh for me longer. I enjoy it for puzzle solving, like in shrines, or holding those Hudson signs up, or when you have to build something to get the green gem thing to it's destination to unlock a shrine. But I still have no interest in it outside of those sorts of things. My son loves it though, and I enjoy seeing all of the things the builds and just watching as he gets better and better at it. be fair, I've mostly just been exploring the overworld the last several times I've played, with the occasional sky island. I think it's time to speed up my exploration a bit and get to the first dungeon, and also start exploring the depths. There's still a lot of life left in this game for me. I just can't move through the overworld as slowly as I did in Breath of the Wild.
23-May-23 10:10am
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

@Scott Yah I mean after that first release weekend, I was sort of feeling the same way. Like "okay the new stuff is neat but I played BOTW so much that this just seems like an extension". But once I really started delving into the story and the temples, it hooked me right back. The "Impa and the Geoglyphs" quest 100% rejuvenated my drive to play the game, it adds some major intrigue to the story and that was something sorely missing in BOTW. I'm actually looking forward to how the story is gonna pan out (knowing full well it'll likely just end the same way any Zelda game ends).

@bonham2 Thanks for the gloom prevention techniques. I know I had made something that healed the broken hearts in the past but have no idea what I used to make it. And yah, I figured I could just fast travel back and forth, I was just in the groove last night and didn't feel like having to leave the temple to go craft anything. Little bit of laziness admittedly but a part of me does miss just finding hearts after killing enemies or smashing pots like the OG Zelda games. I feel like it just flows much smoother that way, as opposed to needing to leave what you're doing to heal up depending on the situation. But whatev, that's just not how this game works.
23-May-23 10:16am
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

Honestly- after reading this discussion since launch I have no desire to play this. I played about 1 hr with my daughter and she’s enjoying it- but it sounds like tedium that I wouldn’t enjoy. I’m kidding myself that I won’t eventually slog through it- it’s “Zelda” (another topic for another day…) and I’ve never left one on the shelf.
23-May-23 10:25am
GameTZ Subscriber Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Has Written 2 Reviews

@theJaw Yeah, I'm excited to get to some dungeons and more of the main quests!

@Feeb Did you play BotW, and if so, how much?
23-May-23 10:28am
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

@Feeb I feel like folks could always just play it for the story like any other Zelda game. If you stick to just the Main Quests, it’d probably be fine if you’re a Zelda fan. I mean, it’d still be a lot of exploring and whatnot, but I feel like you could ignore the side stuff for the most part.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom