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Covid. Again again.
12-Oct-23 6:59pm
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

Just got back from Disney. Feeling like garbage for past 3 days. Mom calls and everyone tested positive so I tested. Yep. Again. Again. This one feels milder but dragging on. Watch yourselves out there.
12-Oct-23 7:34pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

Get well soon Feebski
12-Oct-23 7:41pm
950 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

Lots of people at work have been getting sick. Like dominos. It's the usual fall flu stuff but I guess our new reality now is fall flu + covid going around.
13-Oct-23 9:23am
600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Secret Santa

So I found out that as I'm nearing 40 I have late onset ashtma. Supposedly a side effect of having covid for some. (and it fudging sucks.) Basically feel like I've had a chest infection for 6 weeks and it's just my lungs are inflammed.

Feel better soon Feeb!

13-Oct-23 9:26am
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

sinnie wrote:
So I found out that as I'm nearing 40 I have late onset ashtma. Supposedly a side effect of having covid for some. (and it fudging sucks.) Basically feel like I've had a chest infection for 6 weeks and it's just my lungs are inflammed. Feel better soon Feeb!
Sorry to hear that happened to you. That’s my main concern. Family or friends get long Covid crap. I feel much better but that positive test requires me to stay home for 5 days. Part of me wanted to skip the test and grind on but that was a pretty crapty thought in retrospect- hope I didn’t already pass it around at the office.

13-Oct-23 9:49am
GameTZ Subscriber Gold Good Trader

My work has no Covid policy, and I'm good with that. If your sick with anything, stay home or stay away. I wash my hands much more frequently thanks to the Covid era among other mindful habits. Done with it.
13-Oct-23 4:37pm
600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Secret Santa

Feeb wrote:
sinnie wrote:> So I found out that as I'm nearing 40 I have late onset ashtma. Supposedly a side> effect of having covid for some. (and it fudging sucks.) Basically feel like I've> had a chest infection for 6 weeks and it's just my lungs are inflammed. > > Feel better soon Feeb! > > Sorry to hear that happened to you. That’s my main concern. Family or friends get long Covid crap. I feel much better but that positive test requires me to stay home for 5 days. Part of me wanted to skip the test and grind on but that was a pretty crapty thought in retrospect- hope I didn’t already pass it around at the office.
I feel at this point that is what the majority of people are doing anyway... they just don't care. I have felt the same way. If I get it, I honestly can't afford to take off work. It was in my thought process these past few weeks but I keep testing negative (thankfully) and am not contagious since what I'm doing with isn't an infection just brought on by one (or many, most recently strep.) But yeah if I get it, I will stay home if at all possible -- it'll just really hurt financially.

Glad you aren't feeling too bad!! Just get caught up on shows and gaming! Easier said than done I know... when I am stuck in bed I just can't find anything I want. It's so hard to think covid might have damaged my lungs because when I had it, I had no issues with breathing/cough/loss of taste or smell at all. I just felt tired and had a bit of a headache. Not even a fever. I guess you never know what something is really doing to your body no matter how simple it might be... wry smile

13-Oct-23 6:01pm
350 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

Feeb wrote:
Sorry to hear that happened to you. That’s my main concern. Family or friends get long Covid crap. I feel much better but that positive test requires me to stay home for 5 days. Part of me wanted to skip the test and grind on but that was a pretty crapty thought in retrospect- hope I didn’t already pass it around at the office.
You might not be contagious, but those five days are very important for your recovery. Judging from my personal experience and seeing what others have gone through, not giving yourself enough rest time after you're better will just make you feel worse for longer. Back when this started and I caught it before anyone knew wtf was going on, I spent a couple of extra weeks sick because I refused to stop moving. It sucked.
13-Oct-23 7:08pm
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

That’s another reason why I tested. Had been feeling really off for five days or so. Like a truck hit me. First few really cool nights usually light up my joints a little but this is extra. Covid has been off my mind for a while.
14-Oct-23 10:27am
Triple Gold Good Trader

I've never tested for it and never will. Pretty sure I've had it 5 times but didn't know the symptoms I had were out there. They focused on losing your sense of smell and mine is now intensely sensitive to all smells. Lost weight having it but it wasn't healthy weight loss. I found my sense of taste made me not want anything to eat. I had to start using barbeque sauce regularly just to get myself eating again. I just needed spices to get to eat and still find that I need that now. Found it very funny when i saw the doctor between 2020-2022 and until now that not once did they tell me these were symptoms of Covid. I've had a very complicated medical history (mostly because of doctors and surgeons technically just guess when they perforn surgery and never admit mistakes) so I'm skeptical of all doctors. No vaccine here but had I chosen the J&J Vaccine that could of killed me because of my pathetic heart health. Still my doctors have never had them once ask me for a vaccine or if I've had them. Only Wal-Mart does that and the techs there kinda tell you to run the other way but are told to ask anyway.

Don't trust them and ask questions and if you don't get a real answer DO NOT LET THEM INJECT YOU or PERFORM ANY SURGERY. I speak from very bad experiences (also do not have a political party preference) but I do not want others to go through what I've been through with the medical community. Mask up if it makes you feel more comfortable but use your brain and think before you do something you can't take back. Stay safe everyone as I wish this MADNESS would end.
14-Oct-23 10:47am
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

I figured I got this at Disney but it looks like I got it at work after. 3-4 people were under the weather and had tested positive 2 days before I got sick. This one looks like wildfire.
14-Oct-23 12:05pm
600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Secret Santa

I feel like it's everywhere again. We just started fall break for school so will probably have an outbreak when school resumes. I feel like work wise I know 2-3 people on quarantine at the moment. Lots of people with coughs complaining about the weather change, then 2 days later they're absent.

16-Oct-23 2:11pm
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review

Not doing it again. Just had a good friend who took the jab at the early onset of this due to being in school excellent health and started having heart problems and just passed away last August.

I'm hoping you both feel better and this isn't an attempt at getting anyone mad...but after the last 3 years feeling we were living in the Stanford Prison experiment: this kind of talk makes me feel like people are trying to mentally gear up to get back to treating people like garbage. I'm just politely adding: Not interested in playing, thank you.

Again, hope you both are well.
16-Oct-23 2:22pm
GameTZ Subscriber Triple Gold Good Trader

To be fair, there’s nothing in this thread suggesting people were “gearing up to get back treating people like garbage.” You placed that context there entirely on your own. It isn’t very polite to project ill intentions onto people solely because you don’t want to see a conversation. If you’re not “interested in playing,” nobody was forcing you to read or post in the thread.
16-Oct-23 2:22pm
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

Not sure where you live but we don’t get treated like garbage here. It’s pretty much been do your thing responsibly. Noone has ever made me get a vaccine, asked if I had it etc. I am highly educated in vaccines and I’d say if anyone is pushing this as mandatory they don’t understand how it works or what it is. I also know that vaccines have risks but if you’re looking for something to blame for deaths choose the McDonald’s and Starbucks every time.
16-Oct-23 7:41pm
400 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Has Written 1 Review

My was VERY bad around here (central Ohio).

I am not anti vax, but there wasn't a month that went by from late 2020 to late 2021 that if you decided you DIDN'T want the vaccine: you were completely treated like you were horrible, uneducated, a murderer, etc. I believe it should be your choice ALWAYS to inject something into your body. I'm still very sensitive about it because it feels like there is some renewed fervor to get back to demonizing people for their own choices. Jaw & Feeb: you are completely right that wasn't even an inkling here and I sincerely apologize.
16-Oct-23 8:19pm
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

I’d agree people should be able to choose. I’d also say politics needs to stay out of science and health care altogether. It makes no sense that just because someone wins a popularity contest they are qualified to make these decisions.
17-Oct-23 7:02am
600 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally Secret Santa

Feeb wrote:
I’d agree people should be able to choose. I’d also say politics needs to stay out of science and health care altogether. It makes no sense that just because someone wins a popularity contest they are qualified to make these decisions.
Agreed. Sort of like in olden times when doctors recommended washing hands before treating patients to prevent germs and they were called out as being ridiculous because clearly you were dealing with evil spirits and curses instead.... There will always be disagreements but the science is pretty solid.

20-Oct-23 8:24am
GameTZ Gold Subscriber GameTZ Full Moderator 450 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader Gold Global Trader (13)

I guess I tend to be "bothered" by -- or maybe "frustrated" by is better -- the people who go "I'm not anti-vax", but then call it "the jab" and give an anecdote about how someone got "the jab" and then died of a heart issue soon after...

In general, that's what the "anti-vax" people talk about.

I mean, I can easily list off situations where someone ate a ham sandwich and then died of a heart attack a little while later. But I don't call ham sandwiches "the death meal" or anything. And I can list off several people who I know who didn't get "the jab" and were hospitalized with Covid -- and even two who died. Had they not avoided "the jab" because of anecdotal stories about a person here or there who happened to pass away after they were vaccinated -- they might be alive today.

If someone says "I'm not anti-vax, but decided to not get vaccinated myself. But to each their own." and leaves it at that, then fine. But that isn't usually what happens. Instead it is more like "I'm not anti-vax, but a healthy friend of mine once got THE JAB and now he's dead, so..."

So, yeah, it is a bit frustrating to me to hear from people who want to talk about "choice" but instead seem pretty clearly "against." frown
20-Oct-23 8:33am
GameTZ Subscriber Quadruple Gold Good Trader Global Trader - willing to trade internationally

This virus is and will likely be similar to seasonal flu. If the predominant strain is a high morbidity low mortality situation and a vaccine only provides non sterile immunity (you will get sick only not as severe) - then the vaccine should only be recommended to at risk populations. If the situation is a novel virus with high morbidity and mortality as in the initial Covid pandemic- everyone reachable should receive a vaccine.

This decision should be made with / on the advice of your doctor. Your doctor will tell you to limit or eliminate ham sandwiches.
20-Oct-23 8:53am
GameTZ Subscriber 250 Trade Quintuple Gold Good Trader

A Ham Sandwich has been tested for centuries. Pretty good chance going into a Ham Sandwich that it’s not going to cause or exacerbate myocarditis or similar.

Covid. Again again.