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Username: mdauphin

Status: active
Created: October 9, 2004 at 2:04pm (EDT)

I keep receiving notices that I have a trade pended with a Bad Trader, and this trader is you.

I must admit: I can't help but agree with the other traders.

I used all the patience I had. I sent the 6 games I promised in a box, 4 months ago. I have yet to see the 5 games YOU promised, since they were still listed on your page 2 weeks ago (!!!), before you deleted your listings.

You told me your own package was returned to you since some items were "for US sale only" and blocked by the customs. I often buy from US online stores and receive these kind of games. And out of my 280+ trades, it simply never happened. Plus, note that we're not selling/buying, we're TRADING.

Then you told me you'd figure a way to get them to me somehow. I have yet to see this.

Then, one month later, after 2 unanswered e-mails, I re-contacted you, and then you did not even remember me, confusing me with someone else. Maureen, the "pending trade" section is supposed to be there for something...

I gave you a 2 week ultimatum, and I demanded dayly updates last week. I never heard from you ever since.

Many of the messages I sent were left unanswered. Too many. Why have you never posted any messages in our trade report, why have you not reported the reception of my part of the trade?

I consider myself an experienced, tolerant and patient GTZ user, and to tell the truth, I have never seen anything as bad as this, since there are so many traders in my position.

Like everyone else, I'm willing to remove this report should the games you owe me arrive here.

To think you were supposed to send first, and to think I finally sent first thinking you were trustworthy...

14/10/2004 NOTE:

I discovered something interesting tonight. You traded away my Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King even if I still don't have the games you owe me, speaking of wich.... you also traded 2 Elder's Scrolls Legend: Battlespire, while I still wait for the one you owe me... I hope you have the habit of keeping at least 3 original copies of the very same game, for you'll have a really hard time completing our trade...


16songs sent, on June 14, 2004:
The Lord of The Rings: The Return of The King - Grant, Lee, Sherman: Civil War 2 - Imperialism - Zeus: Master of Olympus - Jane's 688 (I) Hunter/Killer - King's Quest 5: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder

Mdauphin never sent:
Gorasul - Magic & Mayhem - Isle of the Dead - The Elder's Scrolls: Battlespire - Dragon Lore
Reported By: 16songs

Username: mdauphin

Status: active
Created: October 9, 2004 at 12:08pm (EDT)
We started this trade awhile back. It was for a friend, and they said they would do the trade if he agreed to send first since he wasnt on the site. So my friend sends and they receive and we wait for his package to come. After 3 weeks i sent an email and they explained that they had sent it out. After a month and a half i sent an email and they asked what the trade was for. I told them and she said that maybe her soon had done the trade. So she checked with him and he told her he sent it, so she told us to check the post office. My friend went and they said they had nothing for him. Its been two months, im going to need the game back or the games you promised me. Hate that it comes to this
Reported By: beavis