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Username: tony243win

Status: active
Created: March 1, 2000 at 9:27pm (EDT)
Well, he emailed me saying that he would trade me QUAKE3 UNREAL TOURNEMENT, AND ROGUE SPEAR for my 3dfx card. After awhile he suddenly stopped emailing me. Then about 2 weeks later he asks if the trade was still up, I told him yes. So then we said we would send the stuff. I sent my 3dfx card, its been like 1 months now and nothing. I email him threatening to report him for mail fraud he said he would trade me UNREAL TOURNEMNT, ROGUE SPEAR, DELTA FORCE 2, AND SPEC OPS, he lost QUAKE 3 or somethin. I waited about another 2 weeks, still nothing, I email him with more and more aggresive messages, NO REPSONCE, I dont like this guy. I'm gonna report him for mail fraud!!! DONT EVEN TALK TO THIS GUY, DONT WASTE YOUR PRECIOUS TIME!
Reported By: stukov