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Username: 123456

Status: active
Created: March 24, 2002 at 4:41pm (EDT)
Because back in Dec of 2001 he asked me to buy him some earrings for a girl off of Ebay, and he said he didnt want to make an ebay account, which i thot was weird since it takes 2 minutes. anyways, i bot it for him, i got the earrings from the guy on ebay, and sent them out to hes said 3 or 4 times he's sent my money, then said either hes got it back and will resend or he doesnt reply at all. He wont reply now, and i regret having bot them for him. This BTR will be removed if the money is recieved, also, the pending trade is new because the system "Auto-Deleted" our trade after 90- days, he didnt complete his end even tho he told me he got it. He also asked me early on if i wanted to complete early for the ratings..which im glad i said no. I hate getting ripped off poker face

Reported By: EnforcerICE