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Username: Syfer00

Status: active
Created: June 9, 2011 at 2:36pm (EDT)
I bought into a gameshare on Brandon's PSN account for $30 with the terms that I would have access to everything on it and everything he'd buy in the future on January 6, 2011. After the PSN outage he had to change his password, like every PSN user. I could not contact him on here since he hasn't been on since April 2011. I finally messaged him on PSN and he promptly blocked me. It's obvious he has no interest in offering me the new password, something that would cost him no time, effort, or money. It looks like he's picked up another BTR from a loan on here as well. I'll remove this BTR if he takes the 2 seconds to send me the new password on here or PSN OR if he gives me back the initial $30 via paypal.
Reported By: Ronin

Username: Syfer00

Status: active
Created: May 21, 2011 at 1:19pm (EDT)
Hasn't been on since April 13th. Loaned him 100$ a long time ago and he hasn't responded to any forms of contact.

Would drop this if I got this 100$ back not including the interest we talked about as I don't want this on my account :(

Since have received "FUDGE OFF whiny dog. You people bad mouthing after I could finally get back on the site have cost you. EAT A COCK"

I will not take this down until I receive the fully discussed payment of 120$ and an apology.

Response - All I did was file a BTR and post my speculations on a situation in which multiple people were having issues with you as a trader. You directly ignored what Ronin described as a friendly message and blocked him on PSN. If you are willing to work this out I can be calm and will be reasonable, but in no way am I going to let this seem like it was my fault at any point. I have been more than understanding on a loan that is well overdue. I think that anyone who has had a loan with me in the past will say that I am more than reasonable when it comes to giving extra time and being understanding of extenuating circumstances. They have all maintained contact with me, however.
Reported By: tc
Response from Accused "Bad Trader": (19-Jun-2011)
You had my number man I wish you would of called instead of doing this crap then you would of known what was up. You didnt and instead went whiny dog all over the forums so......................

Well I come on here finally after getting my PC back up and running and I see this crap. WOW let me say thanks to this I ont be doing a damn thing to fullfill my end of anything. I have the money to pay back the loans. I never did take any POP gameshare other than the slot I bought. And yes I had to change my password to my PSN account but couldnt get on GAMETZ to send it out. So good job on fudging yourselves. Also I have never lived out of the State of Oregon Bill. And Yes I did have a gun mishap where a missfire went off after I had pulled the trigger and went to take it out of the bolt and it went off in to my foot. So dog whine and moan but know you dumb fudges doing this cost you not me. Eat a Dick and have a great day. No wonder so many people have left this crapty site. Actually nah I will be giving BoB a call and giving him the password to my PSN account the rest of you can just sit her and ramble off ore bullcrap while sucking eachother off thinking you are cool.