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Username: BentSmooth

Status: active
Created: September 17, 2001 at 1:32am (EDT)
Alright folks, BTR time:

Back on June 21st BentSmooth, and I agreed on a trade that was to go down a little something like this: I was to give him Bust-A-Move 4 (DC), Charge'N Blast (DC), and Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram (DC) for his Crazy Taxi (DC), and Skies Of Arcadia (DC). I had less trades then, much like I do now, but he said he didn't mind if we sent same time. Over the next few days, I packaged up the games, and mailed off the goods to his house, while I sat at home foolishly expecting my items to arrive.

About a month later I send an e-mail in his direction asking about the status of our trade. He informs me that he got his games awhile back, but due to a family emergency he hasn't been able to send my games out yet, he then went on to say he'd do it ASAP.

Well, that was almost 2 months ago, and I've still yet to receive, or even hear anything from "Rip-off" Reynolds. I sent him an email a few days back, but got no response, then I noticed he already had a lovely pair of BTR's on him. Excellent. wry smile

I'll remove this BTR as soon as I get the games I sent him back, or I get what's owed to me. As for BentSmooth, if I ever run into him I'll be happy to take back what's mine, then slap his mother.

Good day!
Reported By: Ash

Username: BentSmooth

Status: active
Created: September 16, 2001 at 11:29pm (EDT)
Mike delayed a total of about 2 1/2 months to return my stuff which in turn screwed me out of a DVD player.
He says it was a crisis, but then still delayed after the crisis was over.


If you want more detail, contact me.
Reported By: GreatOne

Username: BentSmooth

Status: active
Created: September 15, 2001 at 1:50pm (EDT)
I REALLY dont wanna do this. We had a great first trade, but this not so great. Not really mood in writing a btr anyway cause its my bday, but I think I feel its time to post a btr. A long time ago in chat(it was like in July), him and I made a deal to trade my Top Gear GT Import(GBA) for his Iridion 3d (GBA). We decided to hold the deal till he got back from his vacation so we did. When he got back, we pended the trade on August 27 and I sent Top Gear like a day or so after he sent me his address. That was the last I've heard from him. The last email was him giving me his address and saying Thanks for the trade. I kept emailing him and he's ingored all of them...frown Its been almost 3 weeks and I still have not received my game or heard from him. This BTR will go down once I receive my games...I dont really mind late packages that much as long as you keep in contact with me(that way I know whats happening). But you've been ingoring my emails so I dont know whats going on and I havent gotten anything from you yet. Again, Im very sorry for posting this BTR...

EDIT2: wry smile I see there's a total of 3 btrs on you now... wry smile
EDIT3: Ack...can you at least respond to one of my emails!?!!! angry angry
EDIT4: HELLO!? RESPOND TO MY EMAILS! angry if I dont receive Iridion soon, I will file fraud charges at and @ poker face
Reported By: CoolPorygon