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Username: KydGuitar

Status: active
Created: April 19, 2001 at 4:34am (EDT)
we agreed to make a trade. i was to send him my dreamcast & controller & 4 games, a playstation 1 with 2 controllers with 4 games. And he was supposed to send me a playstation 2 with 2 controllers. i mailed mine march 27. he admitted getting mine. He told me three times he sent mine. Do not trust this guy, i still don't have my playstation 2, while he is enjoying my dreamcast & playstation with all the games i sent him. I have saved conversations with bud hoover if anyone would like to see it.
Reported By: MetallicaGuy

Username: KydGuitar

Status: active
Created: July 9, 2000 at 11:11am (EDT)
Okay, I have already reported this guy twice for being a bad trader, both times I took it down, after he came and told me he didn't get my game. But now, I have decided to put it back up, and this time I will not take it down. Okay, many months ago we agreed to trade his Quake 1 for my Mayhem GOLD. 2 weeks go by, and nothing, but then, Buddy Hoover gets restricted from gametz, and he goes and makes a whole bunch of fake accounts. But, I never get my game. So, I put up a bad trader report, and he comes, tells me he never got my game, so I took it off. But then, a while later, I decide he has ripped me off, and I put it back up. So again, he comes and tells me he never got my game, so I bring it back down. But this time, I contacted some of the people he has traded with (and ripped off). These people tell me he has a big history of lying and saying he never got there game, in addition to ripping the off. So this is why I am putting this back up. Who am I supposed to trust, this liar, theif, and bad trader, or the people he has ripped off? The fact is, I cannot trust you, Buddy Hoover, and I'm not taking your crap anymore. You are a liar, YOU HAVE MY GAME, and you are probaby playing it as we speak. Oh, and another thing, which is what caused me to caontact these people, is that, whenever he comes to contact me to tell me he never got my game, that all he does. As soon as I erase the bad trader report, he completely shuts up, and ignores everything else I say, and then just logs off. Its as if all he wants me to do is get rid of the bad trader report, and then he can continue to play his crap on me. Well guess what Buddy Hoover, this bad trader report is up and it's not coming down until I get my game!!
Reported By: GodofDestruction

Username: KydGuitar

Status: active
Created: June 27, 2000 at 11:44am (EDT)
set up a bunch of trades with lots of people then wanted to send same time, so he had told me i had sent i sent to and he recieved, i didn't then he told me he kept it for fianls. i never recived any thing from this guy a big loser and waist of time very annoyng. still is on aim with tht kydguitar name
Reported By: tyler

Username: KydGuitar

Status: active
Created: May 29, 2000 at 8:28am (EDT)
I sent him my game. My confirmation # from the P.O. said it was delivered. He said he never got it and never sent his game. He has been reported as bad trader before, and I feel he ripped me off too.
Reported By: Scorpion7

Username: KydGuitar

Status: active
Created: May 15, 2000 at 10:37pm (EDT)
Being a new trader, I sent my package first, priority mail with a tracking number and confirmed his receipt of it on May 12. He let me know that everything had gotten there ok, he tried it all out, it all worked fine, and he said he would send my stuff the next day. The next day he said he couldn't send it because he was at the mall all day, and he didn't know when he'd be able to get a ride to the post office. Two days later, he informs me that one of the disks no longer works. Worked fine for me for a year and a half, and he claims I "rigged" it to stop working three days after I sent it. After trying to explain the absurdity of this claim, I gave up and finally said that if he would return either his end of the trade or my stuff back to me INCLUDING THE DISK THAT BROKE IN HIS POSSESSION I would just forget about the whole thing. As I understand it, a trade does not involve one party getting the stuff and playing with it until he tires of it or it breaks, then deciding he doesn't want it anymore. Oh, yeah, I almost forgot about how deceptive he's been throughout our dealings, gave me a fake phone #, lied about the disk not working the whole time (he had been using it for 2 days and forgot that he had told me that already before he claimed that it never worked good thing I had it in my ICQ history), and lied about when he would send his part. I would avoid this trader for the time being and I will remove this report when he has completed his end of the deal.
Reported By: jjdyn0mite

Username: KydGuitar

Status: active
Created: April 11, 2000 at 11:33pm (EDT)
I traded with Buddy months ago. The deal was my portable cd player, car kit, Command & Conquer/Covert Ops, SWAT 2, Spec Ops and a laser pen for his portable cd player(10sec anti skip), car kit, Starcraft and Korn: Life is Peachy. He tried multiple times to get me to send my stuff first, but then he finally agreed to send at the same time. He confirmed that he received my package about 2 weeks later, and funny enough, he also said his package came back the same day because of incorrect packaging. I had never heard of that before, and had a feeling he was just wanting to send first, and he said he resent the same day, so I told him fine. I received his package 3-4 weeks later, and even though I was angry, I was relieved to have a cd player to listen to, instead of just tapes in my truck. I happened to be with my mom, 2 of her friends and 1 of my friends. I opened the package right there to test the cd player, and then found out all that happened was the cd spun, then stopped and displayed ERR on the screen, not to mention the car kit was in bad shape and there were no jewel cases with the cds. I emailed him immediatly, and all he said was it must have got broke in the mail. I knew this wasn't true because it was packaged well, in a box surrounded by styrofoam and bubblewrap. When I told Buddy I was going to press charges, he said he will send mine back for his. I said fine, even though I gave extra for his, just because I wanted a cd player. I sent his back, and he hasn't sent mine back. He recently told me to "bring it on". I am currently filing mail fraud, and unless Buddy gets my package to me, in the same condition, I will go through with it. If anyone would like to see emails of Buddy threatening to break my cd player and trying to get me to take his apart, just ask, thanks.
Reported By: claylesmeister